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."Bees do not bite except for a few harmlessspecies."The insistent reporter stepped in and demanded in a stern voice, "Only atrained insect geneticist could create a race of superbees.Only someone withthe scientific knowledge, the funding and a secluded laboratory away fromcurious eyes."Tammy ducked behind the cameraman and pointed an accusing finger so that thecamera captured it from its own point of view."Only you, Dr.Helwig X.Wurmlinger!""Nonsense.""Nonsense? Do you deny conducting secret genetic experiments in this lab ofyours? Do you deny unleashing unknown horrors on an unsuspecting world?""I do deny these insane allegations," Wurmlinger sputtered."Then how do you explain this!" Tammy crowed.And turning to her cameraman, Tammy said, "Show America what Dr.Wurmlingerhas been doing with their tax dollars."The cameraman pivoted and trained his minicam at a handy window.He zoomedin.And in the Baltimore Fox affiliate, a news director watched tensely as thefeed came in.Clearly visible through the chicken-wire-reinforced window was adragonfly whose body and legs were studded with dozens of unwinking compoundruby eyes.It looked for a reassuring moment like a weird model of a dragonfly fromanother dimension.That illusion was broken with startling suddenness when the dragonfly's wingscame to life and it floated away, leaving the unnerving impression that it hadbeen staring at them with its narrow rear end.Chapter 30Mearl Streep watched the Fox broadcast from the comfort of his RV barrelingalong Interstate 80 to Washington, D.C.He had purchased the RV with the monthly dues from his loyal Iowa DisorganizedSubterranean Militia, christening it the IDSM Mobile Guerrilla Command HQ andRecreational Center, and installed a close aide to drive it.He was leading a convoy of pickup trucks, sport utilities and off-roadvehicles-all made in the USA-to Washington.They were taking the long wayaround, because Mearl understood that taking the capital of the greatestnation in the world required more manpower than his thirty or so militiamembers, none of whom had actually served in a peacetime army or nationalguard, much less fought in an actual war.After all, they were corn farmers mostly.Their war fever was pretty high by the time they rolled out of the Corn Statewith its mysteriously precise checkerboard of desolation."When we get back, we're taking over the surviving farms," Mearl boasted."Taking 'em back from the collaborators.""We'll run 'em off," his aide-de-camp, Gordon Garret, called from behind thewheel."Naw.You can't merely run collaborators off.That's why I'm calling it RopeDay.""You're going to hang farmers, Mearl?" Gordon asked in horror."No.But I am bound and determined to hang any collaborators and traitors tothe Constitution of the United States that I find, agricultural affiliationsnotwithstanding.""Oh, that's different."Along the way, they kept watch out for the much-dreaded black rotary-wingedaircraft of the New World Order, but no mysterious helicopters came intoPage 75 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlview.They checked for bar codes on the back of highway signs, and when found,spray-painted them black because these were the guide posts by which thecombined forces of the Trilateral Commission, the UN peacekeepers and ethnicirregulars pulled from the nation's worst ghettos, would use to find theirtargets on zero hour of H Day.They also defaced various billboardsadvertising the latest Meryl Streep film.Along the way, they took in some mighty fine countryside, and Mearl got toswig a refreshing assortment of locally brewed beers.It was the good life inits way, and sure beat shucking corn.When the Fox special entitled "The Death's-Head Superbee Report" came on, heimmediately took notice.A blond reporter with the suspiciously foreign name of Tamara Terrill startedoff the broadcast by asking some fascinating questions."Has a new species of killer bee been unleashed upon the United States ofAmerica? How many have died, and how has the United States Department ofAgriculture covered up the growing threat?"At the mention of the USDA, Mearl sat up straight.He never trusted theAgriculture Department, or any branch of the federal government except whereit came to farm subsidies that he figured were his due.And the word cover-upwas one of the most active in his vocabulary."More importantly," Tamara Terrill was saying, "has the federal governmentitself created this death bee in hidden USDA laboratories? And for whatsinister purpose? Are these merely superbees or the vanguard of a new kind ofbee destined to ravage the globe?"For the answer to these questions, we begin with the strangely underreporteddeath of insect geneticist Doyal T.Rand in Times Square several days ago."At that, Mearl Streep hollered for his driver to pull over.Behind him, theConvoy to Freedom likewise pulled over."Hey, you men gather around.You gotta see this."They clambered into the RV, hunkering down on the floor and open seats.Thosewho didn't fit, crowded around the outside, listening from the open windows.There by the dusty dirt of the road in Pennsylvania, they watched in growingfascination as an unassailable chain of logic was woven from rumor, facts,innuendo and sloppy reportage.But to Mearl Streep and his Iowa DisorganizedSubterranean Militia, it not only rang with truth, but it fit perfectly witheverything they believed.The clincher came when footage from Iowa was shown-footage of the bizarrehours-old ravaging of previously sacrosanct corn country."Is this, too, the work of the superbee of doom?" Tamara was asking.Mearl brought a fist down on his padded armrest, crushing an empty can of SamAdams."As sure as the CIA has a surveillance microchip in my left buttcheek," he said, "it's gotta be.I can feel it in my bones."The program grasshoppered from Iowa to Los Angeles and the successive deathsof two county coroners and "a brave but nameless Fox cameraman who dared toinvestigate the truth," according to Tamara Terrill.Then came the portion of the program that made their blood run cold.Theprogram had been hinting at USDA involvement and denials and was leading up tosome incredible revelation.When it hit, it left Mearl Streep and his mensitting slack jawed in their seats.The program cut to a weird mud hive of a building in God alone knew where.Andit showed a long drink of weird with the alien name of Helwig X.Wurmlingerdenying all manner of schemes and horrors.The capper came when the TV screen filled with the image of a big dragonflywith red eyes everywhere except on his head.When it took off, showing it wasalive, the assembled militiamen jumped in place and began scratchingthemselves as if feeling vermin on their patriotic hides.There were other things glimpsed through the window of the "laboratory fromHell," as Fox was calling it.Roaches with prosthetic limbs.Two-headed spiders.And other things God neverPage 76 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlmeant to be.And over these accusations came the disembodied voice of Helwig X.Wurmlingerprotesting his innocence over and over again, as the evidence of his ungodlytampering with nature filled TV screens all over America.After the program ended with the promise of further reports from Fox, MearlStreep sat in his cammies, oblivious to the spilled can of Sam Adams in hislap, and said, "You freedom fighters listen up now."They perked up."Washington can wait.That tall glass of bug juice is responsible for theplague that descended upon God-fearing Iowa [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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