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.(He pullsback the covers and she pulls out herfoot.He takes it in his hand.) Oh,what a big tootsie.(He turns to her,raising his eyebrows up) Remember thisone? (He counts on her toes as he saysthe following) This little piggy wentto market, this little piggy stayedhome, this little piggy had roast beef,this little piggy had none, and thislittle piggy went `Weeee!' (he ticklesup her leg to her tummy and she giggles)all the way home!Just then, Lawrence's beeper goes off.He leans back, takes itout and looks at it.DIANAI hate that thing.LAWRENCEWell I have to go to work, sweetheart.You know what Daddy's job is like.Now,come on.(he re-tucks her in, she smilesat him.) Let's see.Try and get somesleep now, okay? (He gives her a kiss,smiles, stands up and goes to the door.)DIANAYou're not going to leave us, are you,Daddy?LAWRENCE(suddenly concerned) What? (He stopsat the door, turns, goes back over toher bed, sits down next to her and leansover.This was the last thing he'd expectedher to say) What are you talking about?You mean, leave you and Mommy? (Shenods; he reaches up and gently brushesher hair away from her face.) No, nosweetheart, I would never do that.Whogave you that idea?DIANANo one.LAWRENCEWell it's not true, okay?DIANA(very softly) Okay.LAWRENCEHow much do I love you?He moves his face closer to her and together they sayLAWRENCE & DIANALove you very muchLAWRENCEThat's right, that's right! (He givesher a kiss, pulls back.) Good night,sweetie.DIANAGood night, Daddy.Lawrence gets up and goes to the door, flipping the lights off.He pauses before he steps out.LAWRENCETomorrow, I'll read you your favouritestory.DIANA(with a small smile) Okay.LAWRENCEOkay.(he goes out.)Quick cut to the Entrance Hall of the Gordon Residence.Lawrencewalks towards the door, Alison behind him.Alison's voice startsto cut over the scene.Her tone is very pissed off.ALISONI don't know how much longer I can dothis, Larry.LAWRENCE(sounds as though he has no idea whatshe means) What, what are you talkingabout?ALISON(pissed, in disbelief) How can you walkthrough life pretending that you'rehappy?LAWRENCEI am happy.ALISON(confrontational) That is complete bullshit.(cut to a shot of Diana, laying on herside in her darkened room, clutchingher teddy bear to her chest.Her eyesare open, she can hear everything [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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