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.endp7-68 Chapter 7 GPPtool commands@threadParameters:work_type type: integer {ONCE, MULTIPLE}.process_type type: integer {LONG, FACE}.turning_mode type: integer for LONG: {INTERNAL,EXTERNAL}for FACE: {BACK, FRONT}.is_line type: logical TRUE if geometry is single line.num_points type: integer number of geometry points.first_pos_x, type: numeric coordinate of first point offirst_pos_z geometry.last_pos_x, type: numeric coordinate of last point oflast_pos_z geometry.depth type: numeric full depth of thread.down_step type: numeric down step for threading.down_step_type type: integer Determines whether the threadshould be done in one step or bymulti step {DS_VALUE, DS_LIST}.num_down_steps type: integer Number of down steps (if it is amulti step thread).safety type: numeric distance to keep between geometryand final movement.lead_unit type: integer {MM, PITCH_INCH}.lead type: numeric lead of thread (pick to pick).label type: integer Name (number) of geometry procedures.start_line type: function Block number of geometry subroutine start.end_line type: function Block number of geometry subroutine end.In addition to the above parameters, more parameters may be defined by the user in the[machine.mac] file.These parameters define the 'turn_type' and for each type definesthe parameters required for it.See the example below.7-69 Chapter 7 GPPtool commandsDescription:This command generates a thread cycle block.Examples:@thread ; FANUC (simplified)if work_type eq MULTIPLE thengcode = 76{nb,'G'gcode,'P'no_last_cut, phase,tool_alfa, 'R'last_cut}{nb,'G'gcode, 'X'last_pos_x, 'Z'last_pos_z, 'P'depth}{ 'Q'down_step, 'F'lead}elsegcode = 92{nb, 'G'code, 'X'last_pos_x, 'Z'last_pos_z, 'F'feed}endifendp7-70 Chapter 7 GPPtool commands@tmatrixDescription:@tmatrix contains information about the part home number, angles, shifts andtransformation matrix for multi-sided milling.In this command you can find all theneeded information to develop GPP for the various 4 and 5 axis machines.@tmatrix appears:1) Before: @home_number.2) After: @job_info.Parameters:rotate_angle_x:0.000T rotate_angle_y:90.000T rotate_angle_z:0.000Trotate_angle_x_dir:cw rotate_angle_y_dir:cw rotate_angle_z_dir:cwx_angle_const_z:0.000T y_angle_const_z:90.000T dev_angle_z:0.000Tx_angle_const_z_dir:cw y_angle_const_z_dir:cw dev_angle_z_dir:cwx_angle_const_y:-90.000T z_angle_const_y:-90.000T dev_angle_y:-90.000Tx_angle_const_y_dir:ccw z_angle_const_y_dir:ccw dev_angle_y_dir:ccwy_angle_const_x:-90.000T z_angle_const_x:-180.000T dev_angle_x:-180.000Ty_angle_const_x_dir:ccw z_angle_const_x_dir:ccw dev_angle_x_dir:ccwangle_4x_around_x:0.000T angle_4x_around_y:0.000Tangle_4x_around_x_dir:cw angle_4x_around_y_dir:cwshift_x:120.000T shift_y:0.000T shift_z:-40.000Tpart_home_number:4 tool_z_level:500.000tmatrix_I_1:0.000T tmatrix_I_2:0.000T tmatrix_I_3:-1.000T tmatrix_I_4:-40.000Ttmatrix_I_5:0.000T tmatrix_I_6:1.000T tmatrix_I_7:0.000T tmatrix_I_8:0.000Ttmatrix_I_9:1.000T tmatrix_I_10:0.000T tmatrix_I_11:0.000T tmatrix_I_12:-120.000Ttmatrix_I_13:0.000T tmatrix_I_14:0.000T tmatrix_I_15:0.000T tmatrix_I_16:1.000Tx = cosy*cosz*x - sinz*cosy*y + siny*zy = (-sinx*siny*cosz + cosx*sinz)*x + (sinx*siny*sinz + cosx*cosz)*y - sinx*cosy*zz = (cosx*cosz*siny + sinx*sinz)*x + (-sinz*cosx*siny + sinx*cosz)*y - cosx*cosy*zaround Zx = x*cos(dev_angle) - y*sin(dev_angle)y = x*sin(dev_angle) + y*cos(dev_angle)around Yz = z*cos(dev_angle) - x*sin(dev_angle)x = z*sin(dev_angle) + x*cos(dev_angle)around Xy = y*cos(dev_angle) - z*sin(dev_angle)z = y*sin(dev_angle) + z*cos(dev_angle)7-71 Chapter 7 GPPtool commandsExplanation of @tmatrix variables:> rotate_angle_x:0.000T rotate_angle_y:0.000T rotate_angle_z:0.000T.> rotate_angle_x_dir:cw rotate_angle_y_dir:cw rotate_angle_z_dir:cwUse this set of parameters to get the 3 rotation angles A, B, C that the controller needs for 5-axis machines (deckel with shop mill controller with tilt and rotting table):A = rotate_angle_xB = rotate_angle_yC = rotate_angle_zThe angles are calculated in the following order:1.Rotation around Z.2.Rotation around Y.3.Rotation around X.This is the base information of the rotation and it is the same value you can see in the homedata screen and the rotation angles of the drawing for the relevant part home number.rotate_angle_x_dir = cw / ccwrotate_angle_y_dir = cw / ccwrotate_angle_z_dir = cw / ccwThis defines the shortest rotation direction to the next home (angle).It is needed for OKUMA(M15, M16).> x_angle_const_z:0.000T y_angle_const_z:0.000T dev_angle_z:0.000T.> x_angle_const_z_dir:cw y_angle_const_z_dir:cw dev_angle_z_dir:cwFor 5-axis machines that the controller can get 2 rotation angles A, B:A = x_angle_const_zB = y_angle_const_zThe angles are calculated in the following order:Rotation around Y.Rotation around X.With 2 rotation angles the system can calculate only one position to get the defined plane in thecorrect angles.The position of X-Y in the screen of the system is not the position of the7-72 Chapter 7 GPPtool commandscoordinates X  Y on the machine.This was made in order to transfer the program to differenttype of 5_axis controllers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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