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.""Granddad didn't despise him enough to send him on his way," Nicole answered fierily."Neither didyour father drum up the pride to go."Joel shook his head slowly."We aren't your kind of people, are we, Dad and me?""I don't know what you're talking about, Joel.You're fine.I get on well enough with your father.Hedoesn't really bother anyone.""It's guys like McClelland you admire." Joel's voice was as much desperate now as angry."McClelland,Outback Baron.Hell, he was made for the part."Why are you so jealous of Drake?" she asked quietly."Good God, don't you know?" He stared straight ahead through the windshield, not meeting her eyes."You feel dreadful I inherited Eden, is that it? Drake inherited Kooltar from his father.Granddad leftEden to me.It isn't fair, is it," she said sadly.Joel plunged back into anger."I don't give a damn about Eden.I wish to hell I'd got out of here yearsago.After your mother.1 should have gone then."She shook her head as if to clear it, for a moment unable to speak."Is this what you wanted to talk to Dr.Rosendahl about, Joel`? You're tortured by your feelings? You're at war with your environment? Youfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%2./5%20home%20to%20eden%20TXT/home%20to%20eden.txt (98 of 124)11/05/2010 14:36:05 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%20way/koomera%20crossing/5%20home%20to%20eden%20TXT/home%20to%20eden.txtdon't want to be a cattleman? Who cares! I guess Granddad knew you didn't really want it-but he leftyou rich.You're not stuck here without money dependent on me or anyone.You can do what you like.Go anywhere.""Away from you? You still don't get it? I would die away from you."Her voice held all her deep dismay."Joel, please don't say that and in that way.It's so extravagant.Itsmacks of obsession.We're not joined at the hip like Siamese twins.You'll get married, raise a family.Hopefully when I get myself together, so will I.Why didn't I realize you were so full of resentments?They're so destructive.It's a wonder you don't hate me.You don't hate me, do you?" she asked softly,trying to draw him out of his intensely emotional mood."Sometimes.Just a little." He gave her his attractive lopsided smile."What can I do to make it up to you?""Let me go."She stared back at him, breathless with shock."Joel, I'm not forcing you to stay here on Eden.I wantwhat you want.You're free to leave tomorrow if that's how you feel."His voice turned harsh."God, you never get it! Why is that? Are you blind?"Nicole's stomach started to churn.She had to make a move to cut Joel's dependence on her.But how? "Ithink I'm going to be sick." She opened the passenger door, lurched out onto the fiery sand covered withtufts of burnt Mitchell grass.Within seconds Joel came around the hood to join her.He put an arm around her, his eyes holding adepth of concern that was almost fierce."It's the heat," he said, staring at her pale face."Why were wetalking in the car? It's too bloody hot.Sit down for a moment, Nikki.I don't know what I was thinking,upsetting you so.I'll get a drink of water from the canteen.""Thanks." Nicole lowered herself dizzily to thr ground.Spent bauhinia blossoms rained on her head, onher shoulders, fell to the scorched earth.She way reluctant to face it, but Joel's attachment to her wasstarting to become more than a burden.It was becoming a threat.Joel was back within seconds."Drink up," he said, his voice still filled with anxiety."As soon as youfeel better, I'll take you home.""Good idea." She stared past him at the crystal mirage.The mirage was a phenomenon of the desert,creating beautiful and terrible illusions.She had lived with it her whole life just as she had lived with hercousin, Joel.They were siblings-that was how she saw them.Now she had to face the hard fact that Joelhad far more than brotherly feelings for her.Had she ever really known him, or had it all been illusion?Whatever the answer, she appeared to be central to Joel's life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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