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.It’s why she couldn’t go with anything too figure-hugging, as it’s not just her nipples that are taped down across her front.To complete the look, and as an insurance against it getting chilly, she’s also draped herself in a pashmina, one that can really bring the heat.The doors are opening in a few minutes.Watches are synchronised, radios and earpieces tested.Shaw takes a long, worrisome look around the place, from the balcony to the stage, from the gantries to the exits.They’ve had complete control of the venue for two days, but this is the point when all the variables enter the equation: around three hundred of them, in fact, none of whom are aware of what is really about to take place.Panic is the greatest threat.As well as a high-visibility presence of uniforms, there will be undercover cops everywhere, though when they get the signal to move in, their job will be more about controlling the audience than apprehending the villain.With any luck, if the Tivoli staff can get enough champagne down the guests, they’ll be too pissed to realise it’s not part of the show.Shaw gets a signal from the stage, and another from front of house.The music will be starting in one minute, the doors opening in two.He turns and addresses the cops before they disperse amid the incoming audience.‘These people you’re going to be among: they don’t know it, but they are his allies tonight.They are the biggest danger to this operation’s success, so be ready for chaos, be ready for desperation, be ready for abject stupidity.Just for fuck’s sake don’t shoot any of them, not even Steve Wright.‘I don’t care how much of a sham this is.I want nobody to lose their concentration for one second.The fact that we’re here to arrest a guy who’s voluntarily giving himself up means we should be all the more ready for surprises.Just because we think we know what the game is, doesn’t mean we really know what the game is.Remember that.’‘Good evening everyone, and welcome to a very, very special occasion: a star-studded occasion, an exciting occasion, a glamorous occasion, but also a solemn occasion.Most of all, though, it’s a defiant occasion.Because tonight, this is Jessica Hanson, once more talking to you live from inside the Tivoli nightclub in the West End.I was here presenting for PV1, the night Simon Darcourt hijacked the Nick Foster Lifetime Achievement party.A lot of the people sitting here right now were present that night too.We know we can’t turn back the clock, but we can pay tribute to the stars we lost that night, and we can show our solidarity with the ones still missing.Most of all, though, we’re here to tell Simon Darcourt this: the Luftwaffe couldn’t do it, Al Qaeda couldn’t do it, so you are kidding yourself, matey, if you think you can make us afraid to party!’And with this, the lovely Jessica turns and steps to one side as the members of re-formed Nick Foster aberration SWALK take the stage to kick off the show with their twenty-year-old number-one hit: ‘That Precious Look’.The horrifically dated Foster-signature synth-brass melody booms out as they spurt from the darkened mouth of this ridiculous snaking tunnel arrangement that dominates the rear of the set.It projects through the floor-to-ceiling illuminated fibreglass backdrop spanning the width of the stage, though as it is the passage through which all of tonight’s stars will make their entrance, I can’t decide whether the symbolism is more phallic or vaginal.Thus I don’t know whether to describe the spectacle as four cocks emerging from a giant twat, or four cunts coming out of a prick.Once they’ve been hoovered back up it again, Jessica informs us: ‘This amazing stage-set behind me was designed by Maximilian.The tunnel – or tube might be appropriate – represents the distance between the real world and what’s on the other side of our TV screens.But there are five people out there somewhere tonight who know that the world on the other side of that screen is just as real as the one the rest of us live in, so the tunnel also represents a passageway between the hostages and ourselves, a passageway to freedom we want to lead them through.’She’s so got this off a press release [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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