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. Srinagar33 means  Sri-Naga , the  Holy Serpent.Founded in 300 B.C.bythe great Buddhist King Asoka it was therefore in existencewhen Apollonius was in Kashmir.THE NEW YOGA OF AWARENESS is a journey that takes usfrom Apollonius to Abhinava and beyond - taking us back intime, behind the layers of tantric religious symbolism to thelarger historical story of the Nagas.The journey began for mewith countless lucid dreams  experienced long before I hadever heard of Nagas.Dreams of naked yogins; of an openbook with a diagram of two perfectly overlapping circles the Vesica Piscis; of a single star that regularly drew me out ofmy body in the dream state as I gazed on it; of the night skyexploding in vortices of colour as I did so; of a journeybeyond the Earth and a planet I approached; of countlessvarieties of extraordinarily shaped  etheric spacecraftmagically appearing in dream skies.And of The ICHTHEUSSociety  centred in a Masonic lodge or temple in a smallseaside town in England.Walking down a street at night, Idiscover the lodge and enter through its unlocked door only to find its wooden-floored hall almost deserted.I am told by the one  guardian present that it was not yet timefor me to come in, or for the Members of the Society togather in it - for its  Elders needed to meet again in an upperroom and to first continue their work with individual Members.Instantly I intuit the nature of this work and its aims.This was toprepare the bodies of each of the Members to once againbecome vessels in which the free and unbound spirits ofancient serpents could incarnate.At the same time I SEEthese serpents in their ancient and primordial, oceanichabitat, and as  serpents of splendour in the most literalsense - longer and thicker than the longest and thickest ofpythons, radiant with glistening, rainbowed scales sparkling inthe light of the Sun, and all exuberantly revelling in theoceanic spume, twisting and turning, coiling and curvingtogether in joyous freedom of Spirit.APPENDIX 1  BEYOND  OBJECTIVE SCIENCEFrom  The Unknown Reality , Volume 1, by Jane RobertsSo-called objective science gives you a picture, a34 model, that has served well enough in its own fashion,enabling you to travel to the moon, for example, and toadvance in a technology that for a time you set your heartsupon.In the framework of objective science as it now exists,however, even the technology will come up against a stonewall.Even as a means, objective science is only helpful for awhile, because it will constantly run up against deeper innerrealities that are necessarily shunted aside and ignoredsimply because of its method and attitude.No objectivescience or splendid technology alone will keep even oneman or woman alive, for example, if that individual hasdecided to leave the flesh, or finds no joy in daily life.A loving technology, again, would always add to thequalitative and spiritual deepening of experience & The truescientist is not afraid of identifying with the reality he choosesto study.He knows that only then can he dare to begin tounderstand its nature.There are many unofficial scientists,true ones in that regard, unknown in this age.Many are quiteordinary people in exterior terms, with other professions.Yet itis no accident that greater discoveries are often made by amateurs - those who are relatively free from officialdogmas, released from the pressure to get ahead in a givenfield - those whose creativity flows freely and naturally inthose areas of their natural interest.Without an identification with the land, the planet andthe seasons, all of your technology will not help youunderstand the earth, or even use it effectively, much lessfully.Without an identification with the race as a whole, notechnology can save the race.Unless man also identifieshimself with the other kinds of life with which he shares theworld, no technology will ever help him understand hisexperience.I am speaking in very practical terms.Gadgetswill, ultimately, teach you nothing about the dimensions ofyour own consciousness.When you use them (biofeedback,for instance) even to attain alterations of consciousness, youare programming yourselves, stepping apart from yourselves.& gadgets can be useful only if they show you that suchalterations are naturally possible.Otherwise, with your ideas35 of applied science and technology & gadget-producedaltered states will almost certainly be used to manipulate,rather than free, consciousness [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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