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.I will be thinking of you as well.Zamar s head bent and his mouth closed over hers.His lips were so familiar to hernow, as was his touch.His hands slid down the small of her back and into thewaistband of her shorts.Raw need pulsed through her, throbbing in her breasts and clit.Trembling, she loosened her arms from around his neck and trailed her fingers over hissmooth chest.She knew his body, every ridge and contour, and traced them with herfingertips.His nipples were hard points, and her lips surrounded one as she tugged theends of his shirt free. Make love to me, Zamar, she murmured against his skin. It might be our lastchance. I do not think it will be our last chance, my One, he said.His hands moved to thefront of her shorts and fumbled with the button. But I have hungered for you for fartoo long to deny either of us.Lia helped him with the unfastening of their clothing.When they d undressed, theyused the clothes and backpacks together for a makeshift pallet on the flat surface of therock. Do you remember, Lia began as she lay back and Zamar molded his body to hers, our last time together and you told me about a place across the ocean where my fatherwould never find us? Yes. Zamar s warm breath fanned across her skin.He held one of her breasts andraked his tongue over the peak.57 Lani Aames You were right.I live there now.How did you know?He kissed her nipple tenderly. I had seen it in my dreams.I prayed to Seniha toshow me a safe place for us.The goddess took me across the vast ocean, to a new land.She promised we would live there in peace together.Hope sprang alive within Lia. When Mahkul discovered us, executed you, and cursed me, I thought Seniha hadforsaken us.I now realize she did not say when we would be there, only that we would.I beg her forgiveness for doubting her.A shadow crossed over Lia s hope and she frowned. Then it might not happenright now. No.But it will happen. Zamar s strong hands roamed her body, creating awarmth that staved off the chill of the night air. Seniha s promise tells us you will besuccessful even if we find Mahkul s curse is not lifted when the day dawns.Have faith,my One.Lia wanted to scream and cry and beat her fists against the rock, but she knew itwouldn t help.Instead, she slipped her hands between them and found his cock, asstone-hard as when she d first touched him as a statue, but much hotter and morepliable.She moved her hands up and down. I ll try, Beloved, she whispered, accepting his kiss.Zamar pushed open her legs and moved between them.He lifted her thigh, settlinginto place, and she wrapped her legs around his hips.She released his cock and it sankinto her wetness where she wanted it to go.She sighed into his ear as he gathered herinto his arms. I told you then that you are my world, he breathed while he slowly thrust intoher. You are my past and my present and now my future.You are everything and allthings to me and always will be.Forever, my One.58 Statuesque Forever, Beloved, she cried out, back arching, as she burst into a millionfragments, her fingers digging into the muscles of his arms.When her shattered self hadrejoined, she opened her eyes and looked up at him.He strained into her and shesqueezed around him.He came, a look of pleasure and pain on his handsome face, thenhe tossed back his head and groaned with his release.He held her for a while, until they noticed the lightening of the sky to the east.Onlythen did he withdraw from her and help her to her feet.She shouldn t be locked in hisembrace if he was still cursed and did turn into a statue.Lia shook, from exhaustion,satiation, and fear.She glanced at Zamar. I don t feel the change coming, he said in answer to her unvoiced question.She dressed to keep herself busy, to keep from howling in frustration.Then shewatched him, magnificently naked, his unaroused cock still impressively long, as hestood defiantly facing the east.The sky turned light blue then pink and gold then fieryorange as the sun climbed from the desert.Zamar shook his head. I do not know exactly when the change occurs.It may bewhen the sun has fully risen.They waited, saying nothing.They had said all there was to say.If he did turn tostone, it would be up to her.According to Zamar s dream of Seniha s promise, shewould eventually succeed in freeing Zamar from Mahkul s curse.But how many morelifetimes would it take?The sun was so bright she couldn t look at it directly, but by the amount of light, Liacould only think it must be up completely. Is it over yet? Lia asked softly.He looked at her, his green eyes wide, a smile on his lips. It must be.I feel nodifferent.Only happier than I have in a long time.Zamar swung her up into his arms.59 Lani Aames I am free, my One, free of Mahkul s vengeance. He laughed, tilting his head backto look at the sky. We both are, Lia said, tears of happiness blurring her vision.She caught his chin,bringing his mouth to hers, and kissed him soundly. Everything in the world isdifferent now.You won t recognize it at all. I have seen the changes in my dreams, though I could not make sense of manythings.I believe the goddess sent me these dreams while I was stone to prepare me. Hedrew in a deep breath. With you by my side, I am ready, Lia.Lia kissed him again. Then let s go home, to the place that was promised to us.And they did.60 About the AuthorEmail: lani@laniaames.comWebsite: www.laniaames.comLani welcomes comments from readers.You can find her website and emailaddress on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com. Also by Lani AamesDesperate HeartsEllora s Cavemen: Tales From the Temple I anthologyEnchanted Rogues anthologyEternal PassionLusty Charms: InvictusSanta s Lap Discover for yourself why readers can t get enough of the multiple award-winningpublisher Ellora s Cave.Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit ECon the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave youbreathless.www.ellorascave.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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