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.  It s broken. Percy s words fell on deaf ears.Nothing more restrained me, and the sudden freedom sent me stumbling, but I did not fall on thepath, I flew.A heartbeat thumped in my ears.The sounds of breaths drawn in hard and deep like a bellows surrounded me, but I flew on. You fool! Scrythax shouted, his voice fading the further I flew.Flight without wings made me sick inside, or maybe it was whatever Scrythax had tried to do.I was used to wingbeat cycles, not Superman-styleantics.Bile filled my mouth, the sick acidic twang carrying into my nostrils as well.How long had it been since I d last had that taste in my mouth?Summoned by the taste, memories of a night with Roger at a bar, back when we were both alive, filled my head.Images of the bar, Roger, thedrinks, appeared before me like phantoms obscuring my way.I tasted pretzels, too.The salt lingered on my tongue.Marilyn.Kissing her afterwardas we laughed.Her smile.A distraction. Mommy!Greta was looking for Mommy because as far as she knew, when she d screamed for Dad, for me, I hadn t come.I hadn t been there.She didn tknow I d been on my way as soon as I felt her, had been seconds away when she died.If she had, she might have hung on a little longer.My speed increased and the souls I passed began to shrink away from me, moaning loudly.I reached out to one of them, intending to use it forfuel, but nothing happened.They weren t afraid I was going to eat them, they must have feared my emotions.They parted for Greta, too. Greta! I called her name over and over again, but as fast as I flew I couldn t seem to overtake her.After a while it felt like we d begun to descendrather than proceed along a horizontal plane and the path turned and twisted, a knot of pathways like a rubber band ball, the interior parts packedso tight together for so long that they were indistinguishable from one another.I lost sight of Greta, was forced to listen for her cries.Then I was no longer flying.My body crashed down onto the path and tumbled to a stop.Watercolor images faded, darkened, then sprang backto life, no longer in watercolor hues, but vivid high definition, crisp and clear, but tinged with blue like retouched force ghosts in the Star WarsSpecial Edition movies with a techno dash of Tron s digitally rendered world.My heart beat.My lungs drew in air, and the spiritual energy aroundme.I could sense it, touch it. I wish the universe would make up its mind.I was in a long dark hall, made of the same sandstone walls I d seen before.Decorative columns held up the ceiling, but it was all dark, the onlylight, a faint one, seeming to come from the illuminated lines of each object.A line of dead people, each holding a heart in his or her hands,extended before me, and I went past them.Jogging by on the left, I saw a dais upon which there were a set of scales and dudes in Egyptianapparel.A feather was on one scale and on the other, a man with a jackal head took the heart and weighed it.Sitting hungrily nearby, a being withthe head of a crocodile and the body of a lion sat waiting. Halt! Bare-chested guards with too much eyeliner and deadly-looking spears appeared from nowhere, thrusting their spears in my face. Youcame through one of our gates, your heart must be weighed. You re not ripping my heart out, pal. I shoved one of them, but the vampire strength wasn t there.My heart appeared in my hands, and moreguards appeared. I m trying to catch my daughter, asshole.I m not even properly dead.I. Come, Dog Face said from the pillar. Compliance will be faster than resistance. Dog face.Shit! I flashed back to memories of Raiders of theLost Ark and the statues of Anubis that guarded the Ark. So.you re supposed to be Anubis? I asked. I prefer Inpu, but Anubis will do.I stepped to the front of the line and handed him my heart.He took it gingerly, surprised by some aspect, either its weight or its color.Smell? Hellif I knew. Don t fuck that up, Inpu, I said. I need that back.The crocodile thing snapped at me, but Inpu shushed it. Ammut, I suspect this one is not for you. He looked at me. Do you know theaffirmations? The what? It s customary to declare your nobility, your. He searched for a word..sinlessness [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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