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.This is what sgonna happen to you in jail.Normally I wouldn t hammer on a guywho was bound, gagged, and naked.Butthen I thought of the bruises on Alex sribcage and my hand tightened into a fist.I knocked him cold.Taking the bottles ofalcohol from the bag, I drained one overhim and his clothes before leavinganother for his personal consumption ifhe felt so inclined when he woke up.Itwould be even better if the cops picked him up naked and drunk off his ass.Cutting the tape from his wrists, Icollected everything and jogged back tohis car holding the baseball bat.I shouldhave felt some triumph, but the fact thathe had laid a hand on Alex negated it,because it never should have happened.Idrove back in the douchebag-mobile,parking several blocks from Alex sneighborhood.I left her neighbor s carunlocked with the windshield crackedand the spark plugs missing.Jogging back to my car, I gave Finn acookie from the box Alex had brought.Looking down at my busted up knuckles,I laughed.In a few hours, I would be onmy way north with her, and in a twistedfucking way, I owed the naked degenerate I had just left in an empty lot.Without him, I would be alone in beddreaming of Alex, probably onlymoments away from waking up in a coldsweat. Chapter 27AlexWhen the alarm on my phone went offat four, I groaned.I had just looked at theclock, and it had been two-thirty.With ajolt, I sat upright in bed.Ryan! I hadn tslept at all last night because I had beenthinking about him.For a second, Ithought it had all been a dream, but then Irealized that he really was here.Probably outside in his car freezing hisass off and bored.And suddenly I feltlike a complete jerk for texting himyesterday, because nothing hadhappened.Of course not.The fucking neighbor had lied about coming back,and like an idiot, I had believed him.Worse, the only reason he had managedto get into the house yesterday wasbecause my dumb ass had left the slidingdoor unlocked.Jumping out of bed, I reached for theclothes I had set out last night andhurried down the hall to the bathroom.Ibrushed my teeth and jumped into theshower.Then, before headingdownstairs, I sneaked into Stephie sroom and kissed her on the forehead,leaving her a little glass figurine of adolphin that I had gotten during myunsuccessful attempt to get back to thebeach earlier in the week.It had beenexpensive, but I knew she d love it. I had said my goodbyes to everyonealready.Mom and Stephen thought that Iwould be gone with Rachel longbefore they got up.When I gotdownstairs, I left my bags at the frontdoor and went to the kitchen to grab acouple of horrible cereal bars beforetexting Ryan that I was ready.By thetime I put on my jacket and boots andlugged my bags outside, his car was atthe curb.And when I glanced over at theneighbors driveway, the Mustang wasgone.I sniffed.Good.He d probablybeen out partying all night.Pulling the rolling suitcase toward thecurb, I was careful not to trip on thestairs in the dark.A second later, I heardhis car door open, and then Ryan was beside me, taking the suitcase and mybackpack.I followed him to the car andstuck my hand in the open window to petFinn.Then Ryan leaned over and openedthe door for me.I got in, and when he gotto the driver s side, I looked over at himand sighed. Now I feel like a total idiot formaking you come all the way downhere, I muttered. That asshole didn teven come back last night.I m sorry.Did you get any sleep?He shook his head. I had a busy night.I frowned. Playing Angry Birds? I laughed andhanded him a cereal bar. They re gross,but I was going for quick and portable.  I have a better idea.He turned on the radio and started thecar.I smiled at the song playing.GetLucky.Funny, that was how I felt rightnow.Ryan got on the freeway and exiteda couple of ramps later, pulling into theparking lot of an all-night diner [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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