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.She was not in their room, so he went down to the synthetics plant to find her.She was now more than eighteen miles pregnant, but was planfling to continue working for as long as possible.When she saw him she left her bench, and they returned to the room together.There were still two hours to spare before Helward was to see Future Clausewitz, and they passed the time with inconsequential conversation.Later, when the door was unlocked, they spent a few minutes together on the outside platform.At the appointed time Helward went up to the seventh level, and gained access to the guild block.He was now no stranger to this part of the city, but he visited it infrequently enough to feel still slightly in awe of the senior guildsmen and Navigators.Clausewitz was waiting in the Future guild room, and was alone.When Helward arrived he greeted him cordially, and offered him some wine.From the Futures' room it was possible to see through a small window towards the north of the city.Ahead, Helward could see the rising ground he had been working in during the last few days."You've settled in well, Apprentice Mann."Thank you, sir.""Do you feel ready to become a Future?""Yes, sir.""Good.from the guild's point of view there's no reason why you shouldn't.You've earned yourself some good reports.""Except from the Militia," Helward said."You needn't concern yourself with that.Military life doesn't suit everyone."Helward felt a small relief; his bad showing in the Militia had made him wonder if word of it had got back to his guild."The purpose of this interview," Clausewitz went on, "is to tell you what is to happen next.You still have a nominal three miles' apprenticeship to serve with our guild, but as far as I am concerned that will be a mere technicality.Before that, though, you are to leave the city.It's a part of your training.You will probably be away for some time.""May I enquire for how long?" said Helward."It's difficult to say.Several miles, certainly.It might be as few as ten or fifteen, or it might be as long as a hundred miles of time.""But Victoria—""Yes, I understand she's expecting a child.When is it due?""In about nine miles," said Helward.Clausewitz frowned."I'm afraid you will have to be away at that time.There's really no alternative.""But couldn't it be left until afterwards?""I'm sorry, no.There's something you have to do.You know by now that from time to time the city is obliged to barter for the use of women from the outside.We keep these women for as short a time as possible, but even so they are rarely here for less than thirty miles.It is part of the bargain we strike that they are given safe conduct back to their settlements.and there are now three women who wish to leave.It is the custom of the city to use the apprentices to conduct them back, particularly as we now see this as an important part of the training process."Helward had been forced, by the very nature of his work, to become more sure of himself."Sir, my wife is expecting her first baby.I must be with her.""It's out of the question.""What if I refuse to go?""You will be shown a copy of the oath you swore, and you will accept the punishment it prescribes."Helward opened his mouth to reply, but hesitated.This was evidently not the time to debate the validity of the oath.Future Clausewitz was clearly restraining himself, for on Helward's resistance to the instruction his face had turned a deep pink, and he had sat down, resting his hands palm down on the table-top.Instead of saying what was on his mind, Helward said: "Sir, can I appeal to your reason?""You can appeal, but I cannot be reasonable.You swore in your oath to place the security of the city above all other matters.Your guild training is a matter of city security, and that's the end of it.""But surely it could be delayed? As soon as the child is born, I could leave.""No." Clausewitz turned round, and pulled forward a large sheet of paper, covered in part with a map, and in part with several lists of figures."These women must be returned to their settlements.In the nine miles or so of time it will take for your wife to deliver her baby, the settlements will be dangerously distant.They are already more than forty miles to the south of us.The plain fact is that you are the next apprentice on this schedule, and it is you who must go.""Is that your last word, sir?""Yes."Helward put down his untouched glass of wine, and walked towards the door."Helward, wait."He paused at the door [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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