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."There is no disease, no poison," said Ole Doc."I haveno further clue.But in the absence of bacteria and drugs,it is necessary that you tell me what you can of today'soccurrence.""I.I was bridesmaid at my sister's wedding.It.all of a sudden it began to get terrible.Everybody beganto scream.I ran outside and fell down and there weredead people all over and I was afraid " She caughtherself back from some of the horror."That's all Iknow."Ole Doc smiled gently."You can tell me more thanthat.Was anyone sick from the disease before today?""Oh yes.Over in the eastern quarter of the city.And onall the other planets.The disease kept spreading.Thereisn't anything left on Gerrybome and that had almost as Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlmany people as this world.But nobody thought it wouldcome here today.It was awful!" She shuddered and avert-ed her face."My sister, her husband.my mother.isanyone left alive?""You will have to face this bravely," said Ole Doc."Ido not think there is.I have not been here very long.""Is it liable to strike again? Is that why you wear thathelmet?"Ole Doc had been wondering why she didn't have aspretty a voice as she had a body.He hurriedly unstrappedthe helmet and laid it aside.She gazed at him earnestly."Could you save my family?""Not very well," said Ole Doc."You were the only onealive in that entire area that I could see.I even glanced inthe church.I am sorry." He fumbled in his belt kit andcame up with a cartridge for his hypo gun.He fitted itcarefully.She was beginning to shudder again at thenightmare she had just experienced and paid no attentionto what he was doing.The gun, held close against her side, jerked and sent a Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlheavy charge of neo-tetrascopolamine into her.She didnot feel it but continued to cry for a little while.Then,blankness overspreading her face, she looked at him andat her surroundings."Who are you? Where am I?"Ole Doc nodded with satisfaction.She had experiencedamnesia for the past reaching back probably three or fourdays; she would not be able to recall any part of theterrible experience she had undergone."There was sickness," said Ole Doc, "and I brought youhere to help me.""You.you're a Soldier of Light!" she said, sitting upin astonishment."A Soldier of Light! Here on Gasperand!I " She saw her torn dress."What ?""I brought you so fast your dress got torn," said OleDoc."You promise you'll get back in tune for my sister'swedding?" Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"We'll do what we can," said Ole Doc."Now you don'tmind dead people do you?""Dead ?" It ended in a gasp as she saw the body onthe bed."That is Wilhelm Giotini," said Ole Doc."You heard hehad died?""Oh, weeks ago! Weeks! But there he is ugh!""Now, now.No time for weak stomachs, my dear.Fixup your dress and we'll do what we can for him.""Do what Why, bury him, of course!" She addedhesitantly and a little afraid: "You are going to buryhim?""No, my dear, I am afraid I am not."There was a heavy creaking outside the door and aknock.Ole Doc unbarred it and let six guardsmen staggerin with a load of equipment.It astonished Ole Doc.Hehad never thought of that equipment as being heavybefore since Hippocrates had always carried it so lightly. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlAnd when they returned with a second load and stumbledwith it, Ole Doc almost lost patience."Now get out before you break something!" hesnapped.He barred the door again and faced the unlovely thingon the bed.The girl's golden hair almost rose up inhorror."You're not going to "With a deep sigh which still had a great deal of compas-sion in it, Ole Doc showed her over to a window seat andlet her sit there out of sight of the bed.He opened the cases they had brought him and laid outa sparkling string of instruments and arctrodes, unpackeda portable generator, hooked up numerous wires, connect-ed several condensers in series and plugged them to oneend of a metal box, placing the generator at the other.Then he hefted a scalpel and a chisel and walked towardthe head of the bed.In the window seat the girl shuddered at the sounds sheheard and twisted hard at the tassels of an embroideredcushion.She heard a curious sawing sound, surmised what Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlit was and twisted so hard that the tassel came off.Shenervously began to shred it, not daring to look over hershoulder.For a long time she felt ill and then becameaware of a complete silence which had lasted many min-utes.She was about to look when the generator took offwith a snarling whine so much akin to the anger of ablack panther in the local zoo that she nearly screamedwith it in unison.She could not keep away then.It sounded too blood-thirsty.But when she looked, Ole Doc was sitting on theedge of the bed looking interestedly at the metal box andoutside of a deal of blood on the golden sheets, everythingseemed perfectly human.Cautiously she approached the Soldier."Is.is he inthere?"Ole Doc looked up with a start."Just his brain, mydear."She hastily went back to the window seat.The cushion'stassels suffered horribly when the thought came to herthat she might have been brought here as a part of thisexperiment, that she was to be something of a human sacri- Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlfice to science.And the more she thought about this possi-bility the more she believed it.Wilhelm Giotini was a greatman; he had built up an entire civilization on five worldswhich had hitherto been given to outlaws and casualwanderers; his vast energy had been sufficient to makecities grow in a matter of weeks and whole new industriesfrom mine to finished product in a month or two.Whowas she, Patricia Dore, to be weighed in the balanceagainst an experiment involving Giotini? This Soldier wascertain, absolutely certain to use her for his own ends.It was a deep drop to the courtyard below and as shescouted her chances here she was startled to see that agroup of guardsmen were gathering alertly at the gatebelow.But there were other windows and, without movingfast enough to attract Ole Doc's attention, she made herway to the next.The drop was no better nor was there abalcony and here were more guardsmen being posted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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