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.Ryancomforted him all the while thanking him for saving him.In their combinedform they were so deeply intertwined it was almost as if they were one.And with this merging, Ryan knew everything about Richard and Phillip spast.He now understood why Phillip had been almost desperate to keephim safe.It wasn t about dominating him.It was from fear of whathappened to Richard.Bound together, Phillip and Ryan made peace withtheir issues and confessed their deep and abiding love without a word. Wow.That is one big-ass bear.And it looks exactly like our teammascot.Their fuzzy head swiveled toward Derek.To their eyes, his platinum-blond hair was practically glowing under the florescent lights. Can I pet you? Derek reached out, and Brandon playfully slappedhis hand. Go clean up, surfer boy. Come with me, pretty boy. Derek grabbed Brandon s hand andwaggled his eyebrows. Like either one of us will actually get anything done if we go together.Brandon tried to extricate himself from Derek s grip, but he didn t seem tobe trying very hard to get away. Oh, we ll get something done all right.Playfully, Brandon pushed Derek away then glanced over at Phillip andRyan. That s what we will look like if we shift? Brandon examined their Kinky Alpha 77bear form with wide, curious eyes.It had been so long since he d shifted, the sensation was almost novel.Phillip felt his energy filling Ryan, healing him, restoring him to health. I think it s cute. Derek reached out and brushed his fingers over theirhead.When he scratched them behind the ear, he and Ryan whimperedpleasurably. See, everything, even a big tough bear, likes to be scratchedbehind the ears.When someone tried to enter the room, Derek managed to put themoff by going out into the hall and pitching some kind of mock hysterical fit.Phillip and Ryan were impressed with Derek s acting abilities.Maybe heshould be on television, Phillip thought.Derek s show had the desiredeffect.The nurse comforted him then left, which gave Phillip and Ryanmore time to stay shifted.If he and Ryan could stay in bear form for a bitlonger, Ryan would be close to almost fully healed.* * * *After a long time, Phillip and Ryan separated into separate humanforms, and with Dylan s help, Ryan was settled back into bed with all themachines hooked back up to him.In the shift he lost his bandages, hisflimsy hospital johnny, and most of his grievous injuries. How are we going to explain this? Ryan asked, looking down at hisnow-healed body.Dylan considered. We ll wrap you back up, and they won t know.And then, with your pull  he pointed to Phillip  you can get himtransferred somewhere else. He left to find some gauze and an extrajohnny.If anyone knew where to look, Dylan was the man. And now we ve just got to get you something to wear. Ryanconsidered Phillip s naked body. Although, to be fair, I m not minding youbeing naked.Phillip grinned. Yes, but I think the administration of this hospitalmight. For now, he sat on the bed and covered his lap with one of theblankets. Thank you. Ryan grasped Phillip s hand but then turned his gaze 78 Anitra Lynn McLeodslowly around so that he looked at all the men gathered there. You notonly saved my life, you saved my soul.And finally, after a very long and lonely time, after tears and traumasand untold troubles, Phillip was restored to the safety and protection of asloth. Kinky Alpha 79Chapter 11 I have never felt anything so magical. Ryan and Phillip were intheir bear form, playing in the forest that abutted the back of Phillip spalatial estate.Spending more time shifted accelerated Ryan s healingprocess, but it also simply felt good. I feel a freedom and peace thatI ve always sought but never found until now. You can see why I was willing to do anything, even risk my life,to have this again.Especially with a man like you. Phillip mentallyembraced Ryan. Like me? Ryan asked. You match me well in temperament, drive, and ability.I think weare an amazing pair who will do great things. I think so, too. Ryan smiled. When I saw the vision of us as abear, I wanted to believe it almost desperately, but the rational partof my brain rejected the notion. As a chemist, you are a very rational man. But I m a dreamer, too, because I believed against all odds thatthis was possible.It s what kept me clinging to life. Ryan had felt hissoul leave his body, but some other part of him refused to let go.It wasthat stubborn element that drew his soul back, allowing him to twin withPhillip. Well, then, we shall dub you the very first dreamer realist.Phillip paused briefly, considering. Perhaps I should change that to thevery first kinky dreamer realist. I like that. Ryan laughed. But what would that make you? Ah.I am a kinky alpha with dreamer tendencies. What makes you so certain that you re the alpha in our pair? Does it matter? 80 Anitra Lynn McLeod Not in the least.It s just a label.Nothing more. Once Ryangrasped that Phillip was overly protective because of the loss of his formertwin, he was far more understanding of his domineering tendencies. Alpha or omega doesn t matter when we determine who and whatwe are. And what we need.Ryan nodded.There was comfort in knowing that there were norestrictions on what they could do or be together.The profound intimacy ofbonded and twinned souls had been intimidating at first, but now Ryan wasutterly comfortable with not only himself, but his life-long mate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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