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.“He mentioned something about her blood.”“He believes he can use her blood to somehow change himself into some new type of vampire.”“Can he?” Sarah asked.“I highly doubt it.”Rhes rolled his eyes.“Awesome … so what’s the point?”“Aros has been a vampire for seven hundred years.That’s exceptional for a Burilgi, and as far as I’m aware, he’s the oldest living member of the race.Most of them die much earlier, usually within their first century or so.Aros has spent all of that time in envy of the other vampires around them, jealous of their blood.It’s driven him more than a little mad, I fear.”“You can hear that in the way he laughs,” Rhes said.Jakob nodded.“Yes, and you can see it in his eyes at times.”Sarah bit her lower lip, thinking, and said, “So if he gets Two and takes her blood, that will kill her?”“Draining someone’s blood typically has that effect,” Jakob said.“I didn’t know how much he needed,” Sarah said, her voice dry.“Why would he kill us, if he gets what he wants?”“As I said, I’ve no idea if that’s what he’ll do.In my case, it would be a test of whatever newfound power it is he thinks he’s going to acquire.Or, if it turns out that I’m right and all he ends up with is a dead girl and nothing to show for it, then he’ll probably just kill me out of spite.”“Jakob …” Sarah began, and then stopped.“Yes?”“I … I spoke with … you know what? Never mind.Forget it.”Jakob raised an eyebrow and glanced at Rhes, who sighed.“Tell him, hon.”“Aros told me he could cure my blindness,” Sarah said.“Can he?”Jakob considered this for a moment and said, “It’s not out of the realm of possibility.”Sarah leaned forward in her chair, resting her elbows on her crossed legs.“You’re sure?”“Vampire blood works to perfect the host,” Jakob explained.“It’s a slow process, and the final result depends on the blood.If Aros were an Eresh, he could guarantee it.The blood would go to work, repairing your eyes.You might begin to see again within a few weeks.”“That fast?” Sarah asked, and Rhes frowned a bit at the breathless quality of her voice.“Aros is not an Eresh,” Jakob reminded her.“Yeah, but still …”“Indeed.He is a Burilgi.That means there is a chance your sight will return.A relatively good chance, actually; even Burilgi blood is not always without its benefits.There’s the strength increase, for example.”“Familiar with that one,” Rhes commented.“You must understand the risks, though,” Jakob continued.“With another type of blood, you would be almost assured of regaining your sight.With Burilgi blood … Who knows? It could just as well leave you blind and curse you with deformities.”Sarah bit her lip, saying nothing.“Sarah … hon—” Rhes began.“I don’t need a lecture!”“Wasn’t planning on giving one,” Rhes muttered, frowning.Jakob glanced at him, and then back at Sarah.“Aros is most definitely toying with you, but he is not lying to you,” the vampire said.“Unfortunately, that is not the greatest of our concerns at this time.”“It isn’t?” Sarah asked, sounding mildly insulted.“Aros has, in the best tradition of all lunatics, decided to fill me in on some of his plans.He means to steal Two’s blood, and we know that once he does he will kill me, and kill Naomi and Stephen if they come here with her.Further, he plans to use the blood to create some sort of serum that will ‘level the playing field’ by unifying all vampires under a single strain.”“What if they don’t want to be unified?” Sarah asked, and Jakob glanced at her.“I don’t think he plans on giving them a choice.And given what I’ve learned tonight, that is what concerns me the most.I didn’t know for sure until this evening that the army he’s built for himself now stands at well over two thousand vampires.”Rhes stared at Jakob in astonishment.“What the hell does he need that many men for?”“It began at Abraham’s request, God only knows why.Now? A cult organization called the Children of the Sun, an anti-vampire group, have begun abducting Burilgi.Many Burilgi have come to him for protection because they have no faith in the council.I … can’t say that I blame them, though I wish they’d chosen a more stable leader.”“What are they doing with the vampires they kidnap?” Sarah asked.“We don’t know, but it’s probably not good.Aros has reached a point where he no longer cares what they’re doing with the abductees.He plans on wiping the cult out entirely.Once that’s done, there’s nothing to stop him from sending his people out across this country, and further.He will attempt to usher in this new age he desires.”“Would it be such a bad thing if all vampires were the same? I mean … it does seem kind of unfair that some of you get to be superheroes, and others are stuck living in sewers.”“It’s highly unfair, and I’m not entirely against taking steps to attempt to improve the Burilgi strain, or to unify all four races.The problem is that I don’t believe Aros is going to get what he wants from your friend’s blood.”“And when he doesn’t …” Rhes began.“You’re afraid he’s going to crack,” Sarah finished for him.Jakob massaged the back of his neck, frowning.“Yes.I’m afraid it will be the last straw that sends him from envy to murderous rage.If he can’t be on the same level as us, he may decide to simply wipe us out entirely, and if he comes at the council with two thousand vampires, he stands a good chance of accomplishing that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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