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.He moved backinstinctively, only processing why the moment his back bumped intothe center island and Bertie stepped directly in front of him.He wasstill talking, blowing soft words at Arthur as if he had to be carefulnot to stoke any embers back into a raging fire.Arthur opened his A Boy and His Dragon127mouth to defend himself without knowing what he would say, butthen what Bertie was murmuring sank in. He s truly just an old friend, pet, and not my type even if Iwere his which is female, I ll have you know. You don t need to explain. Arthur pushed up, looking uponce quickly while he had the strength and then down to preservewhat he could of his pride.His heart was racing, and his skin wasstill so hot that it felt tight.His entire body felt tight.Shaky.Restless.He could hear the grin in Bertie s voice. But I want to. He was either inching closer or Arthur was. Iwant to. Bertie s breathing was heavy, deep, and fast, like hecouldn t get enough air, or enough air with the scent of Arthur in it.The sound was drowning out Arthur s heart, his own breath.It waslike Bertie was lapping up the oxygen around him, consuming it.Arthur thought of fire again but couldn t move to run for cover. Arthur, he was called back, as if his thoughts were all over hisface.Arthur raised his eyes and thought that he must be dreamingagain because now Bertie looked like he was dizzy and feverish too. Even if that hadn t been the case, Arthur, I wouldn t have touchedhim.Arthur pushed back against the island, but only to stay on hisfeet.When that didn t work he raised a hand and put it on Bertie sshoulder without thinking.Bertie s dress shirt was thin.Arthurunfurled his hand and felt the heat of skin just out of reach andthought of flesh that looked like ink and the scales that meant moremagic than he could ever comprehend.Maybe this was magic.He d have no way of knowing, thoughhe didn t think Bertie would ever stoop to this kind of spell.Hewouldn t have to.He might be a dragon, but Arthur was here of hisown free will.Arthur, who wasn t powerful and who wasn t magicand who definitely wasn t another dragon who was both of thosethings.He frowned at the thought, because what Bertie had said didn tmake any sense. R.Cooper128 Why not? He blinked and raised his chin to aim his frown atBertie, only to stop at the complete surprise in Bertie s expression.His eyes were wide and unfocused a second before they focusedagain, narrowing on Arthur as if he d never laid eyes on him before.Bertie stared at him, looking the most serious that Arthur hadever seen him, and then quirked a small smile. Because&. He was still breathing heavily as he seemed togrow so hot that he burned to the touch.Arthur nearly flinched whenhe raised his hand, gasping instead when Bertie seemed to changehis mind about whatever he had been going to do and only let hispalm graze Arthur s jaw. Because I wouldn t hurt you for worlds.He sighed it, some epiphany lighting his eyes before he flashedanother deliberate grin and took several steps back.He coughed and moved toward the fridge, too, not lookingback to see Arthur s lost shudder. Don t look so frightened, Arthur.You d think I was going todevour you. It didn t have his usual flair, but Arthur scowledanyway out of habit because Bertie knew statements like that werealarming to humans and said them to be funny. I m not scared. His chin was still up, but Bertie pulled outcream for tea he must be planning on making himself and didn t turnback to him.It was better that he didn t.Arthur was shaking weakly,cold without Bertie so close to him.Whether or not he could smell it, Bertie didn t call him on thelie as he got out some tea. Perhaps I am, Arthur. Which didn t make sense either,because Bertie had nothing to fear from Arthur.Arthur was prettysure Bertie only had to say his name and he would come running nomatter how furious or jealous he might be.He certainly wasn t anysort of physical threat.Bertie couldn t think that.But he moved when Arthur did, glancing over with too muchwarmth in his eyes for someone who was just making tea. I wasn t expecting it to be like this.I feel quite disgustinglyweak.Grovelly you will have to check to see if that word is A Boy and His Dragon129correct, Arthur.I want& things& but I can t move withoutthinking, would Arthur approve, would he smile? I don t understand. Arthur had never had trouble controllinghis mouth before.Of course, he had the vague memories ofProfessor Gibson s patient expression as Arthur had asked yetanother question in a long series of questions, but those questionswere nothing to the things he kept blurting out in this house.Bertie snorted and Arthur caught a whiff of smoke. I know. In the time it took Bertie to fill the kettle with waterand put it on the stove, Arthur s heart hadn t slowed.Bertie seemedbetter though, almost calm as he peeped over his shoulder at Arthur. Are you still angry with me?Arthur flattened his mouth and resisted remarking that Bertiemust be recovering from his late night to offer him that fake meeklook.He just sighed. No. He wasn t angry anymore.He was a lot of things at themoment frustrated, horny, confused, hurt but not angry. I m glad. Bertie beamed at him for another second thatbecame two, then three, before he tossed his head and glanced away. Now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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