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. I m at your apartment, Quint said,  I expect to see you arrive within fifteen minutes. Gabe s face tightened, pinching with frustration. I was just with you, he said low, strained, You said I didn t have to be back until tomorrow. I changed my mind, Quint told him dully. Are we& arguing?Fuck! Gabe released a slow, tight breath. No, he murmured,  I ll be right over. Come on now, Gabriel, Quint mused,  Show some enthusiasm.You know I m a great fuck.Gabe swallowed hard, eyes stinging.He offered no reply. Aren t I?Breath rushed through his nostrils as the authority in the man s voice demanded an answer. Yes. Say it for me, and Gabe could hear the smug smile in his voice. It gives me a charge to hearyou say it out loud.Did the man know he was at Cole s? Was he hoping Cole would overhear? That was Gabe sfear.He stepped deeper into the kitchen. You re a great fuck, he forced sincerity into his voice,understanding it was required as well. And?Gabe closed his eyes and swallowed thickly,  I can t get enough of you. Aww, that just warms my heart, Quint offered smugly. And hardens my cock.So don t wasteany more time.Get that sweet ass over here. I m on my way, Gabe mumbled and waited for Quint to end the call, then closed his phone andsqueezed it in his fist, jaw clenching, causing an ache to vein up through his face.Fuck.Fuck! Chapter SixteenThe Last Brick in The Wall Cole? Gabe s voice came through the bathroom door, low, muffled. Babe, I m really sorry,but&  He faltered, a strain squeezing his voice. Something came up, I have to go.But I ll be backlater.I promise.Cole remained silent, his head pressed against the inside of the door, tears rolling slowly downhis face.Don t bother coming back.There s nothing to say now.He had heard Gabe s phone go off,had heard enough of his side of the conversation to know just what had come up.Cole squeezed hiseyes shut, throat working to swallow the sobs pushing up; he didn t want Gabe to hear him cry.Didn twant the fucker to know how much he was hurting him.Why give him the satisfaction? Cole? Gabe knocked lightly. Babe, did you hear me? There was an anxiousness in his tone,as if he couldn t wait to get out of there. Yeah, Cole managed, forcing back his emotions. Fine.Whatever. Go fuck him! You fuckingwhore! Don t ever come back! He bit his lip hard, tasting blood, his whole body straining with thecries fighting to burst out.Just go! Leave me alone! I ll talk to you later, Gabe mumbled, and Cole heard his footsteps walking away.A momentlater, the front door opened then closed and Cole sagged against the bathroom door, breaking down.He hadn t said I love you before leaving.He always said  I love you every single time he leftCole s presence.Cole gripped the door knob, holding himself up, choking on the sobs.When he suddenly jerkedopen the door, he wasn t entirely certain his intentions.But in minutes he was sitting behind the wheelof his car, pulling away from his apartment building and he knew where he was going. The bastard wanted to cheat on him? Well he wasn t going to get the luxury of pretendingotherwise.Maybe when Cole caught him in the act, he would finally fucking admit his indiscretions.He didn t get to play oblivious when Cole was dying from the fucking gaping hole in his chest! Fuck! Cole slammed his palms on the steering wheel, vision blurring, distorting the street andcars before him.He wiped at his face, breath erratic, unstable. You fucker, he cried,  Everyone sgonna know what a fucking piece of shit you are.He wasn t entirely certain how he made it to Gabe s apartment without rear ending another car,or causing some form of accident, but it seemed he was just suddenly there.Parked at the end of theblock.Gabe s car was in front of the building.Go inside.Get it over with.See for yourself thatyou re not  misinterpreting the evidence.It was what he needed to do, but his hands gripped the steering wheel and his ass refused toleave the seat.Do you really want to see it? He didn t.But his mind couldn t comprehend thisreality.If he didn t see it with his own eyes& he might be fooled into letting Gabe stay.The guy hadalready proved how well he could fake sincerity and love.He could trick Cole into believing theystill had something.But not if you see him with another man.Stepping out of the car, Cole understood that these were the last few steps he would take as aliving, breathing soul.Once he laid eyes on the man he loved, so willingly fucking someone else thebreath of life would leave him.He would become nothing more than an empty shell of a man in searchof his final resting place.Each step closer was heavier than the last, as if his shoes were slowly filling up with concrete.Outside Gabe s door, he almost ran, his heart screaming at him not to look, not to see, begging for amercy he couldn t grant.He listened and heard nothing on the other side of the door, then opened it slowly, quietly.Anumbness was steadily spreading through him and he welcomed it.The living room and kitchen were deserted, but it wasn t a large apartment and the hallway to the bedroom was a short one not nearly long enough to stifle the sounds coming from Gabe s room.Don t go down there.Don t do it.Don t look [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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