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."Magic,blood, death.Very smelly.""Yeah," Edison agreed weakly, not able to muster the energy to be amused."In about thirty minutes my charm of protectionis going to die, and at that point some very angry people are going to come after me." He looked at Alec, wishing he couldsee better, that he didn't look so stupid and pathetic."I want you to protect me.""Go to hell," Alec snarled."If he's dead, good-fucking riddance.I don't owe that bastard a goddamn thing.Even if I did, Idon't recall saying that debt was transferable, so I don't owe you shit."The freckled man growled - positively growled - and moved to pet and touch and nuzzle Alec, calming him down.Edison fought tears, feeling about a hundred different kinds of stupid.This had been a bad idea, but what choice did hefile:///H|/NOVEL/New%20novel/The%20Dragon%20Pits.htm[9/25/2009 10:22:03 AM] AmaSour Fictionhave? Damn it, what was he going to do now?The ocean? No one could get him if he was out on the open sea, right?Except the money he needed wouldn't be his for one more month.God, he was tired."Why are you still here?" Alec finally said, still looking mad enough to spit nails."I had nowhere else to go," Edison said.He was tired.Exhausted.So fucking sick of it all.Maybe he should just say fuck itand let the bastards kill him.Then everyone would have what they wanted and the world would continue merrily along.Damn it.Thirty days and it would all be over.Why did it feel more like thirty years?"Sad," said the freckled man."Not sneaky."His manner of speech was the oddest Edison had ever heard - not exactly childlike, more& just simple.Strange when theamber eyes focused so intently on him shone with a great deal of intelligence.Wait a minute&Yellow eyes.The simple speech.The growling, and his protectiveness of Alec.Edison drew a sharp breath."You're adragon."Alec snatched the freckled man back."Get the fuck out of my house."Edison nodded, but still could not give up.He didn't want to die, damn it."You promised," he said."A life for a life.That's allI'm asking.I'm not my brother, I swear to god.Shit, I've put up with more because of him than you can possibly imagine."He looked at Alec, not caring how desperate or pathetic he looked."Just for a month, that's all I'm asking.Keep me alive forone month.""No," Alec said.He shook his head."Why the fuck did you think I'd even agree?""I didn't," Edison said miserably."You were just my last damn chance."Alec just looked at him."I doubt it."Edison bit back a sudden surge of anger.What right did he have to be angry? Of course Alec would assume the worst, andeven if he hadn't - it was stupid to think he'd actually agree to play bodyguard.But all the logic in the world did not undo thesimple fact that Alec and his brother's old debt were his last fucking chance."I know you hate me, because of my brother.Everyone fucking hates me because of him.I don't have anything now, but ifyou keep me alive for one month I can pay whatever you demand.Money, magic, land - anything.I wouldn't be here if itwasn't necessary.""Oh, yeah," Alec said scathingly."And just why in the fuck would you think someone who hates your brother and was gladto see the back of him would agree to help his goddamn twin?"Edison gave up, no longer caring that fear and anger made him shake, that his head was throbbing from the ruined glasses,that he was probably going to pass out soon from the exhaustion - and by tomorrow he would be dead, because he was justtoo fucking tired to keep running."Because the Knights in Shining Armor shop down the street was closed due to rusting!"he snarled."Because I've tried every fucking thing else, and I figured it was better to try everything to avoid dying."Yanking open the door, he stumbled into the hallway.Everything was a blur, even though he still wore what was left of hisglasses.He realized he'd finally started crying.Damn it.Then the world gave an uncertain lurch, and the blurry smear of color that was all he could see turned gray.Then it all wentmercifully black.*~*~*"Shut up, dragon."Ignoring Blade's snickering, Alec scowled at the young man currently dead to the world on his couch.file:///H|/NOVEL/New%20novel/The%20Dragon%20Pits.htm[9/25/2009 10:22:03 AM] AmaSour FictionIt was the knight crack that had done it, he conceded reluctantly.That and the tears, he fucking hated to see people cry.Gods, the number of times his sisters had cozened something out of him just by crying&Shaking his head, he moved back to his chair and sat down with a sigh."What in the hell am I going to do?""Protect?" Blade asked.Alec grimaced."Yeah, right." Thomas had a twin brother.Who the fuck knew? Certainly not Alec.Christ, that incidentseemed years ago.At least twelve years now; god he'd been so fucking stupid when he was young.Not that he'd gotten any brighter since.Oh, no, he was still dumb as rocks.Blade growled softly, kneeling to rest his head on Alec's thigh."Love Alec."Alec sighed softly, unable to stay angry in the face of his dragon's unhappiness."I love you too, Blade."Absently petting Blade, soothed by the feel of warm skin and soft hair, the spicy smell that always clung to Blade, he lookedback at the unconscious man on his couch.What the fuck was he supposed to do?He knew the answer even as he asked the question, and damn it didn't that just fucking suck.But he was a man of honor,even if everyone else would say otherwise, and a man did not go back on his word.He had promised Thomas a life for alife.Thomas was dead, which meant that Alec had failed to keep his promise - if unintentionally.If Thomas had a twin, and that twin was begging for help&The man really was Thomas' twin, an exact duplicate&Except not.Now that he wasn't fighting an urge to punch the man's face in, he could pick out differences.For one, his facewasn't as cold as Thomas' had always been.It was softer, lacking the hard edges and lines that came from living adangerous life.The dark brown hair was longer, though the very tips were a shred lighter, holding a hint of wave.Thomas'hair had been military short.And the tears.Thomas wouldn't have been capable of even faking tears - unless maybe he was paid a great deal of moneyto do it, and likely he would have purchased the tears somewhere else and faked it that way.These tears had been real.Alec didn't know much in life, but he knew what real tears looked like.Damn it.What the fuckwas wrong with him? Hadn't he learned the hard and painful way that honor and loyalty and all that shit were things of thepast?His hand tightened unconsciously in Blade's hair as images flickered in his mind, silk sheets and long blonde hair, moansand pleas but-Blade's whimper broke the thoughts off."Sorry," Alec said, immediately bending down to give a kiss of apology.Blade rumbled an acceptance."Good Alec," Blade said firmly."Brother bad.Katherine bad.""Yeah," Alec said, and forcefully shoved the thoughts away."I have you."Blade nodded and kissed him again."Protect?"Alec grimaced and looked again at the man on the couch.Remembered the tears.That damned knight crack [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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