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.Even less frequently when it was their fault.When he d thrown out his bait,he d expected another death at the AERC.Another student, or maybe one ofthe more senior staff.Better hope Tillotson never found out about this one.Shaking off the distraction, he called Barret-Connor.When the investigatorfinally answered the comm he was wrapped in a startlingly pink duvet.Possibly not his own  in the background Toreth could make out female legs,from the knees down.B-C s cropped blond hair was far too short to rumple, but his bleary-eyed facemade up for it. Um& Para? We have a new body.Get in here, and bring some clothes  we re going toStrasbourg. Now, Para? The legs behind him stirred, and Toreth heard a faint, sleepyprotest over the comm.He almost sympathised with B-C  they were the kindof legs he wouldn t like to be torn away from himself. Look on the bright side  we ll get there just in time to start work.* * * * *On the flight over, with Barret-Connor sleeping in the seat beside him, Torethread the Legislator s security file.Not something he often saw, although itactually made disappointingly tame reading.Nissim was in her early sixties, although from the picture she could have beenten years younger.Her family background was respectable Administration her father had also worked for the European Legislature, although his careerhad ended at a rank below his daughter s.After a brief stint in the Departmentof Science, Pearl Nissim had transferred to the Legislature.Over the next fortyyears she had progressed smoothly and unremarkably through the ranks until,to no one s surprise, she reached her current position in charge of Science andTechnology legislation. The Council of the European Administration might be the nominal head ofstate, and the heads of department might actually run the government throughthe Bureau of Administrative Departments, but the Legislature, as the body thatdrafted the law, had more than its share of power.When the stranglehold of the Department of Security had been broken by thereorganisation, there had been rumours that the Bureau also planned to split upthe Legislature.It never happened.Who, so the joke ran at the time, wouldhave made the necessary changes in the law?The Legislature was also a point of contact (or collision) between governmentand corporation.Although it happened very rarely, the Legislature was one ofthe departments where corporate sabotage killings occasionally spilled overinto the Administration.Normally, Toreth would have had no trouble thinking of a handful of reasonswhy someone might want a European Legislature head of division dead.However, Nissim s security file produced no obvious suspects.No scandals, nomysterious backers, no overt ties to any major corporation.After he d read the file again, Toreth called up the files for Teffera and Jarvisand paged through them.At first glance it would be difficult to find files moredifferent  a major corporate, a graduate student and a division head.However,looking past the details, they gave him a strong feeling of similarity.All highly respectable.All almost unnaturally well-liked by their peers.Jarvishad the most exciting black mark against her, and that was the unforeseenconsequence of trying to help a friend.Toreth stared out of the plane window at the dawn sky.Everything about thedeaths screamed either natural causes or technical fault.It screamed it soloudly, in fact, that it only strengthened Toreth s belief to the contrary.* * * * *At Strasbourg airport, two local branch I&I cars and an investigator met themand took them straight to Nissim s residence.On the way, he discovered that,as with Teffera, the body had been moved to a hospital for futile attempts atresuscitation.Worse, the local forensics team had already swept throughNissim s home.Tillotson s note clearly hadn t been explicit or emphaticenough.As soon as they arrived at the house, Toreth sent O Reilly and herteam on in the cars to the local I&I office to wrest control of the evidence andat least supervise the post-mortem and sample analysis [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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