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. When it goes off, every magical being with in a hundred-mileradius will temporarily lose their powers until the bomb wears off.Carter looked at Ben. That also goes for shifters and vampires.Basically, we will all be human. Holy hell. Ben smiled. It will be a fair fight those pamperedbitches won t see coming. I d have to agree.We will need plenty of weapons, preferablysilver.They might be rendered powerless but still need the samemethods to kill them. Carter wrote a note down on a piece of paper. I have the mated couples written down as follows, Ben and Miles,Garrett and Lachlan, Abner and me. Carter s attention was drawn tothe bear shifter leaning against the wall. Carter, you and Abner haven t mated yet.Your energy won thelp us, Miles reminded Carter.Carter never took his eyes off Abner when he spoke, and Abnerseemed to be held in the same trance, staring longingly at his futuremate. We re not mated yet, but we can change that. Carter turnedback to Klaus. You will need all the help you can get. I have to agree with Carter.We do need the help.But are youtwo sure you want to go through with this? I will not force you intoanything that will compromise your own desires. He wanted to gethis mate back, but he wouldn t force anyone to do something theywere not comfortable with. I ll do it. Abner stood up straight. I want to get Astrid back andwill do whatever it takes to bring him home. 166 AJ Jarrett Okay then.Looks like we have a plan.We leave in one hour.Ben stood from the table, pulling Miles up with him. That will giveus time to gather the weapons we need and give those two  Benpointed to Abner and Carter  time to do their thing. That s not all you need, son.Klaus, along with the rest of the room, turned to see Benedictstanding in the doorway with a smile on his face and dressed in blackfatigues.The man was a spitting image of his son, but the onlydifference was where Ben had long, flowing hair, Benedict opted for ahigh-and-tight military cut. Father, what are you doing here? I was already heading this way after what happened earlier.There ve been some suspicions regarding Ivan for some time now,and after hearing he showed up here today, I took the first flight out.You re my son. Benedict looked over to Miles and amended hisstatement. My sons.How could I not come help?They explained very delicately what was going on with Miles andhow they intended on getting to Astrid.If Benedict didn t believe inthe plan, he didn t say so.He gave Ben a watch that had a GPSlocator in it.When they reached their destination, he and the otherwarriors could take the helicopters he had commandeered to get tothem.Klaus followed the warriors Lawson and Finn to the safe roomwhere they kept all the weapons.They bagged up ammunition,handguns, rifles, scopes, and even knives made from pure silver.Ifanything, they were overprepared in the weapons department butbetter safe than sorry.The one hour had passed.Miles said they had to be outside for thewish to work, something about being one with nature and using theelements to help guide their way.When he walked into the backyard, he was greeted by Ben andMiles.Garret and Lachlan came over at once.They were dealing withtheir own problems within Garrett s pack but dropped everything Astrid s Wish 167when they called for their help.Garrett even brought a few moremated pairs with him and Lachlan.The more the merrier.Abner and Carter were the last to arrive.Carter looked a littlewinded and disheveled, but he had a small smile on his face.Klaushoped the duo could work out whatever differences they had.He likedthe younger witch, always had, and to find one s mate was the bestreward their long lives saw fit to give them. Is everyone ready? Benedict asked the group.He managed tohave three helicopters at their disposal for this mission.Once theymade the wish and reached their mark, they would activate the magicbomb and the GPS locator.Benedict planned to take off as soon as hegot a lock on their location. Yes, sir, Ben answered for them.Benedict strode over to him and held his hand out. Good luck,Klaus [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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