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.Over eight hundred fifty private ships had followed the AUSWAS ship and the Halo 7 into the blue wormhole, and they all stood and waited.They were not sure what to expect.Hoskins broke the silence by opening a short range frequency hailer comm link.“To all Earth vessels.This is the Commander of the Alpha Fleet Cruiser Halo 7.” He spoke calmly and tried to avoid sounding anxious.“We have been pulled through the blue wormhole, and arrived in what we presume is the Kryl galaxy.We have all heard the message from Winterburn and, understandably, are all anxious.My job is to get everyone back through the wormhole before we are threatened by the Kryl.We have already drifted some distance from the hole and need to get back to within close proximity of it A.S.A.P.I have set up an open comm link which will allow you to communicate your status to us directly.We will then begin to effect or assist in any repairs required to anyone’s vessels and bring together a more exact exit plan.”Hoskins closed the link, pleased with his speech as he felt he had delivered the facts clearly and concisely without creating a sense of panic.He felt sure that many out there were in a situation completely beyond their comprehension and were probably scared out of their wits.He turned his attention back towards the tracker and Winterburn.“Commander, we have a fix on the AUSWAS ship again.She is travelling away from us at one-quarter stellar velocity.There is a problem though, sir.We just picked up our first sighting of the Kryl.There is a large mass approaching from the grid, sector four.I can’t be sure at this stage whether it is one big ship or thousands of little ones.” The young Lieutenant look scared as he completed his report.“Thank you Lieutenant.Good work.Number One, are there any other sizeable craft in this makeshift fleet?”“Yes,” replied his first officer, “There is a small freighter and several large shuttles in the group.What did you have in mind?”“Let’s discuss in my ready room.”“Becket, you have the con.How long before the Kryl fleet reaches us?”“About ninety minutes at current velocity, sir.”“Thanks.Keep me updated.”The commander and his first officer entered the ready room, and Hoskins set about explaining his dilemma.“We have to get Winterburn and bring him back with us, and yet somehow we need to be here to shepherd these ships back through the wormhole.I want you to seize command of the freighter and take a third of the crew with you, including jump ships and infantry.I want you to seek out and capture Winterburn and bring him back to us.We will then all depart together.I need this done with a minimum of force and within twenty-four hours.”* * * *Commander Jacques knew he had entered new territory, not just because he was tens of thousands of light years from home.It was his first command, and he and his crew were in a makeshift Alpha ship, they had a new enemy, they were in a new galaxy, and were about to pull off an assault on an enemy craft.They would extract Winterburn, destroy the vessel, and then return to the blue wormhole, joining the vast majority of the his stranded compatriots before re-entering the wormhole and praying they would exit the void back in their own galaxy.There were so many ifs and buts, yet as he reflected further, he realized his task was probably the lesser of two evils.Within the next hour the Halo 7 would engage the Kryl.They had no comprehension of whether the Alpha Battle Cruiser would have any impact on the Kryl fleet.Jacques wandered whether he would ever see his colleagues on the Halo 7 again.His crew commandeered a small cargo freighter; the existing crew was quite happy to be evicted to the relative comfort of the Halo 7.The newly conscripted vessel set off immediately in pursuit.The ship’s NAVCOM locked onto the tracker pulse being emitted by the AUSWAS ship.They had already started to close, and Jacques and his crew felt the pangs of anxiety which always manifest moments before battle [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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