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.“Can you see if he had any known contacts with offworlders?”“Unknown,” her coordinator said.“I don’t see any records suggesting he might have met someone from off-world, but that proves nothing.”“Assign Five and Seven to monitor Garston and his date with Six,” Kitty said.She wondered briefly if Six would go home with Garston - it would be an excellent chance to look inside his apartment - but pushed the thought aside.If Six went, she would be pleased, but she drew the line at forcing someone to put out on demand.“If it turns up nothing, I want him to be followed for the next few days; draw additional people from the Hannalore watch, if necessary.”She rubbed her forehead, then sat back in her chair.“Colonel, I have some information from local files,” another operative said.“There are only thirteen official residents at the orphanage, not counting the five caregivers.The youngest is fourteen, so they may be hoping the place can be closed in a few years.However, two of the caregivers are married and have young children.The suits she bought might have been intended for them.”Kitty nodded, slowly.“Why are the children still there?”There was an embarrassed pause.“The files suggest that the children have.severe behaviour problems,” the operative said.“They’re only allowed to remain there on sufferance; five of them have arrest records, while three of them.may have been abused while they were younger.I don’t know for sure, but I suspect the problem was just swept under the rug.”He swore, just loudly enough for Kitty to hear.“These things don’t happen on Avalon!”“Evidently they do,” Kitty said.“If five of the children have arrest records, why weren't they sent to work camps?”“I don’t know,” the operative said.“The files are sealed; I don’t think I could get inside without a court order.They may have been flogged instead, or simply given stern warnings and sent home.Their exact legal status is a little vague.”“And so we allowed this problem to fester,” Kitty mused.She shook her head.“Get in touch with a judge and put in a request for a court order.I think they should grant it for us.”She closed the channel and looked at the files.There was little there, beyond a series of incident reports, but reading between the lines it was clear they hadn't been arrested.Avalon had a tendency to hold parents responsible for their children, yet the orphans had no parents, not any longer.She sighed, tiredly, then settled down to wait.There would be time to attend to the injustice later.“Garston and Six are heading to the Disco Infernal,” Five reported.He snickered, none too politely.“They look like a happy young couple.”“Good,” Kitty said.“Keep an eye on them.”She turned her attention to her work, but listened with half an ear to the stream of reports from the disco.Garston and Six danced for nearly two hours, then headed back to his apartment.It was another two hours before Six emerged, looking tired, and hailed a cab, which took her directly back to base.Kitty was waiting for her with a mug of coffee and a questioning expression.“He’s not bad,” Six said, with a grin.“He.”“I wanted to know about his work, not how good he is in bed,” Kitty snapped.“What did he tell you about himself?”“Very little,” Six said, “but his apartment has quite a few books about chemical substances and how they can be mixed together.He gave me a story about studying chemistry when I asked.”“He could be trying to build a bomb,” Kitty mused.Guns and ammunition were plentiful on Avalon, but explosives weren't so easy to obtain.“Does he have any hope of success?”“I don’t know,” Six said.“He could have obtained the materials or.he might have been unable to proceed past the design stage.I do think, however, that Wolfbane could have provided him with a real bomb.”“Assuming they want him to blow himself up,” Kitty pointed out.“What did you make of him?”“Repressed anger issues,” Six said.“He remained calm, but I could tell he was on the verge of exploding every time he was defied, even minimally.I suspect that might have been why he had problems holding down a job before now.I’d recommend primal scream therapy if I was a psychologist.”Kitty ignored her.“Wolfbane might wish they had someone more reliable in place,” she said, thinking out loud.Resentful people could be manipulated, but they could also be dangerously unpredictable.“Someone with anger problems might explode at the wrong time.”“I could jerk around with him a bit,” Six said.She shook her head.“He’s good at being charming and caring; I could have liked him if I hadn't been meeting him.professionally.My feeling, though, is that he will quickly become a nasty controlling, if not abusive, boyfriend.I think he hasn't had a long-term relationship in the past because he’s driven his prior girlfriends away.”“It sounds likely,” Kitty agreed.She sighed.“I’ll talk to the colonel, if the message is sent tonight,” she continued.“We might have nothing to gain by leaving them both in place, seemingly untouched [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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