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.G.Paladino, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores:Raccolta degli storici Italiani dal cinquecento ad millecinquento, ed.L.Muratori: newedition ed.G.Carducci, V.Fiorini, P.Fedele (Citta di Castello, Bologna, 1900ff.), 13.3Le Bâtard de Bouillon: chanson de geste, ed.Robert Francis Cook, TLF (Geneva, 1972)Beatrix, see Old French Crusade CycleLa Belle Hélène de Constantinople, chanson de geste du XIV siècle, ed.Claude Roussel, TLF 454(Geneva, 1995)Benoit de Sainte-Maure, Le Roman de Troie, ed.Léopold Constans, 4 vols, SATF (Paris, 1904)Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux, Liber ad milites Templi de laude novae militiae, in S.BernardiOpera, ed.Jean Leclercq, C.H.Talbot and H.M.Rochais, 8 vols (Rome, 1957 77), 3pp.213 39.There is an English translation available, The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux,7: Treatises III: On Grace and Free Choice, trans.Daniel O Donovan; In Praise of the NewKnighthood trans.Conrad Greenia (Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1997), pp.115 171Beroul, The Romance of Tristan by Beroul, a poem of the twelfth century, ed.A.Ewert (Oxford,1977)The Birth of Popular Heresy, ed.R.I.Moore (London, 1975)The Book of the Ordre of Chyvalry translated and printed by William Caxton from a Frenchversion of Ramon Lull s Le Libre del orde de Cavayleria , ed.Alfred T.P.Hyles, EETS 168(London, 1926)Bueve de Hanton:Der Anglonomannische Boeve de Hauntone, ed.Albert Stimming (Halle, 1899)Der festländische Bueve de Hantone, Fassung I, ed.A.Stimming, GRL 25 (Dresden, 1911)Der festländische Bueve de Hantone, Fassung II, ed.A.Stimming, 2 vols, GRL 30, 41 (Dresden,1912 1918)Der festländische Bueve de Hantone, Fassung III, ed.A.Stimming, 2 vols, GRL 34, 42 (Dresden,1914 1920)Caesarius of Heisterbach, Caesarii Heisterbachensis monachi ordinis Cisterciensis dialogusmiraculorum, ed.J.Strange, 2 vols (Cologne, Bonn and Brussels, 1851)Calendar of Documents Relating to Ireland Preserved in Her Majesty s Public Record Office,London, ed.W.S.Sweetman, 5 vols (London, 1875 86)Calendar of the Close Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office.Prepared under theSuperintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Rolls, Edward I, AD 1272 1307, 5 vols(London, 1900 1908)Calendar of the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain: Papal Letters , vol.4, AD 1362 1404,ed.W.H.Bliss and J.A.Twemlow (London, 1902)Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Henry III, AD 1266 1272(London, 1913)Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward 1, 1272 1281(London, 1901)Cartulaire général de l ordre des Hospitaliers de S.Jean de Jérusalem, ed.J.Delaville le Roulx,4 vols (Paris, 1894 1905)Cartulaire général de l ordre du Temple, 1119? 1150 , ed.le marquis d Albon (Paris, 1913)Catalogue of Seals in the Public Record Office.Monastic Seals, vol.1, complied by Roger H.Ellis(London, 1986)Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, ed.Franklin P.Sweetser, TLF (Geneva, 1966)Chandos Herald, Life of the Black Prince by the herald of Sir John Chandos.Edited from themanuscript in Worcester College with linguistic and historical notes, by Mildred K.Popeand Eleanor C.Lodge (Oxford, 1910)La Chanson d Antioch, ed.Suzanne Duparc Quioc (Paris, 1977)La Chanson de Floovant: Étude critique et édition, ed.F.H.Bateson (Loughborough, 1938)Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profileComposite Default screenBIBLIOGRAPHY 241La Chanson des quatre fils Aymon, d après le manuscrit la Vallière, ed.Ferdinand Castet(Montpellier, 1909, reprinted Geneva, 1974)La Chanson de Roland, ed.F.Whitehead (Oxford, 1942)Les Chansons de Jaufré Rudel, ed.A.Jeanroy, CFMA 15 (Paris, 1924)La Chastelaine de Vergi, poème du XIII siècle, ed.G.Raynaud, 2nd edn