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.What the hell was going on?She'd blown off their dinner plans last weekend and he was clueless as to why.Calls had gone unreturned and when he'd tried to see her in person…Everyone rose as the bride entered, but Gage couldn't stop his gaze from going back to Racy.He tried to will her to look at him, but she trained her gaze on Maggie, a wistful look on her face.Maggie arrived at the altar and handed her flowers to Racy, who offered her a quick wink.The solemn words of the wedding service started.He was instantly taken back to that moment in Vegas when he and Racy had exchanged vows, complete with strangers for witnesses and Elvis as the preacher.Not much of a ceremony and certainly not what every little girl dreamed of, but still special.The words they had spoken were the same Maggie and Landon repeated to each other as they exchanged rings.He found the fingers on his left hand tingling and rubbed at the sensation, then saw Racy mirror his movements, even with two bunches of flowers in her grasp.The bride and groom kissed and the church erupted in applause.Anna ran from the front pew to join her mother and new stepfather.A crowd gathered, with hugs, kisses and well-wishes for the happy couple.Now was his chance.He slipped around the back of the crowd, stepped on the altar, then headed straight for Racy.She'd just handed Maggie's flowers back to her and he grabbed her hand."Racy, wait."The coldness of her skin surprised him, but not as much as the shock in her eyes when she realized who held her.She tugged free and turned away.Gage moved in behind her, his mouth at her ear, so the surrounding crowd couldn't overhear them."What the hell is going on?"She jerked her head to the side and hissed, "Shh!""Don't shh me.I want to know—"She slid between Leeann and Nana B., Maggie's grandmother, as the bride and groom started up the aisle.The crowd fell in behind them, Gage included.Those were far from the last words between them.* * *Hours later, he headed for the bar in the back room of The Painted Lady, the local bed-and-breakfast inn Maggie and Landon had chosen for their wedding reception, finally accepting the truth.Racy was avoiding him.The idea had popped into his head more than once over the last week, but he'd made excuses, refusing to give credence to the notion.He'd waited until the pictures were done and the dinner had started before trying to get close to her again, but her covert moves made sure there were always plenty of people between them.After the first few tries, he got the message.Loud and clear.The bride and groom had left for their honeymoon almost an hour ago and the reception was winding down.The disc jockey packed up and most of the guests were either heading home or to the inn's pub to continue the party.He wasn't in a party mood.What he needed was a healthy splash of whiskey.He paid for the drink and walked to one of the arched floor-to-ceiling windows to stare into the dark night.This wasn't like the fiery redhead.The woman he knew dealt with whatever was bugging her head-on, full force, with no apologies.Not this time.And that caused an uneasy feeling in his gut.He lifted his glass for another taste, swallowed and then stilled, catching Racy's warped reflection in the window.He turned, knowing instinctively he was her intended target.Her gaze landed on him and she paused.Gone was the social butterfly he'd watched flirt, laugh and dance with everyone else tonight.Everyone but him.Her bare shoulders were stiff, her eyes devoid of emotion as she started toward him."We need to talk."Her voice was low, the tone brittle.Makeup played up her perfect features, smoky dark eyes and shiny pink lips, but it was like she wore a mask for all the feeling he saw there."Now's a good time for you?" Gage tightened his grip on his glass."I thought we were going to talk last week.I tried to reach you twice at the bar, but Justin intercepted my calls.""I was working.""I called Sunday about dinner.All I got was your machine."She lifted her chin, and her eyes, direct and probing, met his."I was studying.I told you I had finals."Her clipped answers were getting on his nerves."Look, I don't know what's going on." Gage pulled in a deep breath and her familiar vanilla-lime scent filled his head."Last week we—""I don't want to talk about last week.""What do you want to talk about?"She yanked a long white envelope from the slim, beaded purse in her hand and held it out to him."Here.""What's that?""Divorce papers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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