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.Straightforward Upper Intermediate Unit Test 11Straightforward Upper Intermediate Unit Test 11Answer keyVocabularyA1 Ocean2 cove3 Mount4 Straits5 Bay6 cliffs7 hills8 valleys9 gorges10 peaksB11 down and out12 bits and pieces13 pick and choose14 flesh and blood15 tried and tested16 long and hardGrammarC17 -18 the19 the20 the21 -D22 A23 an24 the25 the26 -27 theE28 I live near the Mediterranean.29 √30 The survey found that the laughter helps us live longer.31 Washington DC is the capital of the USA.32 I had a wonderful holiday last year.33 √F34 such35 so36 such37 so38 such39 soFunctional languageG40 or something41 more or less42 and stuff like that43 you know44 kind of45 or so46 sort of47 and so on48 you know49 kind of50 like1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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