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.It has to be her.”“But what about that 140 warriors part?”“I don’t know how that fits in.Maybe it’s from another part of the legend, during the war or something?”“Well, I hope it’s not too important because there aren’t going to be 140 of us to stand against Greeley.More like five of us,” I added under my breath.We spent the next few hours going back over the script on the wall, making note of where the number 140 kept cropping up.There were passages about the strength of 140, the speed of 140, the fury of 140, and so on.“It seems like it’s part of the future rather than the past,” I said.“I agree.I only see it at the end of the legend in the prophecy.”“But that makes no sense.Who are these 140 people we’re supposed to get to help us?”“I don’t know, Tippy, but I know we’re right about Greeley.”“What about Greeley?” came Remi’s voice, temporarily startling us.“Remi!” I said, rushing over to help him.He had returned with a stack of supplies.He had blankets and food and notebooks.It was so good to see him again.We spread out the blankets and sat down to enjoy the fruit and bread he smuggled down to us.I didn’t realize how famished I was until just now.I tore the bread into hunks and stuffed them into my mouth and then washed them down with big gulps of water.Then I bit into a mango and let the juice run down my chin in delight.I was enjoying the meal so much I closed my eyes to savor it and laughed at myself, realizing how much I was behaving like Journey right now, gorging myself on the food before me.“Sorry,” I said sheepishly wiping my face with the back of my hand, “I must have been hungry.”“I’ll say,” Remi said with a laugh.“Just make sure you save a little for Niv.”“Niv!” I squealed with delight.“You brought him?”“Yeah, Sparrow insisted.She said he’d been acting sad and she thought he might perk up if I brought him to see you.”Remi opened his shoulder bag and undid the invisibility charm as a sleepy Niv waddled out.He stretched and blinked, twitching his nose all the while.Once he got his bearings and caught sight of me he perked up and trotted over to me, climbing into my lap and standing on his hind legs to shower me with kisses.“Niv! Oh Niv, I missed you, too!”I whispered a thank you to Remi.He always seemed to know exactly what I needed.Between Niv and the food and my two friends, I was actually able to forget I was stuck in the locker and spent an enjoyable evening chatting with Remi and Nova about what we’d learned from the walls.Remi agreed about Greeley after examining the wall for himself.Then he seemed to be deep in thought about what the number 140 could mean because he didn’t say too much after that, until he excused himself for the night.“Well, I hate to leave you down here, but I’m going to go back up to room 13 now.I want to fill Sparrow and Journey in on what you’ve learned.Maybe they’ll have some helpful input.” He stood to leave, but then turned back, “Will you be okay down here?” he asked us both, but I knew from his eyes he was really talking to me.“We’ll be fine,” Nova answered, and graciously thanked him for the food and blankets.I gave Remi a final reassuring nod and watched him vanish into the darkness.“You know, you don’t have to stay down here,” Nova said after a while.“I know, but I want to,” I said with a shrug and I meant it.I always cherished the time I got to spend with Nova and the locker offered us nothing but unending time.We settled in for the night, wrapping ourselves in the blankets Remi brought us.Niv burrowed his way down to my belly and snuggled up against me, making his little cooing noises that always soothed me.Nova nestled up against me and let me rest my head on his arm.Even though we were in the most dreadful place in the Troian Center, I have to say I have never been happier.I felt so calm and safe in Nova’s arms.I let him play with my hair, smoothing it away from my face, lulling me to sleep.Chapter 41When I awoke I didn’t have any idea how much time had passed.Was it morning already? Afternoon? Or perhaps I only just shut my eyes moments ago? Not being able to see the sunlight was really starting to get to me.The peaceful complacency of the previous night had worn off.I anxiously untangled my stiff limbs from my blanket and stood, rubbing my arms to try to get some warmth back in them.Even Niv looked grumpy, with his rumpled beard and heavy eyes barely open, letting me know he was not ready to wake up yet.“Fine, you stay there then,” I grumbled as I started to pace around the room.Not much had changed.We had retracted my orbs and the glowing letters from the wall so we could sleep last night, so I was only using my night vision to get around, not wanting to wake Nova with my other sources of light.I had just reached the far wall, when I heard footsteps above.I turned to see Nova still contently asleep in his blanket.I strained my ears and then heard a heavy latch being lifted and suddenly a bright light beamed down into the room, temporarily blinding me.“Nova!” I telepathed to him as I stumbled blindly backwards, but he was already up and by my side by the time I fully regained my vision.Someone was thumping loudly down the stairs.“Niv!” I silently shrieked to Nova.“He’s still in my blanket!”“Go, I’ll buy you some time if you need it.Get rid of it all Tippy.”He didn’t have to tell me twice.I was running to where I left Niv and sighed with relief when he lifted his fuzzy little head again to snuff at me when I reached the blankets.I picked him up and made him invisible right before stuffing him into my shirt.Then I piled up the blankets and things that Remi brought us and made them disappear, too.I wasn’t sure who or why someone was coming down to check on us, but we couldn’t let them know that we possessed all these supplies or they’d know something was up.I was panting as I skidded to a stop near Nova on the far wall as we watched a shadowy figure reach the bottom step and bang something metal against the bars that held us captive down here.“Come on then, rise and shine, it’s you’re lucky day dearies,” came Jest’s raspy, wicked voice.“It’s time to go back to work, for those of you who can,” he said sending himself into a laugh that sputtered into a coughing fit.“Why is he coming down here for us already?” I asked.“Not sure, but I’m about ready to get out, so let’s get out of here while we can.”“Okay, but you have to act injured remember?”Nova winked at me and then slumped over, draping his arm heavily across my shoulders.I instinctively put my arms around his waist to steady him.I knew this was all part of the act to keep up the charade that Nova was still severely injured, but I wished he wasn’t laying it on so thick.I was struggling to keep myself upright with his weight anchoring me down.Not to mention he must have accidentally squished the invisible marmouse in my shirt because now Niv was awake and angrily circling my torso, looking for a way out.I tried not to squirm at Niv’s tickling as I worked tirelessly to guide an “injured” Nova out of the open section of bars, past Jest.Once we stepped out into the hallway, we were bathed in the warm sunlight beaming down from above.It’s comforting glow on my cold skin was short lived though, because as I turned to look at Nova, so did Jest and it was more than apparent that he was no longer injured.I had done way too good of a job healing him.His shirt was still tattered and blood stained and even his hair was still matted with soil and blood, but his face was flawless.Where there had been gashes of flapping skin across his face only two days earlier, there was now perfectly formed skin without even a trace of blood left over [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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