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.To arrange the meeting for January the second.Other verbs which are used in the construction include:çàêàçàòü íà - to order forïåðåíåñòè íà - to postpone to.îòëîæèòü íà - to postpone to.Part 6page 88Eugenia NekrasovaThe Case Usage A Basic Modern Russian GrammarThe Accusative can be used in the following time-expressions:with days of the week:â ïîíåäåëüíèê - on Mondayâî âòîðíèê - on Tuesdayâ ñðåäó - on Wednesdayâ ÷åòâåðã - on Thursdayâ ïÿòíèöó - on Fridayâ ñóááîòó - on Saturdayâ âîñêðåñåíüå - on Sundaywith festivals and public holidays:â/íà Íîâûé ãîä - at the New Yearâ/íà Ðîæäåñòâî - at Christmasíà Ïàñõó - at Easterto denote a period of time:ß áûë íåäåëþ â Èñïàíèè.I spent a week in Spain.ß åäó íà íåäåëþ â Èñïàíèþ.I am going to Spain for a week.after «÷åðåç» - inß åäó ÷åðåç íåäåëþ â Èñïàíèþ.In a week I am going to Spain.with «íàçàä» - agoß åçäèë â Èñïàíèþ íåäåëþ íàçàä.I went to Spain a week ago.after «çà» - to denote the time taken to complete the action:Ìû äîåõàëè äî ãîðîäà çà ÷àñ.It took us an hour to get to the town.to denote frequency of occurence:ðàç â íåäåëþ - once a weekðàç â ìåñÿö - once a monthðàç â ãîä - once a yearPart 6page 89Eugenia NekrasovaThe Case Usage A Basic Modern Russian Grammarwith «â» - in, during, in the time of.â ïëîõóþ ïîãîäó - in bad weatherâ æàðó - when it`s hotâî âðåìÿ âîéíûduring the warâ õîëîä - when it`s coldâ âîéíó (coll.)â çèìíåå âðåìÿ - in winter timeâ ñðåäíèå âåêà - in the middle agesâ íàøå âðåìÿ - in our timeâ ñòàëèíñêèå âðåìåíà -in Stalin`s timeâ ïåðèîä «çàñòîÿ» - in stagnation periodâ ïîëäåíü - at middayâ ïîëíî÷ü - at midnightâ ÷àñ - at one o`clockâ ïîñëåäíþþ ìèíóòó - at the last minuteâ ýòîò, ïðîøëûé, áóäóùèé âòîðíèê - this, last, next Tuesdayâ ïåðâûé äåíü - on the first dayâ òî óòðî - that morningâî âðåìåíà Ïåòðà Ïåðâîãî - in the reign of Peter the FirstNote âî âðåìåíà + Gen is used mostly for the distant past.THE USE OF THE INSTRUMENTAL CASEThe case got its name from one of its uses,it is the case form for the instrument used to do something, as in:ïîðåçàòüñÿ íîæîì - to cut oneself with a knife.However, it is not the most important use to learn.More important is its use after six prepositions:ñ, çà, ìåæäó, íàä, ïåðåä, ïîäThe Preposition ññ - with, don`t confuse it with ñ + Gen., meaning «from»ß åäó òóäà ñ Íàòàøåé.- I go there with Natasha.ß ãîâîðèë â÷åðà ñ Íàòàøåé.-Yesterday I spoke to.(lit.with Natasha)also âìåñòå ñ - together with - ß åäó òóäà âìåñòå ñ Íàòàøåé.áóòåðáðîä ñ èêðîé - caviar sandwich (lit.sandwich with caviar)The Instrumental is used after some verbs taking the preposition c :ïîçäðàâèòü ñ - to congratulate onäîãîâîðèòüñÿ ñ - to settle with somebodyâñòðåòèòüñÿ ñ - to meet withPart 6page 90Eugenia NekrasovaThe Case Usage A Basic Modern Russian GrammarThe Instrumental is used after 5 prepositions to denote a place of an object:çà - behindÌàøèíà ñòîèò çà äîìîì.The car is parked behind the house.ìåæäó - betweenÌàøèíà ñòîèò ìåæäó äîìàìè.The car is parked between the houses.íàä - above, over, onÌû ëåòåëè íàä Àëüïàìè.We flew above the Alps.ïåðåä - in front of, beforeÌàøèíà ñòîÿëà ïåðåä äîìîì.The car was parked in front of the house.Preposition ïåðåä can also be used in time-expressions:ïåðåä çàâòðàêîì - before breakfastïîä - under Ïîä ãîñòèíèöåé åñòü áîëüøîé ãàðàæ.There is a big garage under the hotel.alsoïîä Ìîñêâîé - near MoscowhThe Instrumental is used after a number of verbs of whichNotice!the most common are áûë/áóäåò:Îí áûë èçâåñòíûì ôîòîãðàôîì.He was a famous photographer.Îí áóäåò õèðóðãîì.He will become a surgeon.Êîãäà ÿ áûë ìàëåíüêèì.When I was small.Also ðàáîòàòü äèðåêòîðîì øêîëû, çàíèìàòüñÿ ôîòîãðàôèåé,èíòåðåñîâàòüñÿ ôîòîãðàôèåéSome other verbs which take the Instrumental:ÿâëÿòüñÿ - to beêàçàòüñÿ - to seemñ÷èòàòüñÿ - to be considered êîìàíäîâàòü - to commandîñòàòüñÿ - to remain, to stay óïðàâëÿòü to controlãîðäèòüñÿ - to be proud of ðóêîâîäèòü to manage, to runíàñëàæäàòüñÿ - to delight in âëàäåòü - to ownóâëåêàòüñÿ - to be obsessed with æåðòâîâàòü -sacrificeõâàñòàòüñÿ - to boast of áîëåòü - to be sickîòëè÷àòüñÿ - to be distinguished by ïëàòèòü - to pay (in)ïàõíóòü - to smell of êîðìèòü - to feed (with)òîðãîâàòü - to trade in íàãðàäèòü - to reward (with)Part 6page 91Eugenia NekrasovaThe Case Usage A Basic Modern Russian GrammarThe Instrumental case is used after some prepositional verbs:Îí ðàáîòàë íàä êîíòðàêòîì.He worked on a contract.Îí ñìåÿëñÿ íàä ñâîèì äðóãîì.He laughed at his friend.Preposition çà is also used to denote a purpose of action:ß èäó çà õëåáîì.I am going to buy bread.The Instrumental without a preposition is used to denote the time ofevents (parts of the day, seasons):óòðîì - in the morningäí¸ì - in the afternoonâå÷åðîì - in the eveningíî÷üþ - at nightçèìîé - in (the) winterâåñíîé - in (the) springëåòîì - in (the) summerîñåíüþ - in (the) fall/autumnAlso Îí äîâîëåí ñâîåé ðàáîòîé.He is satisfied with his job.THE USE OF THE PREPOSITIONAL CASEThe Prepositional case is used only after the following prepositions:â, íà - to denote a place or time,î - about, ïðè - in the time ofThe Prepositional is used after â and íà to denote a place:Ñåé÷àñ ÿ æèâó â Ìîñêâå.I live in Moscow now.ß áûëà íà âûñòàâêå.I have been to the exhibition.â ÿíâàðå - in January etc.â ïðîøëîì ãîäó - last yearâ ñëåäóþùåì ìåñÿöå - next monthíà ýòîé íåäåëå - this week etc.Ýòî áûëî â (òûñÿ÷à äåâÿòüñîò) ñîðîê âîñüìîì ãîäó.- It was in 1948.Îí æèë â äåâÿòíàäöàòîì âåêå.He lived in the 19-th century [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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