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.He noted that his suit was fullyarmed and fueled with zero damage.Before he took to the air, Daniel decided to test the physical abilities of the suit while still onthe ground.He walked over to the wrecked and burned out hulk of a truck at the edge of thelawn. I m going to try a strength test, he said to the techs.They nodded and made notes.Danielreached down and sank his armored fingers into the metal of the exposed frame.Bending atthe knees and lifting with his legs, Daniel lifted the two ton vehicle and held it over his head.Itwas heavy, but not dangerously so.Daniel figured the suit was roughly one hundred timesstronger than a human, maybe ten times stronger than an angel.He relayed his findings andtossed the truck aside.He d been keeping an eye on the speedometer inside his helmet.Now was the time to put itto the test. I m going for a run, he said. I ll be back soon.Picking a street relatively free of debris, Daniel took off at a run.It was rough going for thefirst few steps, then the wings folded back again on themselves to reduce the wind resistance.Daniel picked up speed rapidly, and soon found himself exceeding 50 miles per hour throughthe streets of San Diego, covering more than a dozen yards with each bounding stride.Hedoubled back and returned to the bunker, nearly running over the technicians as he tried to stop.The next step was to try to fly. If I m going to fly, Daniel said,  I need a destination. Heturned to Jack. What were the coordinates for the Care Center east of L.A.?Jack shook his head. Daniel, don t  Come on, Jack, you were the one that said I needed to trust my instincts, remember? You haven t tested a single weapon!Daniel turned and raised his arm to point at the van he d tossed aside.A rocket flew out ofDaniel s arm-mounted launcher and blew the van to pieces.Daniel turned back to Jack. The coordinates?Jack stared at what was left of the truck, mouth open. How did you  Targeting is automatic.Firing is voice controlled.I m just glad it s programmed in English.Probably a holdover from the days when the immortals weren t allowed to speak their ownlanguage. The coordinates?Jack nodded and told Daniel what he needed to know.Daniel then motioned for everyoneto stand back. I obviously won t be able to transport anyone to safety, Daniel said as he spread hiswings,  but with everything else the angels have to worry about right now, I doubt they havethe time or resources to track down the people I release.I ll keep my radio on, and I ll let youknow how it works out.Daniel ignited his engines. I ll be back soon. Without another word, Daniel rose into thesky and flew north over the horizon.Daniel had to admit he was starting to understand what the angels saw in all of this.Cruising three hundred feet above the desert floor at over four hundred miles per hour,Daniel did a barrel roll and let out a little whoop of joy.He d grown up reading comic booksabout superheroes that could fly, and had often daydreamed about what that might be like,but even his wildest dreams hadn t prepared him for this.The sparse cactus and tumbleweedof arid southern California sped past and underneath him in a blur, as did the occasional veryconfused jackrabbit.Daniel did another barrel roll.The in-flight guidance of the armor was remarkably simple.The throttle was voicecontrolled, and the maneuvering handled by reacting to his body movements.Raise the rightshoulder while dipping the left, bank to the left.It was a lot like swimming through the air.Once Daniel got the hang of the  controls , he poured on the speed and zeroed in on thecoordinates Jack had given him.According to the readouts on his HUD, he should be comingup on the Care Center any minute now&There! The low-slung, stark white and very medical-looking buildings were practically identical tothe Care Center south of L.A.Daniel had attacked not so long ago.Daniel saw no movement ashe flew overhead, so he quickly throttled down, banked hard left and came back in for a closerlook.His landing was a little rough, but passable.At first Daniel thought the Care Center may have been abandoned.There was no sign ofmovement or any evidence that anyone still walked its dusty streets.On closer examination,many of the buildings bore powder burns and a few even had chunks of stone torn out ofthem.There had been quite a fight here.The only sign of life left in the entire complex was athin plume of white smoke crawling out of a nearby chimney and dissipating quickly in thedesert wind.Of course, Daniel thought.The reports from the newly established Los AngelesUnderground had been sketchy at best, but it seemed likely that the fledgling division of theUnderground would strike here on the First Offensive rather than at Heaven itself.Chanceswere good that Daniel was a day late if he planned to liberate the patients here. About time someone else showed up, said a voice behind him.Daniel turned to see an angel in a grimy gold uniform step out of the doorway to one of thelarger buildings.The angel approached Daniel and wiped his hands on a dirty rag. Are you the only clean up crew we re going to get?Daniel nodded. Wonderful, the angel continued. I guess these upstart rebels have Michael more worriedthan I thought.Oh, well.We ve been loading bodies into the incinerator all morning.We lostour only suit in the battle yesterday, so it s been pretty hard work.We ve still got&  The angeltrailed off. Nah, it s easier to just show you.Follow me.Daniel fell into step behind the angel and followed him into the building.When his eyesreadjusted to the dim lighting after the solar glare outside, Daniel struggled to repress a gag.There were bodies everywhere.They were stacked like firewood along the walls of the giantroom, and laid out in neat rows on the floor.Some of them obviously died in battle, but morethan three quarters of them wore the white coveralls of Care Center inmates.Hundreds oflifeless eyes stared at Daniel as he followed the angel to the furnace at the far end of the room.Three more angels stood near the furnace and threw body after body into its fires.The angel looked over his shoulder at Daniel. Ever worked a Care Center before?Daniel shook his head [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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