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.Best meaning most open-minded and most technically capable.The last of these, and probably his favorite was Edmund Talbot.Edmund reallyseemed to understand iron at a gut level, to have a natural instinct of meltthat nearly approached Carborundum's understanding.They had been together fora long time, at least in human terms, and Carb was starting to see thebeginnings of senescence in his human.friend.He would be grieved whenthe best human he had ever known passed on.And, of course, professionallypissed at having to break in another interface."So what brings you into the heat you meat-sicle?" the AI asked as Talbot tooka seat on an anvil."Got a problem old fiend," Talbot said."You know the story of Dionys McCanocand the king?""Yep, from both sides," the AI replied."I'm surprised Richie didn't kill thelittle son of a bitch.""So am I," Talbot said grimly."Unfortunately, McCanoc has apparently set hiseyes upon me, next.You still talk to all your soul-less friends?""Sure," Carb answered."Constantly.Anticipating your next question, I'vealready hit a really serious wall.Your friend McCanoc's privacy is Councilprotected.""What?" Edmund said, getting up and beginning to pace."What in the hell wouldthe Council care about a little weasel like McCanoc?""That I can't tell you," the AI replied."But it's not the whole Council; theblocks are the work ofChansa Mulengela.I did, however, find something odd.You're having problemswith the Wolf 359Terraforming Project, right?""Yes?""The point being," Carb continued, "that Dionys McCanoc was recently appointedas the Executor of the Project and Chairman of the Board.Interesting, no?""Interesting, yes," Talbot replied, staring into a glowing puddle of iron assweat streamed down his face."McCanoc doesn't give a shit about terraforming,I can tell you that.So why did he do that?How did he do that?""A sizable, but silent, portion of the shares were transferred to his controlshortly before his takeover," Carb said."Those shares are also protected frominquiry by Mulengela.""SoChansa wants him to have control of the project?" Talbot said, shaking hishead."What's so important about the Wolf 359 project?""Nothing significant that I can see," the AI replied."It has a rather sizableenergy bank account; the next step in the project is a lunar glance which isthe most energy intensive and ticklish bit of the whole project.But that'sstill at least three hundred years off.McCanoc has started a number ofquestionable schemes to raise energy-credits, but most of them are the sort ofPage 30 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlshort-term gain with long-term loss that you would expect; you're not thefirst person whose identity he has used.I'd say that he'll be ousted at thenext shareholder's meeting.So he, or they if Chansa is involved, have gottennowhere.They've been no net benefit to the project at all and possibly a bitof harm.""And here is where we define the difference between an AI and a human," Talbotsaid with a grim smile."They're not there for the benefit of the project;their intent is to strip it of funds for their own purposes.""What for?" Carb asked, accepting the correction."Well, in McCanoc's world it is to make him King of Anarchia," Talbot replied,pacing again."But what doesChansa want, eh?""Would the two not be working for the same goal?" the AI asked, puzzled."Not likely; I cannot imagine that Dionys as King of Anarchia would be of anybenefit to Chansa.No, I suspect we have a case of conflicting goals.One or the other is anglingfor a backstab.Then there's the question of whether there is anyone beyondChansa? He's not noted for his original ideas, and taking over a terraformingproject to loot it is pretty original.Also.very short term; when it gotout there would be one hell of a backlash.""That there would," the AI replied."I recall that for years after the war oneof the biggest complaints was that it had set back terraforming and recoveryefforts.Not that millions had died, but that the upland gorilla had nearlybeen wiped out again.""A very human reaction," Talbot said distractedly.He had stopped pacing andnow ran his fingers through his sweat-filled hair."And permanent.If you cantrace the connection to Chansa, the Council can.If they loot the project, forwhatever reason, it will kill Chansa politically.What in the hell is worthlosing a Council seat?"CHAPTER FOUR"What in the hell is that?" Paul said as he appeared in Celine's workshop.Thewoman had an insect that looked something like a wasp on the end of herfingers, at which she was petting and cooing.The workshop was cluttered with buzzing and chittering cages.From one alizardlike beast about the size of a human hand, with large doleful eyes andopposable thumbs, stared out at him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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