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.New red swellings appeared,spotted with pustules, as soon as old ones scabbed and healed.Jerome's agonycontinued.Otho drew two conclusions:primus, that the lore the old mage taught was not innocuous, for Pierrette hadsurely caused the pox;secondus, that she had not ensorcelled Jerome to prevent his taking Marie, but onlyafterward, as revenge.That was evil.He had begged her to exercise Christian charity even her pagan mother wouldnot have objected.She said only, "The pox is not mine.It belongs to one ofyours to Satan." Otho still shuddered at the conviction behind her words."YouChristians created him by pouring all the oil but a drop into one jar.Pour half back, and Jerome's boils will dry up." What had she meant? Otho didnot then remember his own poor explication of Good and Evil, when he hadpoured oil between two jars.* * *-* * *Pierrette's JournalPage 80 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlOtho was wrong; the lapse of Anselm's time-binding, and my failure torecognize it, caused me to cast the spell too late.Only later did I clearmyself in his eyes.Only later didI realize also the effect his speculations had upon the reality I inhabit: hisreasoned belief in Anselm's sorceries rejuvenated my mentor at the very timewhen his continued existence was in doubt.The unquestioning belief of alesser person than a priest, unsupported by doubts and skepticism overcome,would not have turned the ebbing tide.But that was before I had begun defining the changing nature of magic, mylife's work, and I did not know why Anselm suddenly felt strong enough toleave his fortress and accompany me.My experiences on that voyage to Massaliaset the stage for that realization, and others.file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Douglas,%20L%20Warren%20-%.acred%20Pool%20(.html.jpg%20v3.0)/0671319566__13.htm (20 of 21)2-1-2007 14:07:54- Chapter 13Back Next|ContentsFramedfile:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Douglas,%20L%20Warren%20-%.acred%20Pool%20(.html.jpg%20v3.0)/0671319566__13.htm (21 of 21)2-1-2007 14:07:54- Chapter 14Back Next|ContentsChapter 14 - The Vow"We're not going to find Father and Marie tonight," Pierrette stated as theycrested the high slope.The sun's passing had left a dull mauve glow."Weshould stop before we leave the trees behind.Here, there is dead wood for afire."They dragged branches to the lee of a rusty beige outcrop.Pierrette reachedout with an extended finger but no spark flew to the tinder.Again she tried,carefully whispering the exact words of the spell with no better result."Try this." Anselm proffered flint and a steel-bladed knife."I don't understand," Pierrette said."That spell always works.""Always? You have more faith than I do." He made as if to return flint andknife to his pouch."Master give me the flint and steel.I meant only that it has worked, untilnow." She stroked the dissimilar materials, guiding sparks toward the tinder,then blew gently upon the dry shavings.A puff of fragrant smoke rewarded her.Soon they were settled with a fire between them, sharing bread and olives,washing them down with wine from a skin bag."I wish I knew why the spell didn't work," Pierrette mused."All magic is unpredictable.Remember that, or you'll be in trouble when itbetrays you, and you've prepared no alternative.""If I understood why it didn't work.I've gone over the words and thepostulates, and nothing seems to have changed.""Perhaps your postulates only apply to a limited case some theorems only applyto right triangles.""This isn't geometry, Master.""Still, I suspect you have overlooked some greater principle.Perhaps it couldbe stated as, `Magics will always work until you have come to depend upon themand have no other recourse.'"Page 81 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfile:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Douglas,%20L%20Warren%20-%2.Sacred%20Pool%20(.html.jpg%20v3.0)/0671319566__14.htm (1 of 11)2-1-2007 14:07:55- Chapter 14Pierrette went to sleep thinking about it.Yet when she awakened before dawn,she was no closer to an answer and the spell still did not produce a spark.She had to heap tinder around a surviving ember to start the fire."Why are you staring like that?" the mage asked."Last night you walked between me and the fire, and I saw the flame as if youweren't there.I've been trying to see if I can still see through you."The mage stiffened."And can you?""Stand between me and the rising sun." She peered long and hard, at firstunsure if the dim, vaguely circular glow was a trick of her eyes.Then shenodded."I can see the sun.You must go back, or you'll fade entirely."He squatted, and shook his head [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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