revue par L.Foulet,CFMA 1 (Paris, 1912)La Chastelaine de Vergi.Edition critique du ms.B.N.f.fr.375 avec introduction, notes, glossaireet index, suivie de l edition diplomatique de tous les manuscrits connus du XIIIe et du XIVesiècle, ed.René Ernst Victor Stuip (The Hague and Paris, 1970)La Chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche, ed.M.Eusebi (Milan and Varese, 1953)Le Chevalier au Cygne et Godefroid de Bouillon, ed.Frederic A.F.T.Baron de Reiffenberg and A.Borgnet, 3 vols (Paris, 1846 54)Chrétien de Troyes, Les Romans de Chrétien de Troyes édités d après la copie de Guiot (Bibl.nat.,fr.794), V: Le Conte du Graal (Perceval), ed.Félix Lecoy, 2 vols, CFMA 100, 103 (Paris,1972 75).An English translation of Perceval is available: Perceval: the Story of the Grail,trans.Nigel Bryant (Cambridge, 1982)Chronica Albrici monachi Trium Fontium, ed.Paul Scheffer-Boichorst, in MGHS 23Chronicle of the Third Crusade: a translation of the Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta regisRicardi, trans.Helen Nicholson (Aldershot, 1997)Chronique d Ernoul et de Bernard le trésorier, ed.L.de Mas Latrie, SHF (Paris, 1871)Chronique latine de Guillaume de Nangis, 1113 à 1300 avec les continuations de cette chroniquede 1300 à 1368, nouvelle édition, ed.H.Géraud, 2 vols SATF (Paris, 1843, reprinted NewYork and London, 1965Claus Wisse and Philipp Colin, Parsifal von Claus Wisse und Philipp Colin (1331 1336): eineErgängzung der Dichtung Wolframs von Eschenbach zum ersten male herausgegeben, ed.Karl Schorbach, Elsässische Litteraturdenkmäler aus den XIV XVII Jahrhundert, ed.ErnstMartin and Erich Schmidt, vol.5 (Stuttgart, 1888: reprinted Berlin and New York, 1974)Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office, 1227 72, 14 vols(London, 1902 38)The Conquest of Jerusalem, trans.Peter W.Edbury (Aldershot, 1996)La Continuation de Guillaume de Tyr (1184 97), ed.M.R.Morgan (Paris, 1982)The Continuations of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes , ed.W.Roach et al., 5 volsin 6 (Philadelphia, 1949 83)Correspondance administrative d Alfonse de Poitiers, ed.Auguste Molinier, 2 vols (Paris,1894 1900)Cronica Jocelini de Brakelonda de rebus gestis Samsonis abbatis monasteri Sancti Edmundi, ed.and trans.H.E.Butler (Edinburgh, 1949) Cronica S.Petri Erfordiensis Moderna , ed.O.Holder-Egger, MGHS, 30Cyranides, in Textes latins et vieux français relatifs aux Cyranides, ed.Louis Delate (Liège andParis, 1942)Le Débat des hérauts d armes de France et d Angleterre, suivi de The Debate between theHeralds of England and France by John Coke, ed.Léopold Pannier and Paul Meyer, SATF(Paris, 1877) De constructione castri Saphet , in Un nouveau texte du traité de constructione castri Saphet ,ed.R.B.C.Huygens, Studi Medievali, 4 (1965), 355 87 La Déliverance Ogier le Danois, fragment d un chanson de geste , ed.Adrien de Longpérier,Journal des Savants (April, 1876), 219 33A Demanda do Santo Graal, ed.Augusto Magne, 3 vols and 1 vol.(Rio de Janiero, 1944 49, 1955)The Didot Perceval according to the manuscripts of Modena and Paris, ed.W.H.Roach(Philadelphia, 1941) Le Dis dou chevalier à la mance , see Jean de CondéLe Dossier de l affaire des Templiers, ed.Georges Lizerand (Paris, 1923)The Elucidation: a Prologue to the Conte del Graal, ed.Albert Wilder Thompson (New York,1931)Enfances Renier: canzone di gesta inedita del sec.XIII, ed.Carla Cremonesi (Milan and Varese,1957)Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profileComposite Default screen242 BIBLIOGRAPHYThe English Charlemagne Romances: The Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux, done into English bySir John Bauchier, Lord Berners, and printed by Wynkyn de Wade about 1534 A.D., ed.S.L.Lee, Early English Text Society Extra Series, 4 vols bound as two, nos [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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.G.Paladino, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores:Raccolta degli storici Italiani dal cinquecento ad millecinquento, ed.L.Muratori: newedition ed.G.Carducci, V.Fiorini, P.Fedele (Citta di Castello, Bologna, 1900ff.), 13.3Le Bâtard de Bouillon: chanson de geste, ed.Robert Francis Cook, TLF (Geneva, 1972)Beatrix, see Old French Crusade CycleLa Belle Hélène de Constantinople, chanson de geste du XIV siècle, ed.Claude Roussel, TLF 454(Geneva, 1995)Benoit de Sainte-Maure, Le Roman de Troie, ed.Léopold Constans, 4 vols, SATF (Paris, 1904)Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux, Liber ad milites Templi de laude novae militiae, in S.BernardiOpera, ed.Jean Leclercq, C.H.Talbot and H.M.Rochais, 8 vols (Rome, 1957 77), 3pp.213 39.There is an English translation available, The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux,7: Treatises III: On Grace and Free Choice, trans.Daniel O Donovan; In Praise of the NewKnighthood trans.Conrad Greenia (Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1997), pp.115 171Beroul, The Romance of Tristan by Beroul, a poem of the twelfth century, ed.A.Ewert (Oxford,1977)The Birth of Popular Heresy, ed.R.I.Moore (London, 1975)The Book of the Ordre of Chyvalry translated and printed by William Caxton from a Frenchversion of Ramon Lull s Le Libre del orde de Cavayleria , ed.Alfred T.P.Hyles, EETS 168(London, 1926)Bueve de Hanton:Der Anglonomannische Boeve de Hauntone, ed.Albert Stimming (Halle, 1899)Der festländische Bueve de Hantone, Fassung I, ed.A.Stimming, GRL 25 (Dresden, 1911)Der festländische Bueve de Hantone, Fassung II, ed.A.Stimming, 2 vols, GRL 30, 41 (Dresden,1912 1918)Der festländische Bueve de Hantone, Fassung III, ed.A.Stimming, 2 vols, GRL 34, 42 (Dresden,1914 1920)Caesarius of Heisterbach, Caesarii Heisterbachensis monachi ordinis Cisterciensis dialogusmiraculorum, ed.J.Strange, 2 vols (Cologne, Bonn and Brussels, 1851)Calendar of Documents Relating to Ireland Preserved in Her Majesty s Public Record Office,London, ed.W.S.Sweetman, 5 vols (London, 1875 86)Calendar of the Close Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office.Prepared under theSuperintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Rolls, Edward I, AD 1272 1307, 5 vols(London, 1900 1908)Calendar of the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain: Papal Letters , vol.4, AD 1362 1404,ed.W.H.Bliss and J.A.Twemlow (London, 1902)Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Henry III, AD 1266 1272(London, 1913)Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward 1, 1272 1281(London, 1901)Cartulaire général de l ordre des Hospitaliers de S.Jean de Jérusalem, ed.J.Delaville le Roulx,4 vols (Paris, 1894 1905)Cartulaire général de l ordre du Temple, 1119? 1150 , ed.le marquis d Albon (Paris, 1913)Catalogue of Seals in the Public Record Office.Monastic Seals, vol.1, complied by Roger H.Ellis(London, 1986)Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, ed.Franklin P.Sweetser, TLF (Geneva, 1966)Chandos Herald, Life of the Black Prince by the herald of Sir John Chandos.Edited from themanuscript in Worcester College with linguistic and historical notes, by Mildred K.Popeand Eleanor C.Lodge (Oxford, 1910)La Chanson d Antioch, ed.Suzanne Duparc Quioc (Paris, 1977)La Chanson de Floovant: Étude critique et édition, ed.F.H.Bateson (Loughborough, 1938)Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profileComposite Default screenBIBLIOGRAPHY 241La Chanson des quatre fils Aymon, d après le manuscrit la Vallière, ed.Ferdinand Castet(Montpellier, 1909, reprinted Geneva, 1974)La Chanson de Roland, ed.F.Whitehead (Oxford, 1942)Les Chansons de Jaufré Rudel, ed.A.Jeanroy, CFMA 15 (Paris, 1924)La Chastelaine de Vergi, poème du XIII siècle, ed.G.Raynaud, 2nd edn