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.“Can’t do that, my friend,” Smith said, shaking his head.“This money don’t belong to me.I’m just running an errand for someone a lot bigger than you.”“Barclay, go and collect the bag,” Todd said to one of his shaven headed accomplices.The guy nodded and walked towards Smith.Barclay bent down and put the spilled dollar bill rolls back into the canvas bag.He zipped up the bag, stood up and went to walk back to Todd.Smith drew his Desert Eagle and grabbed Barclay around the neck with his arm all in one quick movement.Barclay dropped the bag and his tongue protruded under the pressure of Smith’s grip.Smith held the barrel of the Desert Eagle to the side of Barclay’s head.“Let him go,” Todd screamed.“Let him go, you bastard.”Now the shit really had hit the fan.Todd’s entourage pulled their weapons and I felt Julia quiver in my arms as we heard the click-clack of cocking shot guns.We faced a barrage of around thirty fire arms held by dangerous men.I hoped Smith knew what he was doing.Chapter Eighteen“Looks like we got a Mexican standoff here,” Smith said, with his gun held to Barclay’s head.“Why don’t you good old boys just get on your way?”“Now you’ve really pissed me off,” Todd spat.“You aint getting out of this situation alive, Slick.”“Slick? I like that one.I haven’t heard that name since those old fashioned movies.You must have been in jail for a while,” Smith laughed and tightened his grip around Barclay’s neck.Barclay let out a gagging sound like he was choking.“Eazy, pick up the bag and toss it into the back of the van.Batfish, start the engine, we’re out of here,” Smith barked.Eazy moved slowly, bent down and tossed the bag of money onto the back seat of the VW.Batfish gunned the engine.“Don’t think you’re getting out of here,” Todd growled.“Hey look, I got some juice cans,” Kell said as he came out of the garage doorway.His smile soon disappeared when he observed the scene.He stood holding the jerry cans aloft in each hand.I must admit I’d forgotten all about Kell with the latest predicament we found ourselves in.“Bring the cans over here, man,” Eazy beckoned Kell.“Come on, quickly.”Kell obliged and crept over next to Eazy between the gas pumps.Eazy jammed the gas nozzle into one of the jerry cans and started to fill it.I didn’t think we had time to fill both of them.Todd or a member of his crew was going to make a move in the next few seconds.They jittered on the edge.Smith had proved he wasn’t scared but I felt one of us was going to end up catching a bullet.The tension built in the standoff, Todd and his cronies shuffled around nervously.I didn’t know what Smith’s plans were.He had at least given us a glimmer of hope of escaping but there was no way we’d out run this lot in the VW camper.I dreaded to think what Todd and his boys would do to us if this situation turned to rat shit.The girls were probably facing multiple rape and us guys a long beating and probable execution.Smith was definitely a dead man if he didn’t play this right.“Turn the van around, Batfish,” Smith called.I saw Todd’s mind ticking over as Batfish backed up and K-turned in front of the gang’s parked vehicles.Some of the crew pointed their guns at the VW whilst Batfish maneuvered.This situation was like a volcano ready to erupt.I was sure if we weren’t standing by the gasoline pumps, Todd and his gang would be shooting by now.At least behind the camper we had some sort of cover.Batfish sat in the idling VW on the blacktop, nervously glancing out of the window.Eazy started to fill the second jerry can.“Okay, Kell,” Smith said.“Take that first jerry can over to the camper and sit tight.We’ll be over in a minute.”Kell did as he was told.He picked up the jerry can full of gas and trotted towards the VW.Then all hell broke loose.“Ah, fuck this,” Todd yelled.Todd swiveled his aim away from Smith and pointed his gun at Kell.He fired one shot.The bullet hit the jerry can Kell carried and reacted like a bomb.Poor Kell was blown to pieces amongst burning gasoline.Smith turned his gun on Todd and fired.The bullet hit Todd in the side of his neck and he went down.Julia screamed hysterically.I grabbed her and made a dash for the camper.Eazy dropped the second jerry can he was filling and the gas pump nozzle.One of Todd’s gang fired his Ithaca shot gun at Smith.The pellets ripped through Barclay’s stomach and he went limp in Smith’s grip.Smith fired back and took out two of the gang with head shots.He edged his way towards the camper using Barclay’s dead body as a human shield.Eazy left the gas pump nozzle still running when he dropped it on the ground.A pool of gas steadily flooded across the ground the width of the garage.Eazy bolted for the camper, firing off a few shots of his own.The pool of gas flooded the road and seeped around the gang member’s feet and their vehicles.Julia and I ran around Kell’s blazing body parts and made it to the camper.We jumped in the back, closely followed by Eazy.Julia sobbed hysterically; Batfish and Donna screamed some incoherent babble.Bullets rained down on Smith but he still kept the body of Barclay held in front of him.I don’t know whether he noticed the gas pooling around the gang or he had a sudden burst of inspiration.He fired a shot at one of the motorbike’s gas tanks.The tank exploded and took out three of the gang standing by.The burning gas in the motorcycle tank ignited the gas on the ground, engulfing Todd’s mob and their vehicles in flames.Smith threw Barclay’s dead body face first on the tarmac and made a dash for the camper.Batfish was already pulling away when he leapt in the back.Bullets rattled into the camper and one took out the cracked back window.“Quick, drive,” Smith yelled.“The whole place is going to blow.”Eazy slammed the side door shut and Batfish flawed the gas pedal.Julia sobbed into my shoulder as we sat on the camper floor.Rosenberg sat next to us whimpering, with his chin tucked into his chest and eyes tightly shut.I was glad to see he still firmly held Spot the dog.I craned my neck and took a look out the back window to see if any of Todd’s crew was in pursuit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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