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. 246Thus Solomon prophesied and said,  Let us kill the righteous man, forhe is a burden unto us; he setteth himself up against our works, he resistethour intentions continually, and we are an abomination unto him because ofour sins. 247 And he continued, saying,  My son, let not wicked men leadthee astray.; if they say unto thee,  Come with us, be a partner with us, letus hide innocent blood and take plunder from him; and let there be onepurse common to us all : withdraw thyself from their footsteps, for let itnot be through thee that the birds find the net. 248Thus David prophesied and said,  They cast gall into My meat, andthey gave Me vinegar to drink to [quench] My thirst. 249Thus prophesied Isaiah the Prophet and said,  He hath taken ourdisease and carried our sickness, and by His wound we are healed; and we245Psalm xxii, 16.246Isaiah liii, 1 3.247Wisdom ii, 12.248Proverbs i, 10 ff.249Psalm lxix, 21.186 Kebra Nagastsaw Him suffering, and wounded in his pain; and He opened not Hismouth in His pain, and He came to be slaughtered; like a lamb before hisshearer He opened not His mouth in His suffering until they took away Hislife; and they knew not His birth; through the sin of My people have I comeeven unto death. 250Thus Jeremiah the Prophet prophesied and said,  And they took theprice of the honourable one thirty [pieces of] silver, whom they hadhonoured among the children of Israel.And God said unto me, Cast it intothe melting pot, and test it [and see] if it be pure; and they gave it for thefield of the potter; as God hath commanded me I will speak. 251Thus Isaiah the Prophet prophesied and said,  They counted Him withthe sinners, and brought Him to death. 252Thus David the Prophet prophesied and said,  Those who hate Mewrongfully are many, and they have rewarded Me with evil for good. 253Thus Zechariah the Prophet prophesied and said,  And they shall lookupon Him Whom they have crucified and pierced. 254Now there are still very many passages which have been written andmany prophecies which might be mentioned concerning His coming, andHis Crucifixion, and His death, and His Resurrection, and His secondcoming in glory.But we have only mentioned a few of the prophecies ofthe prophets we have mentioned one of each kind so that ye may hear,and believe, and understand, even as it is said in the Acts of the Apostles, By the Gospel Thou hast guided us, and by the Prophets Thou hastcomforted us; for the words of the Prophets make right the faith of thosewho doubt. 255250Isaiah liii, 4 ff.251Zechariah xi, 13.252Isaiah liii, 12.253Psalm xxxv, 12.254Zechariah xii, 10.255Acts iii, 20 ff.187 Kebra Nagast110.Concerning His ResurrectionAnd the prophet David also prophesied, concerning His Resurrectionand said,  I will arise, saith the Lord, and I will make salvation andmanifest it openly. 256 And again he saith,  Rise up, O Lord, and judge theearth, for Thou shalt inherit among the nations. 257 And he alsoprophesied and said,  Rise up, O Lord, help us, and deliver us for ThyName s sake. 258 And again he said,  Let God arise and let His enemies bescattered, and let His enemies flee from before His face. 259 And he alsoprophesied and said,  God hath risen up like one who hath woke up fromsleep, and like a mighty man who hath left [his] wine. 260Thus Isaiah the prophet prophesied and said,  He will remove sicknessfrom his soul, for he hath not committed sin, and falsehood hath not beenfound in his mouth.And to him that hath served righteousness and goodwill he show light and he will justify him; and he shall do away the sins ofmany, for he hath not committed sin, and falsehood is not found in hismouth. 261Thus prophesied David the Prophet and said, For My soul shall not beleft in hell. 262Thus Solomon his son prophesied and said,  The Sun of righteousnessshall arise, and shall travel towards the right, and shall return into Hisplace. 263256Psalm xii, 5.257Psalm lxxxii, 8.258Psalm xliv, 26 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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