revue par L.Foulet,CFMA 1 (Paris, 1912)La Chastelaine de Vergi.Edition critique du ms.B.N.f.fr.375 avec introduction, notes, glossaireet index, suivie de l edition diplomatique de tous les manuscrits connus du XIIIe et du XIVesiècle, ed.René Ernst Victor Stuip (The Hague and Paris, 1970)La Chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche, ed.M.Eusebi (Milan and Varese, 1953)Le Chevalier au Cygne et Godefroid de Bouillon, ed.Frederic A.F.T.Baron de Reiffenberg and A.Borgnet, 3 vols (Paris, 1846 54)Chrétien de Troyes, Les Romans de Chrétien de Troyes édités d après la copie de Guiot (Bibl.nat.,fr.794), V: Le Conte du Graal (Perceval), ed.Félix Lecoy, 2 vols, CFMA 100, 103 (Paris,1972 75).An English translation of Perceval is available: Perceval: the Story of the Grail,trans.Nigel Bryant (Cambridge, 1982)Chronica Albrici monachi Trium Fontium, ed.Paul Scheffer-Boichorst, in MGHS 23Chronicle of the Third Crusade: a translation of the Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta regisRicardi, trans.Helen Nicholson (Aldershot, 1997)Chronique d Ernoul et de Bernard le trésorier, ed.L.de Mas Latrie, SHF (Paris, 1871)Chronique latine de Guillaume de Nangis, 1113 à 1300 avec les continuations de cette chroniquede 1300 à 1368, nouvelle édition, ed.H.Géraud, 2 vols SATF (Paris, 1843, reprinted NewYork and London, 1965Claus Wisse and Philipp Colin, Parsifal von Claus Wisse und Philipp Colin (1331 1336): eineErgängzung der Dichtung Wolframs von Eschenbach zum ersten male herausgegeben, ed.Karl Schorbach, Elsässische Litteraturdenkmäler aus den XIV XVII Jahrhundert, ed.ErnstMartin and Erich Schmidt, vol.5 (Stuttgart, 1888: reprinted Berlin and New York, 1974)Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office, 1227 72, 14 vols(London, 1902 38)The Conquest of Jerusalem, trans.Peter W.Edbury (Aldershot, 1996)La Continuation de Guillaume de Tyr (1184 97), ed.M.R.Morgan (Paris, 1982)The Continuations of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes , ed.W.Roach et al., 5 volsin 6 (Philadelphia, 1949 83)Correspondance administrative d Alfonse de Poitiers, ed.Auguste Molinier, 2 vols (Paris,1894 1900)Cronica Jocelini de Brakelonda de rebus gestis Samsonis abbatis monasteri Sancti Edmundi, ed.and trans.H.E.Butler (Edinburgh, 1949) Cronica S.Petri Erfordiensis Moderna , ed.O.Holder-Egger, MGHS, 30Cyranides, in Textes latins et vieux français relatifs aux Cyranides, ed.Louis Delate (Liège andParis, 1942)Le Débat des hérauts d armes de France et d Angleterre, suivi de The Debate between theHeralds of England and France by John Coke, ed.Léopold Pannier and Paul Meyer, SATF(Paris, 1877) De constructione castri Saphet , in Un nouveau texte du traité de constructione castri Saphet ,ed.R.B.C.Huygens, Studi Medievali, 4 (1965), 355 87 La Déliverance Ogier le Danois, fragment d un chanson de geste , ed.Adrien de Longpérier,Journal des Savants (April, 1876), 219 33A Demanda do Santo Graal, ed.Augusto Magne, 3 vols and 1 vol.(Rio de Janiero, 1944 49, 1955)The Didot Perceval according to the manuscripts of Modena and Paris, ed.W.H.Roach(Philadelphia, 1941) Le Dis dou chevalier à la mance , see Jean de CondéLe Dossier de l affaire des Templiers, ed.Georges Lizerand (Paris, 1923)The Elucidation: a Prologue to the Conte del Graal, ed.Albert Wilder Thompson (New York,1931)Enfances Renier: canzone di gesta inedita del sec.XIII, ed.Carla Cremonesi (Milan and Varese,1957)Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profileComposite Default screen242 BIBLIOGRAPHYThe English Charlemagne Romances: The Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux, done into English bySir John Bauchier, Lord Berners, and printed by Wynkyn de Wade about 1534 A.D., ed.S.L.Lee, Early English Text Society Extra Series, 4 vols bound as two, nos [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]