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."Well.okay, if it's not an imposition.""Not at all," Papa O'Neal countered forcefully."Not.One.Bit.Please stay.At least overnight and part of tomorrow.""Okay," Wendy said.She shrugged one arm where her coat covered the shape of arifle."On one condition; do you guys have any cleaning kits?"* * *Cally cocked her head as Wendy rubbed naval jelly into the barrel."You'rereally pretty.""Thanks," Wendy said, looking up."You're one to talk."They were attempting to repair the damage to Wendy's rifle in the O'Neals' gunroom.The room was in the basement on the back side of the house, but wellventilated.It had to be; the air reeked with gun oil, propellants andsolvents.The west wall was taken up with a workbench that included a lathe, drill pressand various rotary polishers.There was also a large tumbler, some buckets ofsoapy water and an elaborate reloading kit.Under the workbench were blanks of metal and several barrels marked"Explosive: No Smoking."The east wall had three large blue barrels, each apparently filled withsolvent.Wendy was just about ready to plunk the weapon in the one marked"Warning: High Molar Acid." But since she didn't know what the O'Neals used itfor, she was still of two minds.The north wall, towards the mountain, had a few gun racks and a large, heavysteel door with a numeric keypad in the center and a lever handle.It lookedlike the door to a safe.In the center was a large table, with various cleaning supplies under it andsix barstools.It was around this that Elgars, Wendy, Cally, Kelly andShakeela had grouped.Billy had started to come with them and then decided tobeat feet."What do you mean?" Cally asked."Well.you're friggin' gorgeous.I'm surprised you don't have fifteenboyfriends hanging around.I did when I was your age and I wasn't nearly asgood looking."Elgars set down the disassembled trigger mechanism and picked up a corrodedspring."What's a boyfriend?"Cally laughed."Good question.There aren't any families left in the Gap; theyall moved out because of the Posleen being right over the ridge.So therearen't any boys around to have as boyfriends.And.well, given who my daddy and granddaddy are, I'm not impressed withthe quality of the soldiers.And they're all too old for me.And onlyinterested in one thing.""Yeah, let me write the book about that one," Wendy said with a laugh."Fortunately I have a magic charm to use on them.All I do is show them apicture of my boyfriend and they tend to leave me alone.And I can deal with the ones that don't.""Oh, they're not so much trouble these days," Cally said with a shrug."Notsince I shot the103rdDivision sergeant major.""You're joking," Wendy coughed, trying to suppress a laugh."Nope," the thirteen-year-old said with a grin."That's when I switched from aWalther to the H&K.We were in town and this fat old soldier followed mearound until he cornered me in the hardware store.He wouldn't take no for ananswer so I pulled out the Walther and put a round through his kneecap.Thatgot his attention."They initially tried to charge me as a juvenile with intended murder.Then Igot the grand jury to go out to the range with me.They dropped thecharges the foreman noted that if I was attempting murder the sergeant majorPage 138 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwould be.how did he put it? 'pushing up privet hedge' and charged himwith attempted rape instead.I understand he's limping around a prison to thisday.Since then, and sincePappy quit letting most people come over to the farm, there haven't been anyproblems.""Why'd you switch?" Elgars asked."Guns I mean.""Ah, they were holding the Walther as evidence," Cally answered with a shrug."And my hands had finally gotten big enough for the H&K.Besides, that bittylittle 7.62 just made a neat little hole in his knee.If I'd had the H&K it would have blown the back right out of the sucker.Ireally regretted that when Iwas in juvie hall; anybody tried to cop a feel on me I want to see bits ofbone on the floor.I swore I'd never use a damned little 7.62 to shootsomebody again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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