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. Then come with me. Sebastian released his grasp on her wrists and instead tookher hand into his.Without saying a word, he led her down the hall to his large masterbedroom.Bailey had been in his bedroom before but this was the first time she had been inthere with the intention of anything carnal.Now, faced with the metallic headboard,which before had seemed a bit feminine to her, Bailey eyed the curved metal bars in anew light.Sebastian apparently hadn t been going for stylish practicality evidentlywas his uppermost concern.She moved forward to caress the footrest, a smaller mirror image of the headrest,but stopped when she spotted white binds laid out over his black Asian-printed quilt.Ignoring his order to remain silent, Bailey sarcastically asked,  Should I assumethese were for the dessert part of your date?Anger filled Bailey at the thought of Sebastian playing his bondage games withanyone other than her.Her anger was ridiculous but it was how she felt nevertheless.Bailey had never played or shared well with others and she was too old now to learnhow.Instead of the blast of anger she had hoped for, Sebastian remained cool, a bit toocool for her liking.With a tiny shake of his head, he walked toward her, stopping whenthey were mere inches apart. Those were bought, ironed and laid out on the bed foryou and you only. What if I hadn t come back here with you? Would you have let blondie take myplace?56 Friends With Benefits Does it matter? Sebastian spoke softly as he slid the thin strap of her dress off hershoulder and down her arm. We re just fuck buddies, right?With a gasp of surprise, Bailey reacted instinctively and brought her hand up toslap his face.As if he had been waiting for that exact reaction, Sebastian grabbed herhand in midair and spun her around.Trying to catch her balance, Bailey reached outblindly and grabbed hold of the bed, leaving her ass upturned in the air. Ah, ah, ah, brat. Sebastian growled as he pressed his erect cock against her frombehind. That s not the kind of hitting we do around here.Bailey knew his intent before he acted on it.Before she could utter a word ofprotest, Sebastian stepped back from her, replacing his erection with a stinging blowfrom his hand. And I told you not to speak. Bastar Smack!  You re not listening, brat.Yes or no only.Do you understand?Bailey refused to answer.Smack!  I said, do you understand? Yes. Damn you, she added silently in her head. Good. Sebastian ran his hands lovingly over her stinging flesh.His hands, warmand soft, continued with his earlier work, slipping up the slope of her back to hershoulders and then back down again, pulling the dress off her body as he went.His lipsfollowed slowly down the trail of fire his hands started, kissing every inch of her newlybared flesh.Just when he reached her tender derriere, Sebastian pulled back. Nowclimb on the bed like a good girl.Doing as he asked, Bailey took her position in the center of the bed, lying back nudebefore his hungry gaze.Her ass might be tender but her pussy was wet.Talk aboutconfusing.All this time when Sebastian had talked about spanking her, she d thought, hell no but if those little swats were a testament of what his highhandedness could doto her body, then she was going to have to rethink her stance.Bending forward, Sebastian picked up one of the restraints and ran it lightly overher sensitive breast.Bailey s nipple puckered under the attention and she clenched herlegs together tighter to still the trembling running rampant through her thighs.The corner of Sebastian s mouth crinkled at her body s involuntary reaction to him. Do you trust me? Sometimes, she answered honestly.His brow rose high above the rim of his glasses. Just sometimes? Yes. She trusted him with her life, just not her heart.No one was deserving ofthat. Do you trust me to give you pleasure? Yes.57 Maggie Casper & Lena Matthews Give me your hand. Hesitantly Bailey placed her hand in his. The words  no and  stop can mean a world of difference in the heat of passion.Sebastian ran his thumb back and forth over the pulse of her wrist as he spoke. Sowhen you re bound for me, and trust me, you ll be bound for me often, I want you touse a different word.One if you utter, I ll know without a shadow of a doubt you wantme to stop.Wetting her parched lips, Bailey quivered before him.She wanted this.She wantedeverything he had to offer. What word?Sebastian raised her hand to his mouth and gently kissed her palm before bringingit over her head to the post of the headboard and securing it with the bind. In honor ofyou, I want the word to be& buddy.As in fuck buddy.But since the word fuck soundsever so sweet coming from your lips, we ll shorten it.He studied her face, looking for any sign she might be uncomfortable with whatwas happening before reaching for her other hand. And the other one? When shelifted it to him, her fingers trembled slightly.Wasting no time, Sebastian secured herwrist to the opposite side of the headboard.When she was bound to the headboard, her arms spread wide, Sebastian trailed afinger down her arm, over the protrusion of her collarbone and down her chest until hisfingertip circled the peak of her bare breast.Her skin was damp with perspiration, her tightened nipples gloriously dark in theiraroused state.Taking his time was difficult when what he really wanted to do was sinkthe full length of his rigid erection between her tender glistening folds and pound herthrough the mattress.With as much patience as possible, Sebastian circled her breasts with the samefinger he d used to explore her arm.She was warm and soft, just the way he liked hiswomen.And right now his woman was wriggling and moaning, trying to get his fingercloser to where she wanted it. Patience, Bay. He whispered the words a mere breathaway from her ready and willing flesh.Bailey opened her mouth to speak, to more than likely give some smart-ass retort,but stopped herself when he rolled her nipple between his fingers, adding just enoughpressure to get her attention and hold it.Her mouth snapped closed with an audible click. I knew you d be a quick study,sweetheart.Sebastian lowered his head, taking her nipple into his mouth where he teased andtortured it with lips, teeth and tongue.He laved the area between her breasts, revelingin her taste and texture before settling over the turgid peak of her other breast. You re so beautiful, baby, Sebastian crooned, lifting his mouth from her nowerect nipple. And so responsive.I love the way your body responds to me.58 Friends With BenefitsSebastian moved slowly up her body until they were face-to-face.He tangled hishands in the hair at her temples, holding her head still when she would have lookedaway, an embarrassed flush on her cheeks. I m going to play with you now, Bay [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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