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.These were not random riots.”Glen couldn't disagree.So many riots in the same short space of time, without a clear provocation, could only mean that someone had planned and organised them – and done so without the various security forces getting any sniff of it beforehand.He thought, sourly, of just how much money was wasted on informers, for nothing.Or, perhaps, the informers had informed and their handlers hadn't passed the warning on to the people at the sharp end.It wouldn’t be the first time someone had decided the marshals didn’t need to know what was coming their way.“The death toll, so far, is around ten thousand people, of which roughly five hundred belonged to the security forces,” Patty continued.“The riots in Telomere City alone claimed two hundred, when the barricades failed and the Civil Guardsmen were crushed to death by the crowds.This is Terra Nova’s bloodiest day since the early.hiccups.with planetary unification.I don’t think I need to tell you that the Governor is most displeased.”No, Glen thought.That goes without saying.“We also have around four hundred thousand prisoners in custody,” Patty told them.“As local jailhouses were utterly unprepared for such a large influx of prisoners, they have been stored in stadiums and other makeshift prisons.Conditions are far from good and we’ve had to detail extra security forces just to keep them under control.Processing such a vast influx of prisoners will take far too long and determining their final fate will take longer still.”“Send them to a hellworld,” someone called from the back row.“The transport facilities for so many prisoners or indentured colonists don’t exist,” Patty said, with a glower that promised shit duty for the speaker.“More to the point, our arrests probably include quite a few of the people actually responsible for the riots, but we don’t know it.The only way to find the people responsible is to interrogate the prisoners, one by one, and put together a comprehensive list of just who was arrested and why.This will not be easy.”Glen couldn't disagree.Even a very basic interview would take time – and doing it again and again, for over four hundred thousand people, would take weeks, if not months.They would all have to be fed and watered in that time, while their parents started hiring lawyers and causing trouble for the security forces.Most of them would have to be released quickly if they weren't going to be charged, then walked in front of a judge.The consequences of holding them without trial would be far too dangerous.Patty sighed.“The Governor has decided to declare outright martial law,” she said.“Troops from the Imperial Army will assist us and the Civil Guard in maintaining order.Furthermore, anyone arrested in the riots or successive events will be held under the terms of the Emergency Powers Act.They can be held indefinitely, without charge, as long as they are not deported or otherwise faced with severe penalties.”Such as execution, Glen thought.He considered it, quickly.By law, only the Grand Senate could invoke the Emergency Powers Act – and the Grand Senate was gone.Could the Governor assert the Act on his own, without reference to superior authority? A lawyer could certainly argue that the mere act of invoking the Emergency Powers Act was illegal.The thought of using it sent chills down his spine, just because of the vast possibilities for abuse inherent in the law.And yet, the law was not a suicide pact.If they needed the authority of the Emergency Powers Act.Fuck it, he thought, bitterly.“The Imperial Army’s Engineers have already begun construction of a number of containment centres for the rioters,” Patty informed them.“Once the camps are ready, we will proceed with transferring, registering and housing the suspects currently held in the Arenas.You will have full authority to use lie detectors and truth drugs, if you feel them necessary, to interrogate the prisoners.”She cleared her throat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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