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.What has been is not.What is no more was not.ThereAS.: I cannot understand what it can have been.There was is no substance, save only in the Now.no motion? ATH.: Then it doesn t matter what we do?AR.: Of course not.It was all Now.AR.: No.Not in the Silence, the Now, the Truth.AS.: Yet nothing has happened, ever since I came, and Time ATH.: Then I will have a wonderful time! I will set fire to thebegan.beard of Aoth!AR.: Only the journey of that comet by which you measure AR.(grimly): You would wake Him  and an End of yourthis time of yours.time!AS.(brightly): Oh, yes! Every billion times it comes back it AS.: What is End?changes color a little; I count that one Wink.And a billion Winks AR.: All would be Now  but we should be Not.make a Flash, and a billion Flashes make a Spark, and a billion ATH.: I don t believe it.It is all change.Change changes.Sparks make an Aeon.Change cannot cease to change.(He plays the flute.)AR.: It is clever.Yes.It is clever.But I do not see the use of it.AR.: Play not so loud!AS.: But, see! How useful it is now! Now that Atheleberseth ATH.(alarmed): Is there really a danger?has come.AR.: For you, perhaps.It might be as fatal as if one shouldAR.: But it does not explain how he has come  or why.pronounce IAO backwards.But I should not find an end.AllAS.: No.this time is terrible to me.AR.(very sadly): No.A pause.I do not understand even why ATH.: All that is out of date.Assalonai is delighted.you came  bringing Time.AS: Are you sorry that I came?AS.: No.He does not know? AR.: No  AR.: No.He was asleep even in the Now.(A pause.)AS.: He has never stirred.What is that   asleep ? Yes.AR.: In the Now one either knows or knows not.Aoth knew (A pause.)not.I knew.It is contrary to Truth, to Silence.I am sorry.AS.: But   ATH.(with a trill upon the flute): I am glad.I am going to86 THE INTERNATIONAL 87play games.AR.: I tell you that you do not know; you do not understand.AR.: What are  games ? AS.: Oh! but you fear without reason.ATH.: See! You know nothing! I mean to make this old Ring AR.(with bitter contempt): Reason! I had Wisdom  until Ispin.After all, you are responsible.You made Assalonai; you thought.made me.ATH.: Come, she shall be all made of music.AR.: I was lonely in the Now.I must have thought.I see that (He plays upon the flute.From the Ring, beneath his feet,it was wrong.I have set a star in motion.Who can say what may arises Barraio, a black hunchbacked dwarf, with a hooked nose,come of it? a hanging jaw, a single, bloodshot eye.She is dressed in rags ofATH.: Oh, tra-la-la! Mother, let us play a game! rusty red.Atheleberseth screams with laughter as he sees her;AS.(smiling and shaking her head): I do not know any games.Assalonai shudders in disgust; Arogogorobrao nods his head, asI love; that is all I know.if that which he had foreseen had come to pass.ATH.: You invented this game Time.Barraio performs a dance of ever-increasing obscenity, whichAR.: A fearful thing! Something evil will come of it.delights Atheleberseth as much as it disgusts the others.Pres-AS.: Why should not good come of it? ently she kisses him on the mouth.He is nauseated, and throwsAR.: I have told you.It was  good in the Now   her back with a gesture of violent repulsion.She, screaming(A pause.) with laughter, produces, from her rags, a terrestrial globe.)But I did not know it.So I thought.Alas! ATHELEBERSETH (in surprise and horror): Oh!ATH.: Oh, come! let us play a game! ASSALONAI (in agony): Ah!(Silence.) ARAGOGOROBRAO (with hissing intake of the breath): Ih!Then I must have a sister to play with.AOTH raises His hand, and draws it across His brow.Darkness.AR.: Already he plots evil.It clears for one blinding flash as He opens His eye.He is alone.AS.: Surely that is harmless enough.(Curtain.)   