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.It is impossible to conceive what might happen in such circumstances if mankind has not, by then, reached selflessness.The attainment of selflessness alone will enable humanity to be kept from the brink of destruction.The downfall of our present epoch will be caused by lack of morality.The Lemurian epoch was destroyed by fire, the Atlantean by water; our epoch and its civilisation will be destroyed by the War of All against All, by evil.Human beings will destroy each other in mutual strife.And the terrible thing — more desperately tragic than other catastrophes — will be that the blame will lie with human beings themselves.A tiny handful of men will make good and thus insure their survival in the sixth epoch of civilisation.This tiny handful will have attained selflessness.The others will develop every imaginable skill and subtlety in the manipulation and use of the physical forces of nature, but without the essential degree of selflessness.In the seventh epoch of civilisation, this War of All against All will break out in the most terrible form.Great and mighty forces will be let loose by the discoveries, turning the whole earth-globe into a kind of [self-functioning] live electric mass.In a way that cannot be discussed, the tiny handful will be protected and preserved.And now you will be able to picture, more clearly than was possible when I spoke of the things before, why the “good and proper form” as it has been called, must be sought, and in what sense Freemasonry was aware of its duty to build an edifice dedicated to selfless ends.It is easier to become one of the tiny handful of men who ensure for themselves a place in the life of the future by using the good old forms than by having to struggle out of chaos.People nowadays may be inclined to jeer at “empty forms,” as they say.but those forms have nevertheless a deep meaning and purpose; they are in line with the structure of our period of evolution, and when all is said and done they are connected with necessary stages in the development of human nature and of the human soul.Just think of it.We are living in the fifth period of the fifth great epoch; we have still to live through two more periods of this great epoch.Then will follow the seven periods of the sixth great epoch and then the seven periods of the seventh great epoch.This makes sixteen stages of evolution in the future.Humanity has still to climb these sixteen stages.A man who can experience something of the conditions of existence there possible, is to a certain degree initiated.There is a correspondence between the degrees of initiation and the secret of the epochs still to come.In the life of our planet there are seven great epochs, and each of these seven has seven sub-periods — forty-nine conditions, therefore, in all.Thus there are definite stages for the investigation of the secrets of future phases of evolution.The high Degrees of Freemasonry originally had no other aim or purpose than to be an expression, each one of them, of a future stage of the evolution of humanity.Thus we have in Freemasonry something that has been both good and beautiful.A man who attained one Degree knew how he must work his way into the future; he could be a kind of pioneer.He knew too that one who reaches a higher Degree can accomplish greater things.This arrangement according to Degrees can well be made, for it corresponds with the facts.If, therefore, it were possible to inculcate a new content together with a new knowledge into these forms, much good would accrue, for Freemasonry would then be imbued with real spirit once again.Content and form, however belong to the whole.The state of affairs today is that the Degrees are there but nobody has worked through them in the real sense! In spite of this, however, they are not there without a purpose.The fifth epoch of culture is a purely intellectual age, an age of egoism.The intellect is egoistical in the highest degree and it is the hallmark of our time.And so we must make our way upwards through intellect to spirituality before we can picture the spirituality that was once actively at work.The essential secret, therefore, is this: The human being must know how to keep silence about the paths along which his “ I ” unfolds, and to regard his deeds, not his personal “ I ” as the criterion.The real heart of the secret lies in his deeds and in the overcoming of the “ I ” through deed.The “ I ” must remain concealed, within the deed! Elimination of the interests of the personal “ I ” from the on-streaming flow of human karma — this belongs to the First Degree.Whatever individual karma the “ I ” incurs in the process, is thereby wiped out.Nation, race, sex, position, religion.all these work upon human egoism.Only when man has overcome them will he be free of egoism.The astral body of every nation, every race, every epoch, has a definite colour.You will always find a colour which is fundamental in the astral body of a human being who is [a] member of one of these classifications.This specific colour must be eliminated.Anthroposophical spiritual science works to level out the colours of the astral bodies of its adherents.They must be of like colour — alike, that is to say, in respect of the basic colour.This basic colour gives rise to a certain substance called Kundalini which holds together, within the human being, the forces which lead eventually to the spirit.This leveling-out process will bring war and bloodshed in its train — war in the shape of economic strife among nations, pressure for expansion, suppression in every form, strife in the sphere of investment and profit, industrial undertakings, and so forth.And by adopting certain measures it will increasingly be possible to handle vast masses of people by sheer force; the individual will acquire greater and greater power over certain masses of the people.For the course of evolution is leading, not towards greater democracy, but towards oligarchy of the brutal kind, in that the power of the single individual will immeasurably increase.If morals are not ennobled, this will lead to brutality in every possible form.This state of things will come, just as the great water-catastrophe came to the Atlanteans [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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