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.What could only be "intuitively" sensed as the uniqueness and strictly individual purpose of life at the Ascendant (the symbolic sunrise point) can in principle be clearly seen and concretely applied at the Zenith (the symbolic noon point).At the Zenith, when the individual is ready to take this radical step, he or she may be "reborn" as a full-fledged and, in a real sense, consecrated individual, able, egolessly and consciously to act as an agent of Humanity.Such an individual can then be empowered by Humanity (then perceived as a spiritual organism of unanimous consciousness � a Pleroma of transindividual beings), to actually perform what he or she was born for, his or her dharma.The astrological symbol of this empowerment, and of the Source of the power made available to the individual for the welfare of the whole, is a star in the vast system of organization we call the Milky Way, the galaxy within which the solar system and all it contains constitutes but a small unit.()       In every human being, the potentiality of eventually becoming related to such a "star" is inherent; but it is only a potential, a very distant one in most instances.In order to actualize this potentiality, a human being has, step by step, to raise the level of his or her consciousness from the biological to the sociocultural, then to the individual level � and not merely his or her consciousness, but also the quality and character of his or her activity.The process leading from the biological to the sociocultural level can be called the process of enculturation; from the cultural to the individual, it is the process of individualization.The path that leads beyond the individual is the transpersonal Path; and I shall devote the next chapter to it.I shall try to suggest how to approach a type of astrological interpretation meeting the most significant needs of individuals seeking to tread that path of radical transformation, or even only to orient themselves toward the distant goal that the concept of the transpersonal path may evoke in them once they have become dissatisfied with both the patterns of our society and the narrow, so often blind and aimless pseudo-individualism of "doing my own thing".2.Cf.Carl Jung, Psychological Types.See also my book.The Astrology of Personality, "The Dial of Houses", p.210ff, where I relate these Jungian categories to the Angels of the birth-chart.3 The Zenith and Mid-Heaven (and Nadir and Immum Coeli) technically and astronomically are related to two different frames of reference.Zenith and Nadir refer respectively to two points of the sky, the former directly overhead, and the latter its exact opposite.If a person stands upright on the surface of the globe, the prolongation of his or her spinal column would be, above, one of the trillions of stars in the visible sky, and below, first, the Earth's center, then a point at the antipodes, then an invisible star above the other side of the Earth.The meaning of the Nadir and of the symbolic fourth House it begins is to be deduced, first, from the concept of the soil on which the person stands, then the Earth-center (the center of the planetary whole), then the realization that any existent is polarized by Its opposite-objectivity (the visible sky) by subjectivity (the invisible inner center), light by darkness, etc.      In traditional astrology the terms Zenith and Mid-Heaven are usually used interchangeably.The Mid-Heaven is, however, astronomically a point in the zodiacal circle.It is still the point above, but classical astrology uses the zodiac as the foundation of all essential astrological meaning -- although parallels of declination are also used which do not refer to the zodiac.When I have spoken of the star above the head, it is of course the star at the actual zenith.The Mid-Heaven is the symbolical zenith in any system based on the zodiac.      For a full discussion of stars, see my book The Sun Is Also A Star (The Galactic Dimension of Astrology), especially Chapter 9., "The Challenge of Galacticity in Humanistic Astrology," p.173ff.CHAPTER FOURThe Individual Level of Interpretation - 3The Birth Chart and the Planetsin a Mandala-Type of Interpretation Whether or not they clearly realize it to be fact, the majority of human beings, especially in the Western world, are struggling through the slow and arduous process of individualization.In interpreting the birth-charts of these individuals-in-the-making, it is therefore advisable and often imperative to assume that at the symbolic center of the birth-chart a centralizing entity � or power of integration � at least partially, perhaps weakly or spasmodically, operates.The birth-chart can therefore be considered a mandala; and all mandalas have to have a center and a circumference.Everything that is contained within this circumference should sooner or later be referred to the center.All the contents of the mandala of personality acquire their meaning by being related to the center.They are potentially, if not actually, powers which the central "I" should be able to use in order to express itself, to establish its position and status in the social environment, and to leave a characteristic mark � the signature of its individual being � upon whatever it is able to affect.      Any integrative process requires some kind of boundaries which set limits to it and define its scope in spatial terms.When a birth-chart is considered a mandala, its center is, I repeat, the point at which the horizon and meridian axes cross.There stands, if not the actual individual, at least the potentiality of individualization � the individual-in-the-making.The circumference which sets limits to the field of existence of an individual � his or her basic living space � is, in present-day astrology, the zodiac.The zodiac also symbolizes for the individual generic "human nature", which also sets limits to individual development, yet not impassable ones.In the Western world, all but a few astrologers use what is called the tropical zodiac, which, to an astronomer, is the ecliptic, the Earth's orbit.      At the biological level of interpretation, the zodiac is the field of electromagnetic energy surrounding the Earth.As the Sun's rays strike our biosphere at constantly changing angles month after month, they release into it and induce varying types of energies.The twelve signs of the zodiac represent twelve fundamental types of energies [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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