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.He also knew as much or more aboutcomputers than his professors.What he didn't know, he sure wasn't going tolearn from these guys, he'd learn it on the "streets".No, he was too busy forschool anyway.What with his time with hisMistress and his sexual exploits, he needed to sleep some time.Even his nightmares had gotten better.Well that wasn't exactly right.Theyhad become less disturbing to him.When he told his Mistress about them, shetold him that they merely represented his internal growth.That he wasmetaphorically killing his old life.This made sense to him and he embracedthem more.The dreams, in fact, had become more horrific in their imagery.The scenes oftorture and out-and-out butchery had become more and more graphic.The storiesoften changed.Sometimes they would be set in medieval times, others in the present.Thevictims were almost always women, and he was always encouraged by his Mistressto participate in their destruction.Until today he never had.Today's dream, he slept during the day now, had been a turning point for him.Instead of being confronted with some horror right away, this dream hadstarted as a powerful erotic dream.Cyberblood by Jonathan Amsbary190He found himself lying in bed with his Mistress.She was kissing and caressinghim all over.Every time he tried to touch her to return her affections shegently, but firmly, pushed him to his back and told him to lay there andaccept the pleasure she was giving him.She teased him and she pleasured him.They performed many sexual acts upon him, using her hands and her mouth andher own sex to please him.In his dream he orgasmed many times.His endurancewas superhuman.He then notice the presence of five young women who were in attendance to hislady.They followed his Mistress's commands and leads and began pleasing Davidas well.They were all beautiful beyond measure and he was delirious.Finally he was spent and she rolled him onto his back again.His Mistresswhispered into his ear "Choose the one the pleases you the most."He considered the women who had lined up for him, their gaze upon the floor.He had never had such a delicious choice in his life.He picked a well endowedwoman, girl really, who had raven black hair and beauty beyond the others.Shewas more beautiful than any girls he had ever seen.The others were dismissed with a wave of his Mistress's hand and she took thePage 84 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlgirl by the wrist and led her and David to another room.It was a long way andDavid noticed the girl softly weeping as they went.They found themselves in alarge room, that David realized was a dungeon.She pointed to a girl in a standing and exposed position.She was naked and sobbing.His Mistress looked at him andCyberblood by Jonathan Amsbary191said, "You have satisfied you sexual hunger now satisfy you other lust.Yourlust for her blood."****Though hesitant, David had actually participated thistime.While his Mistress had again done most of the torturing he had inflictedsmall but painful wounds on the girl with a long sharp needle.At first he was deaf to her cries of pain but he found himself actuallyenjoying them after a time.As her life drained from her slowly, the dreamstarted to fade as well.The last thing he remembered was his Mistress telling him how proud she was ofhim.* * * *He was anxious when he woke up and immediately got online.It was later thanhe would have liked, and he need to get ready for Wayne's recital.In had justturned dark outside, and he needed to speak with his Mistress, Badly.Helogged on and the system told him that she was already on.With a sigh ofrelief he did a goto command and was whisked to her side.It was not, as he expected, the Chateau.She had already made a private roomand was there alone. Vampire-Empress There you are my precious one.Iwas expecting you.That's why I made this room for us.Do you like it? Sub-Thrall-VE Mistress I am so glad to see you.Iwasn't going to log on until after the recital.But my dream tonight was sodisturbing.He had taken her initials to show that he was hers but not yet collared byher-the D/s equivalent of being engaged.Cyberblood by Jonathan Amsbary192 Vampire-Empress I'm glad you could come.I felt you might.You had another ofyour dreams? Sub-Thrall-VE "Yes, it was so different from the others.I'm frightened. Vampire-Empress "Tell me about it, little one."He did so in exact detail, leaving nothing out. Vampire-Empress Tell me how you feel besides being frightened." Sub-Thrall-VE Mistress, I'm ashamed to say. Vampire-Empress You know you are to tell me everything.You are never to feelshame for doing what tellIyou. Sub-Thrall-VE Yes Mistress, I am upset, please forgive my error. Vampire-Empress Of course my little pet. Sub-Thrall-VE Mistress I felt.excited.As weird as it sounds, it turnedme on. Vampire-Empress My pet, David, I have two things Iwant to give you right now. Sub-Thrall-VE Yes Mistress. Vampire-Empress I want you to plan a schedule your collaring.You are readyto wear my collar.Now I have something for you right now." Vampire-Empress draws a golden dagger across her left breast.Blood flowsfreely.She pulls his head to her breast so that he may suckle as a newbornPage 85 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlchild. Sub-Thrall-VE opens his mouth and lets the sweet fluid flood his mouth.Hedrinks deeply, feeling her strength flow into him.Cyberblood by Jonathan Amsbary193David was not really in control of himself when he typed the last message.Hehad done it automatically.He had done it without any thought at all.It was,however, exactly what he felt.He sat before his computer and felt a surge ofenergy flow into him.He had never felt this strong before in his life.He could feel every muscle fiber, every nerve cell come alive.Alive with her power.Alive with her strength.She had always drunk from him.But drinking from her was a remarkableexperience for him.It was, in fact, the only sadomasochistic thing she hadever done with him.She had never put him in bondage, she had never beaten orteased him.She just kept him at her side and would feed upon him.Now, he was feeding off her, and he was exhilarated.So much of his confusionabout his dream simply vanished.She was right.He was casting his old lifeoff.He was beginning a new one with her. Vampire-Empress Now David, I want you to plan the ceremony.We can have itwhenever you like.As long as it is in the evening.Make any arrangements thatyou like.You may have anyone officiate.You may choose any you like to secondyou, and I will show up with mine. Sub-Thrall-VE Yes Mistress! Vampire-Empress David, I am proud of you and I love you.You are ready to betruly mine.And soon, very soon, you will be ready to come to me in r/l and bemine for eternity. Sub-Thrall-VE Yes Mistress" (tears of happiness in his eyes).Cyberblood by Jonathan Amsbary194 Vampire-Empress Now you have a recital to go to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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