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.The importance of pH really boils down to two things:1.Enzymes.We've already discussed the importance of enzymes.They controlevery single metabolic function in our bodies, and they are integral to our im-mune system.As it says in Anatomy and Physiology by Anthony and Thibo-deau, "Enzymes function optimally at a specific pH and become inactive ifthis deviates beyond narrow limits."2.Oxygen.Every cell in our body requires oxygen for life and to maintain opti-mum health.To put it simply, the more acid the blood, the less oxygen is avail-able for use by the cells.Without going into a discussion of the chemistryinvolved, just understand that it's the same mechanism involved when acid rainCopyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 108 - Cleansing Your Liver and Blood"kills" a lake.The fish literally suffocate to death because the acid in the lake"binds up" all of the available oxygen.It's not that the oxygen has gone any-where; it's just no longer available.Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake,oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life.Incidentally, it's worthnoting that cancer is related to an acid environment (lack of oxygen).The high-er the pH (the more oxygen present in the cells of the body), the harder it is forcancer to thrive.The bottom line is that a balanced pH is vital.An extended pH imbalance of any kindthreatens our well-being threatens, in fact, our very lives.Managing the pH balance of all ofour bodily fluids is so important that our bodies have developed systems to monitor and balanceacid-alkaline levels in every cell and biosystem.What Affects pH in Our BodiesAs I just mentioned, our bodies have developed a system for maintaining pH balance in all ofour body fluids.To understand this system better, we need to take a look at what changes pH(usually making us more acid), and how our bodies respond to that change.When they are metabolized, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats produce various acids inour bodies.Proteins produce sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid.Carbohydrates andfats produce acetic acid and lactic acid.Since these acids are poisonous to the body,they must be eliminated.Unfortunately, they can't be eliminated through the kidneysor large intestine as they would damage these organs.Acid-Forming FoodsAll meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, cooked grains, and refined sugars.(Note:probably at the top of the list in the human diet is soda pop.Not only is it high inrefined sugar, which is highly acid forming in and of itself, but most soda pop con-tains a large amount of phosphoric acid not to mention carbon dioxide (an endproduct of the acid neutralization process).Alkaline-Forming FoodsOnly fresh fruits and vegetables are alkaline-forming and help your body maintaina proper pH.(Note: even though citrus fruits are highly acidic, your body treatsthem as alkaline so that they are highly effective alkalinizers.)Since the body cannot eliminate acids through the kidneys, the way it handles them isto neutralize them with the minerals sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.Ofthese, calcium is the most important.Now, here's the key to the whole deal.Yourbody makes use of a priority system if there are not enough available mineralsto neutralize all of the acids present.Blood is at the top of the pack.Your body will steal minerals from anywhere andeverywhere before it will let your blood go too acidic.Remember, even a slightdeviation in blood pH results in death.Saliva is at the bottom of the pack.Saliva is the first place your body steals miner-als from to balance the blood.That's why pH testing saliva provides an earlyCopyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors - 109 - Cleansing Your Liver and Bloodwarning system for when you are becoming too acidic.At optimum health, yoursaliva will test at 7.45.At 6.5-7.0, you'll find yourself frequently succumbing tocolds and sickness.At 5.5 and lower, you can pretty much count on the factthat major disease has already taken hold.Virtually, all cancer patients teststrongly acidic on a saliva pH test.Unfortunately, your saliva just doesn't contain that big a reserve of minerals soyou soon run out.That places your bones next on the priority list.Surprise, yourbones are your body's prime mineral reserve.That's right, if your diet is too acidforming (too much meat, dairy, carbohydrates, and sugars), your body will beginleaching calcium from your bones to balance the pH and avoid death.In effect,your body says osteoporosis is preferable to death.How Can We Help?Change your diet.Follow the guideline laid out in Chapter 6In addition, there are several special alkalinizing agents available.Your health food store has alkalinizing teas or drops available.There is a machine from Japan that will "micronize" your water.What it actuallydoes is take your tap water and divide it in two.One stream is acidic and can beused for washing and cleaning.The other steam is alkaline and is used for drink-ing.It works really well.Unfortunately, it's really expensive about $1,200.One of the best alternatives is to simply magnetize your water.Applying a mag-netic field to a pitcher of water for a short period of time will make it more alka-line.It also offers the added advantage of lessening the surface tension, whichmakes the water wetter and more usable by the cells of your body [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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