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.It is the groundfloor, as it were.Fromit proceed the three Vrittis, viz., Manas, Buddhi and Ahankara.This word belongs to the Rajayogicterminology of Maharshi Patanjali.Also in the Gita, Lord Krishna uses the term Chitta in variousplaces.Chitta is a separate faculty or category in Vedanta.Sometimes it is Antargata, comes underMind.In Sankhya philosophy, it is included in Buddhi or Mahat-Tattva.The Chitta of PatanjaliRishi s philosophy of Raja Yoga (Yogas-chittavritti-nirodhah) corresponds to the Antahkarana ofVedanta.Subconscious mind is termed  Chitta in Vedanta.Much of your subconsciousness consistsof submerged experiences, memories thrown into the background but recoverable.The Chitta islike a calm lake and thoughts are like waves upon the surface of this lake and name and form are thenormal ways in which these waves rise.No wave can rise without name and form.50 MIND ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROLThe functions of the Chitta are Smriti or Smarana, Dharana, attention and Anusandhana(enquiry or investigation).When you repeat the Japa of a Mantra, it is the Chitta that does theSmarana.It does a lot of work.It turns out better work than the mind or Buddhi.THE FIELD OF SUBCONSCIOUS MENTATIONThe mental processes are not limited to the field of consciousness alone.The field ofsubconscious mentation is of a much greater extent than that of conscious mentation.The mind isnot conscious of the greater portion of its own activities.As man can hold in consciousness but onefact at a time, only a fraction of our knowledge can be in the field of consciousness at any onemoment.Only ten per cent of mental activities come into the field of consciousness.Ninety per centof the mental activities takes place in the subconscious mind.Messages, when ready, come out likea flash from the subconscious mind to the surface of the conscious mind through the trapdoor in thesubconscious mind.We sit and try to solve a problem and fail.We walk around, try again and again fail.Suddenly an idea dawns on us that leads to the solution of the problem.The subconscious processeswere at work.You repeatedly fail at night to get the solution for a problem in arithmetic or geometry.Inthe morning, when you wake up, you get a clear answer.This answer comes like a flash from thesubconscious mind.Even in sleep, it works incessantly without any rest.It arranges, classifies,compares, sorts all facts and works out a proper, satisfactory solution.Sometimes, you go to sleep at 10 p.m.with the thought,  I must get up at 2 a.m.in themorning to catch a train. This message is taken up by the subconscious mind and it is thissubconscious mind that wakes you up unfailingly at the exact hour.Subconscious mind is yourconstant, trustworthy companion and sincere friend.With the help of the subconscious mind, you can change your vicious nature by cultivatinghealthy, virtuous qualities that remain dormant in every human heart.If you want to overcome fear,mentally deny that you have fear and concentrate your attention upon the opposite quality, the idealof courage.When courage is developed, fear vanishes by itself.The positive always overpowers thenegative.This is an infallible law of nature.This is Pratipaksha Bhavana of Raja Yogins.You canacquire a liking for distasteful tasks and duties by cultivating a desire and taste for them.You canestablish new habits, new ideals, new ideas anad new tastes and new character in the subconsciousmind by changing the old ones.MEMORYSmriti or memory is a function of Chitta (subconscious mind).Memory is used in twosenses.We say,  Mr.John has got a good memory. Here it means that Mr.John s capacity of themind to store up its past experiences is very good.Sometimes we say,  I have no memory of thatincident. Here, you cannot bring up to the surface of the conscious mind, in its original form, theincident that took place some years ago.It is an act of remembering.You do not get any newknowledge through memory.It is only a reproduction.51 CHITTA AND MEMORYIf the experience is fresh, you can have a complete recall of your past experience throughmemory [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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