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.It didn t crossmy mind to resist.His lips were cold, like ice from the grave.They numbed mymouth beneath them and sensitized it to their every movement.I feltmy knees quiver as he claimed me with his tongue.Its tip traced its way along my lips and then dipped gently,persistently inside.The last of my buttons surrendered.His handcupped the back of my head.His tongue delved past my teeth, lappingagainst the interior of my mouth, reminding me of what he intended todo later, between the folds of other lips.He plundered me, and I couldnot bring myself to resist.And then I remembered the game.Reluctantly, I fought him with my mouth, tangling my tongueagainst his, trying to drive it out.My hands lifted and pushed againsthis chest his now solid chest, which crushed my breasts beneath itssolidity.He laughed. Minx.You know I ll have to punish you for that.My lips parted in a smile, and he took the invitation, recognizingthe surrender as he closed his mouth over mine and did his best todevour me.As his lips and tongue worked their magic, his hands slidmy blouse from my shoulder and unhooked my bra.The two of themlanded on two different parts of the floor, and I was glad I dremembered to draw the curtains.There were certain things that no peeping Tom had a right to see.My body divesting itself of its clothes while I kissed empty air wasone of them.No matter that I could see and feel the Master, I doubtedothers could be as lucky.Doubted, that is, until Derek gasped. Double Double Dare Me 47Matthias lifted his mouth from mine, ignoring the needy whimperof protest that followed him. You can watch, or you can join us, hesaid. But I don t know which role you d prefer. Role? Derek sounded as though he was having trouble catchinghis breath. Yes, Matthias said,  What would you rather be? The Master orthe slave? I, I don t know.What would you like me to be?And Matthias laughed. Undress, he commanded, and I sensed his delight at having twoof us to please him. Now you, he said, turning to me and taking me by the arm. Ithink I ll turn your ass to the fire and watch the flames reflected onyour cheeks.The bed will give me better access to your breasts, andthe fire can light the way for the lash. Will you beat me, too? Derek asked, and I held a breath ofsurprise when I realized he was sliding into the role of slave as easilyas I had.I d bet a lot that this never came out on radio.It was a side ofhim I d never seen.Matthias s glance raked him from top to toe. I might, he said.Derek dropped the last of his clothing on the floor beside thepicnic basket.I half-turned to look, letting the sight of him fill my gaze andfeeling more juices flow in response.I d forgotten.I d forgotten somuch.He still worked out, judging from the tone on his abs and pecs,and half-erect, he was as wonderful as I remembered.I let a littlelonging fill my eyes and saw his cock twitch when he recognized theinvitation in my stare. Come and help me, Matthias commanded.Derek came to do his bidding and, together, they hung me fromthe cross beam of the four-poster.When they d stripped off my shoesand socks and peeled my jeans from me, they stood back to admiretheir handiwork. 48 Ellie Moonwater Kneel, Matthias commanded from behind me, and I heardDerek hit the floor.The chill in the air intensified, and I knew the Master had divestedhimself of his clothes.The cold air around him always grew colderwhen he was naked.It had something to do with his energy, but Icouldn t work out what.Cool fingers stroked me.They ran down my back, following the curves of my waist andcaressing the globes of my buttocks.They traced their way down mylegs and up the inside of my thighs.They ran along my biceps andacross the sensitive flesh of my triceps.They arced over my hips,stroking my belly and parting the folds between my thighs.I gasped, and they probed more deeply, finding the little nub thatwas already starting to peer out of hiding.They plucked my netherlips apart and sank their coolness into my body, working in and out,until moisture coated my depths and Matthias chuckled at thediscovery.His hands swept up and took a nipple each.Before I could steel myself against it, they squeezed and pulled,tweaking those sensitive buds to the point of pain.I yelped, and his hands let go.I felt him step back and trembled.Iknew what was coming.I dreaded it, and desired it. No!Derek s shout reached me just as the lash cracked down, leaving aline of ice and fire along my back.It was pain and pleasure.It wasfollowed by a tongue, soothing the sting, caressing the welt it had left.I knew it would come again, when the tongue finished itsministrations and left me hanging. Come here, boy, the Master grated, and I heard Derek shuffleforward. You voted to be my slave, when you were not masterenough to tell me what you wanted.Tell me, do you know what youwant now?There was only silence in reply. Suckle me, Matthias ordered. Double Double Dare Me 49Derek said nothing in reply, but I remembered when Matthias hadlast given me that order.I d knelt before him, his erection bobbingbefore me. Suckle me, Matthias had commanded, and I d obeyed,but not in the way he d expected.First I d traced my way down his length with my tongue, then I dreached under him, wrapping my tongue around one of his balls andpulling it into my mouth.It had been cold to the touch, but not toocold.It had tasted& I searched my mind for the term, as Matthiasgroaned.I imagined my ghostly lover, then, his ethereal fingers buried inDerek s tawny surfer locks, while my radio man moved his lips downand over his shaft.I thought of the slow thrust of Matthias s hipsaccompanying the movement and wondered if they d forget about me.I hadn t known Derek had been with men.There was so much I didn tknow about him, so much he hadn t let me see, before.The lash stung me again, this time moving down my back.Therewas another groan, and I thought I heard Derek chuckle, then the lashstruck again.After a fourth strike, I heard Matthias s hoarsecommand,  Stop!What the pair of them were up to now, I couldn t see, but the lashdid not sing out again, and shortly afterwards, two sets of armsembraced my waist.Two tongues soothed away the pain of my welts,and two sets of hands roamed my flesh. Let s get her down, I heard Derek say. No, Matthias answered,  let s taste her first.I could feel him standing behind me, now, the icy aura of hispresence causing my back to ache where the welts raised small rippleson my skin.Movement in front of me caught my eye, as Derekclambered across the flowered coverlet and came to a stop in front ofme [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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