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."A sham," said Remo."Whatever they once were was long gone.The only thing they had left was the virus.Everything else was a pale plagiarism of their ancestors' legends.The mist.The blood-drinking.Everything."They climbed the hill parallel to each other, walking some ten feet apart.The grass sprang immediately back to life after they had passed, as if only wind, not human feet, had pressed it down.The ultramodern Three-G building leaped into view as they passed through a thicket of shrubs at the top of the mountain.They had finally reached the summit, and now stood where the luxurious garden at the center of the building stretched out into the surrounding countryside.Turning, they looked down on the valley below, neither bothering to squint in the glorious sunlight which bathed them."And the Leader?" Chiun asked, not looking at Remo.Remo seemed disinterested.He raised his head a centimeter.Chiun did not have to look up, but he did.In the tallest part of the rotted oak tree which squatted at the center of the garden, hung a skeleton.Its flesh had been completely shorn from muscles.Its muscles and tendons were completely ripped from its bones.Its bones were white and gleaming, as if they had been shined to a perfect luster.Its eyes rested, unstalked, inside its open eye sockets.Every other tooth had been surgically removed.It smiled a checkerboard smile, its pupils cockeyed.Remo entered the grove.Chiun followed in silence.The bodies of the vampires were gone.Everything was as it had been the first time Chiun had entered the large garden, save for one detail.With his toe, Chiun touched the earth by the base of the oak tree.It was soggy with blood.Beneath a thin cover of dirt the internal organs rested-crushed to plasmic puddles, then wrapped and knotted inside the Chinese's own pale purple skin.Remo had been very busy during Chiun's recuperation.Even now he seemed preoccupied.Remo reached inside a large, open knothole in the side of the tree and removed a whole, perfectly preserved brain.He placed it at his teacher's sandaled feet."This time," the future Master of Sinanju said, straightening."I positively, definitely, absolutely, without a doubt, did not bend my elbow."Page 92ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe present Master of Sinanju smiled with pride upon his student, then brought his foot down in the exact center of the dead, gray mass.Page 93 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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