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.[PAGE 532] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS.Moreover, it has been well said that "the doctor who prescribes for him-self has a fool for a patient," and this applies to diagnosis of one's ownhoroscope with tenfold force, for there we are all biased; either we maketoo light of conditions, or we take them too seriously, particularly if weinvestigate the time and mode of death.We remember a case where an intel-lectual women, principal of a private school in New York, wrote asking foradmission to our correspondence class, "if we thought it worth while, as shewas going to die the first week in March." She gave us all the aspects uponwhich she based her judgment, and as one of the writers had just emergedhale and hearty from similar configurations, she gave the lade in question agood talking to that straightened her out; she told the lady she (thewriter) expected to live to a ripe age.Now that lady is thinking of a use-ful life, she has learned to forget death.Astrology is too sacred to bethus misused.Let the student forget about his own horoscope and devote hisknowledge to helping others; then it will aid him in accumulating treasurein heaven as no other line of spiritual endeavor will.PLANETARY POLARITIESWhen we study magnetism we are dealing with an invisible force; and ordi-narily we can at best state the way it manifests in the physical world, asis the case whenever we deal with any FORCE.The physical world is theworld of effects; the causes are hidden from our sight, though they are[PAGE 533] PLANETARY POLARITIESnearer than hands or feet.Force is all about us, invisible and only seenby the effects it produces.If we take a dish of water, for illustration, and allow it to freeze, weshall see a myriad of ice crystals, beautiful geometrical figures.Theseshow the lines along which the water congealed and these lines are lines offorce which were present before the water congealed; but they were invisibleuntil the proper conditions were furnished them and they became manifest.In the same way there are lines of force going between the two poles of aA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com magnet; they are neither seen nor felt until we bring iron or iron filingsinto the place where they are, when they will manifest by arranging the fil-ings in an orderly pattern.By making the proper conditions we may causeany of the nature forces to show their effects--moving our street cars, car-rying messages with lightning speed over thousands of miles, etc., etc.; butthe FORCE itself is ever invisible.We know that magnetism travels alwaysat right angles to the electric current with which it manifests; we know thedifference between the manifestations of the electric and the magneticcurrent, so dependent upon one another, but we have never seen either;though they are about the most valuable servants we have today.Magnetism may be divided into "mineral" and "animal" magnetism, though inreality they are one, but the former has very little influence upon animal[PAGE 534] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARStissue, while the latter is generally impotent in working with minerals.The mineral magnetism is derived directly from lodestones which are usedto magnetize iron, and this process gives to the metal thus treated theproperty of attracting iron.This kind of magnet is very little used, how-ever, as its magnetism becomes depleted, is too weak in proportion to itsbulk, and principally because the magnetic force cannot be controlled insuch a so-called "permanent" magnet.The "electro-magnet" is also a "mineral" magnet.It is simply a piece ofiron wound around with many turns of electric wire; the strength of the mag-net varies as the number of turns of wire, and the strength of the electriccurrent that is passed through it.Electricity is all about us in a diffused state, of no use for industrialpurposes until it is COMPRESSED and forced through the electric wires by thepowerful ELECTRO-MAGNETS.We must have MAGNETISM in the FIRST place beforewe can get any electricity.Before a new electric generator is started the"fields," which are nothing but electro-magnets, must be magnetized.Ifthat is not done they may turn it till the crack of doom, at any rate ofspeed they please, and it will never light a single lamp nor move a grain ofweight; all depends upon the magnetism being there FIRST.After this magne-tism is once started it will leave a little behind when the generator isshut down, and this so-called "residual magnetism" will be the nucleus of[PAGE 535] PLANETARY POLARITIESforce to be built up each time the generator is started afresh.All bodies of plants, animals and men are but transformed mineral.They have all come from the mineral kingdom in the first place, and chemicalanalysis of the plant, animal and human bodies brings out the fact beyondcavil.Moreover, we know that the plants get their sustenance from the min-eral soil, and both animal and man are eating mineral when they consume theplants as food; even when man eats the animals he is nevertheless eatingmineral compounds, and therefore he gets with his food both the mineral sub-stances and the magnetic force which they contain.This force we see manifesting in "Haemoglobin," or the red coloring mat-ter in the blood, which attracts the life-giving oxygen when it comes into.contact with it in the millions of minute capillaries of the lungs, partingwith it as readily when it passes through the capillaries which all over thebody connect the arteries with the veins.Why is this?To understand this, we must acquaint ourselves a little closer with theway magnetism manifests as seen in industrial uses [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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