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.Liking anyone on the streets was a form of weakness in and of itself, not least because a friend could turn on you with terrifying speed.But she knew she needed someone, even if it was just a comforting presence.The undead would find it harder to get into her mind if she had someone helping her.“Just hold my hand,” she said.“And squeeze every few minutes.”She allowed Raechel to take her hand, then closed her eyes and concentrated on the whispering.It grew louder within seconds, suggesting she was growing more practiced with her powers, no matter how unpleasant she found the thought.The undead were suddenly all around her, great sweeping flickers of emotion and a powerful drive to feed, all firmly fettered by the Tsar’s giant thoughts.Olivia realised, suddenly, that the Tsar was definitely having problems controlling so many undead at once.His mind hadn’t expanded far enough to control them all.Their minds died the moment they were infected, she thought, recalling Gregory’s desperate struggle to preserve the Tsar’s brain.His body had been allowed to transform, but his brain had been left alive.He can’t expand his mind into them easily.Another thought struck her and she winced.Is that why they wanted me?She felt a sudden sensation in her hand, which puzzled her until she remembered that Raechel was holding it.Bracing herself, she threw her mind deeper into the undead gestalt, looking for the undead she’d raised at Gregory’s command.She’d heard them in the underground complex, before she’d helped turn the Tsar into a monster; they hadn’t been destroyed.Gregory had wanted to continue his experiments, after all.And even though the Tsar might be able to direct them, they were hers.If there was any justice in the universe.Olivia almost laughed as she found herself staring out of the undead creature’s eyes.It was in a cage, surrounded by a dozen others, all part of the same gestalt.The Tsar, it seemed, had forgotten about them, as had the other undead.But then, why not? They were hardly living creatures, nor were they openly hostile.They’d just been left in a cage to rot.She contemplated the cage for a long moment.It was almost childishly simple; it wouldn’t have kept a living breathing human inside for more than a few seconds.A prison cell required proper locks, all on the right side of the door.Instead, she directed the undead to approach the lock and start pushing at it with its hands.Human intelligence, combined with undead resiliency, could simply pick the lock.She allowed herself a smile as the cage opened, then directed the undead out of the cage and into the passageway.And then she muttered a curse as they came face to face with another group of undead.Walk past them, she directed.It was odd to realise that her undead barely saw the others – and, she assumed, vice versa.The undead were simply uninterested in other undead, even if they weren’t part of the same gestalt.And then up the stairs.She smiled as she felt another squeeze on her hand, then felt a sudden flash of panic as she realised just how closely she’d mingled herself with the undead.It gave her strength as she pulled herself free, then fell back into her own body, unable to escape the impression that she’d just fallen onto the bed from a great height.Her head span as she looked up – for a long moment, she thought she saw undead features pasted over Raechel’s face – then realised just how dry her mouth was.Pain flared through her head and she winced in pain.“Water,” she croaked.Raechel passed her a glass, her eyes deeply worried.Olivia struggled to sit upright – her strength seemed to have deserted her completely – and finally had to allow Raechel to dribble water into her mouth.It was hard to swallow, but she forced herself to drink – and then accept assistance to sit upright.Raechel kept a worried eye on her even as Olivia regained some of her strength, as if she could hear the whispering herself.Now she’d reformed her links with her own undead, the whispering seemed to be so omnipresent that Olivia couldn’t help wondering if it was more than just an echo in her head.“I need to speak to Gwen,” she said, when she could speak properly again.“Is she back?”“Not yet,” Raechel said.She looked down at Olivia.“Are you sure you want to do this?”Olivia shrugged.There were too many unknowns to take it lightly.If they failed to turn Sir Sidney into another controller, they’d have thrown away his life for nothing.But if it worked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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