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.He couldn’t help but press tightly against her body, couldn’t help but glory in the feel of her slick skin against his own much harder and heated flesh.He bent his head, teasing her as she constantly teased him.He let his lips hesitate over her own, hover over hers as he counted the seconds.He breathed in her breath, wanting her to wonder for a moment if he really was going to kiss her.Then, all in a rush, he lowered his lips to hers.He pressed them together, melded their bodies from lips to thighs.His hands rested on her waist, pulled her up toward him, his mouth ate hungrily at her lips, drinking in her scent and taste.The water poured over the both of them, as if it helped mold them together.Feeling each breath positively burn in his lungs, Max began to reluctantly pull himself away.Slowly, inch by inch and relishing the way Kyli clung to him, he stood upright in the stall.Looking down at her, knowing his gaze burned with the unrequited heat that zinged through his system, Max firmly gathered his control.He was not some horny wet-recruit anymore, he had grown into a man who could control his impulses and think clearly.Yeah, right,his brain interjected, And you’re not dying to slam her up against the wall and thrust yourself balls deep inside her until you both come all over again.“We have to comm Gregor,” he said, more to remind himself than her.Kyli smiled, making his heart feel light, and turned her back to him.“You’d better get dried and dressed then.At the moment you simply scream‘I’ve-been-having-heart-pounding-screaming-sex-all-morning’ and I don’t think that’s the impression you want to give Gregor when you make that call.I’ll just finish here and be out in a sec.”Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlMax shook his head and stepped out of the stall.Drying himself quickly, he stepped back into his bedroom and opened the windows to air the place out.Pulling on pants and shirt, he stripped the bed, resolving to make it up fresh later.Sitting on the bare bed, hair still dripping slightly, he commed his oldest friend.“Took you long enough,” Gregor growled before he could even start his greeting, “you so owe me for all this.Orders seem to be from On High we have to drop this.I explained about the investigation and the new data, and they said the case would be re-opened once Delta Force was finished with their Xefron Insurrection.”Max snorted.“Which anyone with half a brain would realize won’t be any time this century.So Kyli and I are heading in? Do you know where he is?”“Two days ago, just like Kyli said, he was on Randor helping out the regime.There still aren’t any reports back as to what’s happened over there.All communications from there are down.It’s only a few hours flight, so might be easiest to head on over.Particularly since Kyli already has the contacts over there.”Gregor ran a hand through his hair on the small screen.The dark circles under his eyes clearly stated the lack of sleep from last night.“You look like shit, bro, you going to head home for a nap?”Gregor snorted, laughter lighting his silver eyes for a moment.“I wish.Some of us have to do the background work so your ass won’t get fried over there.The basic information I’ve been able to find is Im’an’s father has never been in the picture.Don’t even know yet who he is.His mother met Am’ah’s father while still pregnant with Im’an.They conceived Am’ah almost as soon as Im’an was born, and that’s how they are so close together in age.They both seem to take after their mother looks-wise.I’ll catch up with you tonight, hopefully with more data.So dish the news, you got lucky again, didn’t you?”Max smiled.“Well, some of us are just born lucky—”“And some don’t know when to shut the hell up,” Kyli interjected, hitting him on the shoulder.She grabbed the communicator from him and pushed him onto the mattress [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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