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.Kelseycovered her mouth as they entered a formal living room.Paintballs had shattered a figurine case.Pieces of splintered glasslittered the carpet." 111 " LARKIN ROSE That was my mom s. Tears fell harder down Kelsey smascara-smeared face.She knelt on the floor lifting pieces ofporcelain.A tiara with a gemstone dangling from the center laytwisted against the case.Kelsey reached for it, sobs shaking herbody.She clutched it against her chest. She loved this more thananything.Artie s voice from the next room tore Jordan s gaze from thepitiful sight. There s no sign of a forced entry, so I think it s safeto say whoever did this already knew the code.He came through the doorway, pausing when he saw Kelseyon the floor. I want you to fry whoever did it, Kelsey mumbled. We will, baby. He stepped around the broken glass andpeered through the shattered window. You can t stay here.Youbetter come stay with me and Ellie.She s been complaining thatyou never visit us. It s okay, sir.She can stay with me, Jordan said. We havesome things to discuss.Artie nodded. Good.I ll let you pack a few things, but don ttry to clean anything up. But I can t just leave it like& this. Kelsey stared down atthe mementos.He crossed the room and touched her shoulder, explaininggently,  We ll have to process the entire house for ourinvestigation.You won t be able to come back until the crimescene unit finishes dusting for fingerprints and checking forevidence.Jordan took Kelsey s hand. Come on.Let s go get someclothes for you.Whoever was toying with her wanted her to live in fear.Themonster was winning.She d never been so scared.She d had" 112 " I DARE YOUher share of hate mail along with numerous phone calls to theoffice at Billings Industries.People screamed obscenities andthen hung up, as if that put them in control.Paula Riching wasthe first person to track her down to The Pink Lady, and she wasprobably the person who had typed the recent notes and made thecalls Sharon intercepted.But this? Kelsey had never experiencedanything so vengeful.Or so personal.Whoever did this wanted toprove a point, but what that point was, she didn t know.She returned her concentration to the overnight bag she waspacking.Jordan sat on the bed a few feet away, her arms folded.Kelsey hardly dared to look at her hard expression.She was in fora long night of explaining.Was she ready to spill her guts? Shewas no longer sure if she could bring herself to share her dirtysecrets with the woman she d come to care for and admire.Allshe wanted to do was curl up on a couch, fall asleep in Jordan sarms, and leave the world and her worries behind.She still had a choice.She could go to Artie s, where she wassafe.He and Ellie knew all there was to know about her and herfather, and they didn t judge her. Are you ready? Jordan asked.Kelsey realized she was staring into space.She straightenedand decided it was time to get the confrontation over with.Shewould just have to put the ball in Jordan s court and see whathappened.Artie was waiting for them on the front lawn. I need thename and phone numbers of all the people who have the code.Kelsey felt a jolt in her chest.He d be proud of her. I veonly given the code to people I trust. Good.And why else would you give anyone your code,honey? He gave her a bright smile, his eyes sparkling withhumor.The wind blew his silver hair across his head. So, howmany people have you trusted?She gave him an exasperated glare, then started naming. Darren and Sharon.Kevin.You.Jordan.No one else." 113 " LARKIN ROSEHe looked relieved. That s all?Guilt washed over her.There was so much she needed to tellhim. I have a stalker, she blurted before she could change hermind.His sympathy vanished, replaced by a look of anger. Whatdo you mean? Someone s been leaving death threats at the club.Notes.Phone calls.A woman showed up the other night, called me everyname in the book, and then made some threats before Haroldtossed her out.He got her name and tag.Artie flipped open a new page in his notebook. As muchas you d like to play tough girl, there are some things you can thandle alone.What s her name? Paula Riching. Kelsey watched Artie s gaze go froma hardened stare to a confused glare.Dreading to tell him thenext part, she dragged in a long breath. We bought her dad scompany.His gaze flew up. Why didn t you tell me any of thisbefore?There it was, the protectiveness that made her feel secure.He d stepped in and never missed a beat from where her fatherleft off.She adored him for loving her so much. I didn t want to worry you. She looked into his eyes. AndI thought she was just venting.Artie scribbled something down on the pad. Go get somesleep and let me take care of this.But you better call me firstthing in the morning.We have a few things to discuss.Kelsey knew he wouldn t say too much in front of Jordan,and she wanted to hug him for his discretion.She glanced atJordan and caught a look that told her they would be getting tothe bottom of her mysterious life tonight.She wasn t sure whyit was so important to bare it all to Jordan, but she wanted to tellher everything.She didn t want any secrets between them.Nomatter how this night ended, she would tell the truth and have aclear heart and mind." 114 " I DARE YOUJordan steered the Viper down a long driveway that woundthrough a tropical garden.Swaying palm trees stood tall amongsmaller fan palms, their leaves rustling in the light breeze.Thedrive ended in front of a large gray stucco house.A porch wrappedaround the front and disappeared along both sides.Unlike a lot ofhouses on the L.A.coastline, this one had a high chimneystack.Kelsey felt at home at first glance.She couldn t wait to getinside and light the fireplace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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