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.If I wanted to lash out in random vengeance, I would have been better off burning down the church with everyone inside.I didn’t have any personal grudge against the lady who died.”“What exactly do you sell here?” Wesley asked, glancing around at the merchandise.He scanned some of the tags and began reading them out loud.“Invisibility… flight… strength… speed… songbird…”I snapped back to the present.“Songbird?”Cormack tapped the glass above a ruby and gold ring encrusted with strange runes.“It’s a recent acquisition; one I’m particularly proud of.David tried for years to get one like it but never managed it.It completes his sensory collection, see? We’ve got glasses of visual illusions, a necklace of pheromone detection, the silver spoon, and the bracelet of strength.”“How much is this stuff?” Wesley asked.Cormack grinned, showing teeth.“If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”“I’m a little curious,” I admitted.“How much?”“Most of these powerful objects run about a million each, although we have a few one-shot spells that might be more in your price range.” He gestured at the racks of various odds and ends in the middle.“There’s a pretty snappy truth spell in there for five thousand.For one hour, no one will be able to lie to you.”“Um, no thanks.” I was still transfixed by the display case full of permanent and powerful magical objects that might be powered by human souls.A chill ran down my spine and I suddenly needed to get away from there.“Come on, Wesley, I think we’ve learned all we can right now.”12STEPPING OUT OF MCCLELLAN’S SHOP ONTO Main Street felt like stepping into a war zone.The picketers, beyond peaceful protest, had taken their accusations to the streets, harassing suspected sorcerers.One of them tried to push me down the moment I left the store, but Wesley caught me with a muttered, “What the hell?” that expressed my feelings exactly.A few doors down, by Kaitlin’s Diner, Amanda Lee dodged a woman who went after a handful of her long ponytail.Amanda stared down the woman, who did take a sensible step back, but the woman rather imprudently hissed, “Burn, witch! Burn!”The sheriff’s call came over the radio to start arresting hostile protesters, and I didn’t waste a minute.With Wesley’s help, I slapped handcuffs on the woman harassing Amanda, then walked her to the station while Wesley stayed behind to intervene in another brewing conflict.After I booked her, I opened my cell phone and dialed Matthew’s number.“This is crazy, Matthew.Is there anything you can do?”He sounded out of breath.“Working on it.We’ve called in some backup – cousins from Kansas City who will bring our circle up to seven.”Seven is a powerfully magical number with known but not well understood properties of magnification.Seven could do more than eight, or nine, or twenty in some cases.“Will you have to cancel our date tonight?” I asked.Matthew hesitated.“I don’t think so.My cousins are an hour out of town and if this works – and I’m hoping it will – it won’t take more than an hour.We’ve already done the prep work.”“What are you going to do?” I asked, letting my curiosity get the better of me.“Nothing subtle, that’s for sure.This mob is feeding off of one another and we’re going to go in with brute force that should dissipate it, at least for a while.”“For how long?” I asked.“Long enough for us to back it up with a dose of reason, I hope.But it’s always possible for something else to set them off.I don’t think any of us realized how fragile this situation was.When Mark Roberts opened that church twenty years ago and started preaching hate, my father thought it was just a jealous overreaction.”“Jealous?” I asked.“His grandfather is Mark McClellan.The grandfather had two children, including a girl with pretty nominal talent who ran off with a man with none at all.”“I knew they were cousins, but I didn’t get a sense of jealousy from them.They mostly tried to pretend the relationship doesn’t exist.”“No, neither one of them likes to admit being related to the other.” Someone said something in the background.“Hang on.” A minute later he came back.“I got to go.I’ll give you a call when this is over, one way or another.”“Okay.”* * *The rest of the afternoon passed in an insane blur.I didn’t have a second to rest or reflect as we crammed culprit after culprit into an overcrowded jail never meant for such numbers.Every hand had been called in.I also noticed a few powerful practitioners on the fringes of the crowd, using whatever they had at their disposal to keep the relative innocents from getting hurt.A few of the Eagles were there, as well as some Hastings, and Scott Lee.I more than half expected to see Evan, but counted myself fortunate that I didn’t.They weren’t the only practitioners to show up, though, and not all of them were interested in protecting the innocent.Jasmine Hewitt openly attacked some protesters who may or may not have started it, giving them all some kind of painful stomach cramps.Cormack McClellan closed his shop and joined her, testing his mind-control device on the crowd.It did have strong but temporary effects.The Mallorens were also there, along with a few of their allies, using dangerous blackout spells on the protesters.I couldn’t believe it when I saw their attack – dropping people to the ground in the midst of a mob.“Stop!” I screamed at one of them, Doug Malloren.He glanced at me as if I were some kind of pesky fly and downed another woman, one who had been trying to get out of attack range.“Stop right now or I will have no choice but to put you under arrest.”Doug laughed.“Go ahead and try.”I had to try.I didn’t know if my magical wards could protect me from his blackout spell, but he had to stop.Not only were his spells causing real physical harm, but the direct magical attack had the protesters even more stirred up than they had been before.Taking out my handcuffs, I approached Doug Malloren.“You’re under arrest for assault.You have the right to remain silent…”He turned his attention toward me fully, and I could see him preparing to knock me out the same way he had knocked out the others.Sweat beaded his forehead, either from the heat or the exertion of spell casting.I felt the spell vibrate the air around me, but I didn’t black out.At least one of my wards must have prevented it.“Cassie, do you need help?” Wesley came up behind me, startling me, but I didn’t have a chance to answer his question.One of the protesters began shooting.Everyone screamed and ducked, including me.From nearby, I heard a cry of intense pain.Doug Malloren fell to the ground, blood spurting freely from a wound in his thigh.The gunman got off one more shot before the gun flew from his hands, landing within my reach.I had no idea what had caused the gun to go flying.With so many practitioners around I could take a guess, but I didn’t question the good fortune.I grabbed the gun, then handed it off to a nearby deputy while Wesley and I subdued the gunman.Paramedics swarmed the scene, taking Doug Malloren to the hospital along with many of his victims [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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