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.military training, church meetings, andinfomercial pitches to the public, to name justThere is certainly no need for you to have thosea few.cumbersome and ridiculous goggles,earphones, or other contraptions, on your headYou can find a variety of good Light-Sound (LS)ever again!devices on the market today.A LS-devicetypically stimulates the brain indirectly withUse archetypal or astrology-based filters, thelight flashes through goggles and sound stimuliRI 2400 CD Radionics Program or the PR 2000(beats) through earphones.These stimuli willCD Power Radionics Program to power up anycause the brain to adjust to the frequency ofactivity you desire !!!the flashes and sounds and consequentlygenerate the corresponding level of awareness.Naturally, any radionics device that you putAll LS-devices have a serious flaw: They dependinto the life force field of an LPOG 2400 DL oron earphones and goggles to be effective.Inany other Welz Chi Generator® will be moreother words: if you want to access a specific leveleffective.It becomes then a Power RadionicsTMof awareness such as charismatic appearance,device that is boosted with life force.calm, or creativity, you need to get the stimulithrough earphones and goggles.Use the Power booster PBT 2400 to double theoutput of the LPOG 2400 DL.It is obvious that you cannot wear these LS-devices when you really need them! Justimagine appearing on a date, an importantThe LPOG 2400 HD = Superbusiness meeting, or a sports event with anHeavy Duty Low Pulse OrgoneLS-contraption on your head! And you cannotdo creative writing, or art, either while usingGenerator®an LS-device on your head.You need to waituntil you can take it off your head, and thenSuper Heavy Duty Top of the Line Welz Chiyour brain waves most certainly will adjust backGenerator®, with Beamer Plate (Well), silverto their usual state.tubing output, and transfer disk, ready to use.That s exactly where an LPOG 2400 DL makesThis powerful Chi Generator® is built like thea big difference! By now it is well-establishedLPOG 2400 DL, and its orgone generator is atthat the technology of the Welz Chileast three times as strong.With an additionalGenerator® is far superior over theinput option for the EPM Exterior Precisionconventional type light-sound mindModule, you can more than double its power.machines.The reasons are obvious: You canset up The Welz Chi Generator® to emit LowSame Low Frequency Options as the DL:Pulse Orgone in the exact frequency of brainTheta 3.5 HZ  for Super Learning, especiallywaves: Alpha, Beta, Theta, or Delta.Whenof Languagesyou are in a field of LPO (Low Pulse Orgone, orTheta 6.3 Hz  for Super Learning and toChi), your brain can adjust to its frequencyBoost Memoryalmost instantly and with ease.This is so,Alpha 7.83 Hz  Earth Resonance! Forbecause the detour over sensory perceptionsInvention, Creativityor questionable electric mini-shocks (as in aAlpha 7.0 Hz  to enhance ESP (Extracouple of more recent devices) is no longerSensory Projection)necessary.Life force in brain wave frequenciesAlpha 10.0 Hz  for Centering Yourself andmeans a more effective impact and thereforeGeneral Purposefaster results.You achieve the correspondingBeta 14.1 Hz  for Efficiency in dailystates of mind almost in an instant !!! Theactivities, and energymost striking advantage of our LPO technology32 Tel.770 924 0223 www.hscti.com - e-mail: sales@hscti.com LESSON IVWhen working with HOE's, it is alsoEQUIVALENT STRUCTURESgood that you come to some understand-ing of the zero point energy.This is theAND ENERGIES OF Arealm of what some metaphysicists callHIGHER ORDER"chaos." The zero is not a nothing but itis a balance of forces that results in zero.In this and the following lessons ISome researchers use the termam going to introduce you to mappings"tachyonic" when they refer to chaos.Ifof the universe that help you establishyou "disturb" that balance then you "cre-useful equivalent structures for any magi-ate" something.The interpretation of sev-cal work that you perform.These map-eral phenomena makes this mapping ofpings relate to actual structures in our uni-chaos a very useful one.verse.When we use the word universewe mean much more than what the aca-Energies of a higher order (HOE's)demic physicist think the universe is.Wehave specific characteristics that pertainmean something that reaches beyond theto what metaphysicists call "higheruniverse of time-space.The universe thatplanes." We can see and measure theirwe talk about includes realm of action ofeffects.Many of these energies have alife energies (hyper spaces), the realmscharacteristic to personify.By this wethat represent specific actions, or trends,mean that these energies can appear toand the realms of creative energies.Inus as persons.This characteristic has tobrief, this universe connects that which isdo with our own structure.Personifica-"material" in the meaning of classicaltion of HOE's, therefore, has a subjectivephysics and that which is "magical." Thevalue that encompasses all of mankind.models that we establish of these realmsBecause of this characteristic to personify,are very flexible.The fact that we canmagicians of old times spoke of spirits,succeed with establishing a near compre-gods, and the like when referring to HOE's.hensive model of these realms for ourThis animistic approach has many advan-purposes does not mean that we wouldtages.Above all you can create mytho-not have an infinite number of other wayslogical systems that talk about interac-to model the same reality, or universe.tion of gods, adventures of god-like he-roes and the like in order to speak of psy-In the previous lessons I have re-chological processes and other things thatferred to energies of a higher orderare abstract.The mapping that follows(HOE's) several times [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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