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.RonHubbard is the most famous proponent of this idea.Hedeveloped (started on a bet and a flip of a coin) the cult reli-gion Dianetics or, as it s more commonly known,Scientology.Usually the spin-off cult contains a mixture of plunderedreligious material from a number of sources, not necessarilythose with a Christian slant, and is often a hybrid concoc-tion of mumbo jumbo from a variety of diverse credos.Buddhist thought can often be found hand-in-hand withJudaism, Satanism and, on occasions, Freemasonry (as ever).Cults on the whole tend to be more ephemeral thaneither religions or secret societies.There are of courseexceptions to this rule in the form of say Christianity whichstarted off as a cult or Hare Krishna (The InternationalSociety For Krishna Consciousness) which only began inthe 1960s, but has survived well beyond the average lifespanof similar organisations.Again Scientology is anotherexample of a long-lived cult, one beloved of numerous filmstars, which undoubtedly adds to its mystique and itssurvival despite its bogus claims of our alien ancestry.Another example of a long-lived cult would beMormonism or the Church of Latter Day Saints, dreamt upby Joseph Smith in 1830 after his supposed encounter withan angel named Moroni.Cults are always focused around a charismatic and deeplypsychotic leader  for example the  Rev Jim Jones of thePeople s Temple made infamous by the mass suicides inGayana in South America.This cult leader is someone whois troubled mentally, suffering delusions of grandeur born of136 CULTSan unhappy or at the least a troubled childhood (includingbullying, toy burning, bed wetting).That perhaps is toosimplistic a psychological reason as there are undoubtedlynumerous facets that go to make up the mindset of a cultleader.But the evidence tends to favour a fractured anddisjointed upbringing.Charles Manson  one time  mostdangerous man in America  was the son of a teenage pros-titute and spent many years in and out of various correc-tional facilities before starting his notorious activities.De rigueur for the cult is the notion that the charismaticleader has convinced themselves, and of course theirfollowers, that they are the second coming of Christ or inthe case of the Satanic cults, the Devil himself.Throughthem the faithful will be saved while the rest of the ungodlyworld will be cast into Hell or other similar bombastic fireand brimstone infernos.This has obvious parallels with reli-gions and with some secret societies.The cult is formed forthe sole purpose of gratification of the charismatic leaderwho, perhaps lacking attention and love, demands it by forceand manipulation from those he or she dupes into followingthem.In many cases, the cult members are there just to actout the cult leader s paranoid fantasies focused around oneor more of the usual suspects: Jews, One WorldGovernment, Satan, Communists and so on.Parallels existhere with the more extremist conspiracy theorists who seekto lay blame for their own failings in the so-called machi-nations of back room cadres.There is always a strong sexual element in the morecharismatic, often bloodthirsty cults born perhaps of theleader s inability to form anything like a serious relationshipwith anyone in the past.Sometimes the cult leader is just137 HOW TO START YOUR OWN SECRET SOCIETYafter the high life and extorts money from cult members.Heor she is simply out to line his or her pockets to revel ingreat wealth, while their unquestioning subjects drift aboutin sandals and saris believing their leader is all powerful, allknowing and deserving of an opulent lifestyle.There are ofcourse obvious parallels here with the hellfire and damna-tion TV evangelists and preachers prevalent on US televisionor certain Swamis in India and the West Coast of the UnitedStates.Cult members themselves are usually of a surprisinglystable nature, at least at first.It is claimed that they are thevictims of guile, cunning and devious psychological tech-niques [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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