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.She spent an inordinate amount of time scratching between the animal’s ears and cooing little nothings.“Where were you last Tuesday night?”The tone of Payton’s voice hadn’t been accusatory, just conversational yet the iceberg returned.Sylvie’s eyes transformed into black slits, her mouth to a skinny pink line.“Sylvie, I’m just trying to piece things together in my mind.Whatever was used to kill Sean obviously had to have been put on his boat the night before.I know where I was—home—alone.Helen and Carter went to the movies.”“How convenient they can alibi each other.I was here.Alone.I came back from the office around five.Cooked supper for me and my children.” She arm waved to include her furry companions.“We watched television until about ten and then went to bed.Not very exciting.Not like what you probably did.”Payton smiled.“I did about the same things, except I only fed myself.I don’t have any pets.”“Don’t you like animals?”“I do.I just don’t happen to have any.Who do you think had reason enough to want Sean dead?”The reply was simple and to the point.“MaryAnn.On NYPD Blue, the spouse is always the one who did it.She took a lot from him.She worked her ass off to put him through cooking school.Then there was the abuse.”“You knew about that?”“Everyone knew.You’ll ask why people put up with it.” Sylvie made an exasperated sound with her tongue.“We all tried to get her to leave him, or press charges.Even Officer Vaughn did.But she wouldn’t.I always wondered if Sean had something on her.I mean, why else would a woman take what he did?”“Weak women do that sometimes.”“She doesn’t seem weak to me.”Sylvie had a good theory.If Sean was indeed holding something over MaryAnn, that would explain a lot of things.“I understand you saw Sean and Felicia in Chaumont.”“Another of his conquests.”“An unlikely pair.What was their demeanor? Did you hear any conversation between them? See any gestures? Did they hug or kiss, or anything like that?”“They were standing in front of a restaurant, a foot or so apart.If that’s not the posture of people who know each other very well, I don’t know what is.”“Could it have been simpler than that; two people having a conversation over the sound of traffic?”Again Sylvie thought.Then she nodded.“I suppose it could have been.”“Did you see anything else?”“I wanted to watch them but couldn’t find a spot to park.I went to turn around, but when I got back Felicia was gone.Sean was still standing there.”“Do you know of any relationship between Amanda March and Sean? Besides sailboats, I mean.”“I don’t think it’s possible.Edward rarely lets her out of his sight.He’s a tough bastard, if you’ll excuse my French.”“Is he that strict?”“Last October, I overheard them arguing.He was using the worst vocabulary you can imagine, saying she’d better phone next time she was going to be late, or else.”“He really said ‘or else’?”“He did.”“Where had she been?” Payton asked.“It was Helen’s birthday.We were all at Mamie’s.He knew exactly where she was.”“How did you come to overhear the argument?”“I took a walk to the battlefield during my lunch break.They were in the marina parking lot.”Payton put down the cat and crossed her legs.“Helen was really upset about your meeting at the supermarket.”“That’s the real reason for this visit, isn’t it?”“I’ll admit it’s a part of it.Helen and I are friends and I’m understandably concerned.She doesn’t know I’m here, nor did she suggest it.I really do want to get better acquainted with you.Of all the people I know in town, I think you’re the most logical one to help me find the real killer.”Sylvie thawed a little more.“Sometimes Helen makes me so mad.I can’t believe she believed Sean’s tale about Mamie’s gallery troubles.Everybody knows never to believe anything Sean says.The thing that got me was when Helen said ‘she got what was coming to her for being such a pantywaist.’”“Helen said that?”“She sure did.”“Are you certain she was talking about Mamie? To whom was she talking?”“Carter.At Sean’s memorial service.I was sitting behind them.”Sylvie talked a while longer, obviously happy to have someone besides her cats.She wasn’t forthcoming with any more helpful gossip, and Payton soon made an excuse to leave.Though not before she’d been given a complete tour of the smelly, run-down Victorian [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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