LOVE AND TIME.By John RobertsThe aeons, assembling Autumn, assuringAbout and above Earth of her fruit,Thy tender trembling Mellows, maturingLips a-twitter with love, Love on lordlier lute.In solemn session Thou that wast maiden,Announce and acclaim Thou that art wife,The perfect possession  Wake! thou art ladenPeace, a passion aflame! Now with treasure of life!The spring, unfolding Winter, congealingBlossom and bud, The life of the year,Revels, beholding Smiles for us, sealingBlushes  bowers of blood! Sure the soul of our sphere.Beauty assurgent Girdled and crowned withUnder the whips Love, we are shodOf ardent and urgent With songs that resound withLovers, lyrical lips! Harps whose measure is God.The summer, upleaping, The aeons, assemblingThrills with our mirth, About and aboveRoyally reaping Thy tender tremblingJoy, oh, joy, to the earth! Lips a-twitter with love,All that was mine is In solemn sessionThine at a nod.Announce and acclaimDeep in the shrine is The perfect possession Holy, hidden, the God.Peace, a passion aflame!787 88 THE INTERNATIONALTHE BONDS OF MARRIAGE.A Romantic Farce in One Act by ALEISTER CROWLEY.JOHN SAMPSON (Jack) a man of business; age 30.that dainty dome of thine.Indeed, ahem!MARY, his wife; age 25.MARY: Good morning, Mr.Squiff! Do sit down! Have youSLYMAN SQUIFF, master detective.found out anything?(Sampson s apartment, in any city of the United States.) SQUIFF: Say everything, fair lady.What a question to ask of(Jack is putting on his overcoat with Mary s aid.) me, the master detective, the man who arrested Edward Kelly!JACK: Well, good-bye, dear.Remember, I may be a little late I am indeed delighted to be able to inform you that your humblefor dinner; I m rushed to death this week, you know, what with and devoted servant is now able to vindicate that pledge of con-four men called to the colors, and three of the girls gone for the fidence which you so amicably honored me by hypothecating Red Cross.hum! I ve got the dope on the slob, madam, permit me to assureMARY: Good-bye, Jack.Take care of yourself.This is dread- you on the faith of a master detective!fully treacherous weather, dear, and you with your weakness! MARY: Tell me the worst, quickly, for pity s sake!(While helping him she has dexterously extracted his wallet.SQUIFF: Alas! that these lips should needs profane their sanc-She embraces him warmly.) tity with such a tale of treachery and infamy.Kid, it s the limit,Good-bye, darling! believe me! Yes, madam, I deeply regret to have to inform youJACK: Good-bye, sweetheart, good-bye! that he who pledged his honor to his marriage vows is no better(He goes.She immediately searches the wallet.It contains a than  ah! how can I frame the phrase without wounding thatlarge number of bills, of which she thrusts a goodly proportion sensitive soul of yours?  no better than a-a-a-coquette!into her stocking, and a memorandum, which she reads, sit- MARY: Then you can interpret this? (She hands him the memo-ting.) randum.)MARY: Monday L.B.100, Wednesday L.B.50, Thursday L.SQUIFF: Madam, I can.What a question to ask me, the mas-B.200, Saturday L.B.200.Oh, God! Oh, God! That it should ter detective, the man who arrested Edward Kelly! L.B.is Laurahave come to this! Brown.Yet not so brown  she is a blonde!(The bell rings sharply.She puts the wallet in the pocket of a MARY: Heavens above! a blonde!second overcoat, and conceals the paper.She then touches the SQUIFF: A blonde! She is employed in the office itself as abutton which releases the door, and begins to put away the break- stenog.fast things.Enter Jack.) MARY: A stenog?JACK: Darling, I ve left my wallet, or it s been stolen.I must SQUIFF: A stenog.Well may we say og  she is a swine!be crazy.I could have sworn I had it on me.MARY: Did you make her confess?MARY: Oh, I guess its in the overcoat you wore yesterday.SQUIFF: I wouldn t go near her for a million dollars.Blondes(Jack finds it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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