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.This second building appeared to be an office of sorts.It was small, a single room only, and three desks lined the back wall.A small table was to their left as they entered, and chairs were scattered around to their right.The small table had been prepared as a dinner table.Warren and Heather both glanced to Clement, but when he only smiled and nodded his head, they dove into the food.The food wasn’t much, roasted beef and bread, but it was wonderful.They ate until they got their fill.Heather actually stopped herself much earlier than she wanted to – she didn’t want to get sick in the presence of the two kings.Warren was still eating as she sat back in her chair.Their host had not sat down with them, but instead he had sat on the edge of one of the desks and watched them eat.“When are we to meet the kings?” Heather asked.Clement shrugged.“When they summon us,” he said.“Be assured they know that you are here.”“Will they aid us?”Clement threw his head back and laughed.“That is really not for me to say, but if you are asking my opinion, then, no, they will not help you.”Heather took a deep breath, anger welling up within her.“Even though they know what we are facing? Goblins and Kelcer’s destroyer?”Clement shrugged again.“Perhaps they will, but I do not think so.Why would they? Telur has always dealt harshly with us.Surely you know that there is much anger and hatred to Telur?”Heather nodded.“And when the goblins overrun Telur? Where will they look to next?”“If you mean to imply that they will look to Molain and Natesh, then save your breath.Telur will not be destroyed easily.Perhaps,” he said slowly, “my king intends to let the goblins and Telur kill each other and then destroy whoever survives.”Heather took a deep breath, fear replacing the anger now.Clement’s words actually made sense.Why would Molain and Natesh risk their fighters for Telur? The two kings might be able to dramatically enlarge their kingdoms by staying out of the fight until one side had won.“Your king will stay out of the fight and let Kelcer’s destroyer win?” she asked.Clement smiled.“As to that,” he began slowly, “who’s to say that this Zalustus really is the destroyer prophesied about? I would imagine that King Darion would label Zalustus anything that it took to get Molain and Natesh into the battle.”With a cold certainty, Heather knew the letters from King Darion were worthless here.Neither kingdom would come to aid Telur, well, at least not at the summons of Darion.There was one more trick that Heather had to play and she said a silent prayer for help.It was reasonable that she wouldn’t be allowed to carry her pack with her so Heather removed the letters and placed the two from King Darion in her left boot, while the two from Dalin Olliston went into her right boot.King Almarin and King Travis allowed them to wait for several hours after the sun had gone down.Each passing minute only added to Heather’s anxiety.It seemed that the fate of Telur might very well depend on her actions and it was a terrible feeling.She wondered how Flare had ever managed to remain sane while carrying such a heavy burden.Finally a young page brought the summons.“King Almarin and his guest King Travis will see the Guardians.”Clement climbed to his feet and motioned for Heather and Warren to do so as well.He started for the door but then paused and turned back.“I hope you realize the foolishness in trying to escape.Whatever happens now, your fate lies in the hands of King Almarin.”Neither Heather nor Warren responded to his remarks and Clement’s face darkened.He straightened up and nodded at the guards in the rear of the group.“Stay close.If they try and escape, do not hurt them too bad.”They exited the small building and walked eastward through a large network of pens.The pens were used for housing the livestock that was sold at the various auctions.The pens were empty now, but the residual animal smell hung in the air.Upon reaching the far side of the pens, Clement steered them toward a large building.It was circular and made from thick planks of wood.A low rumble of conversation began to build as they neared the building and Heather’s anxiety increased.She wasn’t just going to see the two king’s alone; the building was packed with people.A small group of guards stood in front of two enormous doors.The doors were closed, or almost closed – there was a gap just large enough for a man to slip through.“What is your business here?” A deep voice called out.Clement stopped and looked to the rightmost group of guards.Heather realized with some surprise that the guards wore two different livery.The guards on the left wore the colors of King Almarin, while those on the right wore the colors of King Travis.It was King Travis’s guards that had spoken.Clement took a deep breath; he looked displeased to be addressed in such a manner.“I am lord Clement Himlin.I was summoned by King Almarin to appear before him and his guest Travis of Molain.”Surprised, Heather glanced at Warren, but he seemed lost as to what was going on.She, however, thought she knew.The kingdoms of Molain and Natesh had hated each other for centuries and Clement had disliked being questioned by King Travis’s guards, especially since this land was Clement’s fiefdom.She also suspected that he had intentionally referred to King Travis as just Travis, leaving off the title as a slight.The captain of the guards from Molain sucked in air, undoubtedly to snap right back at Clement.Luckily, he never got the chance.The captain of the guards from Natesh quickly stepped forward and saluted.“Lord Clement, King Almarin has indeed summoned you and the two prisoners.You may escort them in.”Clement nodded his head at the man and then stepped past.Heather and Warren followed, unsure if they would be let in.The guards from Molain hesitated, but then stepped back, allowing Clement to squeeze through the doors.Warren stepped through the doors behind Clement, leaving Heather last in line.Ducking her head through the doorway, Heather stared around in amazement.This building was an auction hall.The floor was flat and fenced in, normally for animals, either single or in groups, but the floor was empty now.On either side of the floor, tiered seats rose from the edge of the fences [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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